shithub: sox

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ref: edc8e7b1705a08f52dea880c90bbae03fdaae117
parent: 2f0ef325d4588af7a70453547fa6b4d0b703818e
author: robs <robs>
date: Sun Jan 21 04:49:57 EST 2007

Remove sample scripts for things now adequately covered in the manuals

--- a/scripts/fmsim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,0 @@
-# fmsim - simulates FM radio sound (or broadcast signal condition if the
-#   lowp at the end is skipped - not that the pipeline is set up with
-#   US-style 75us preemphasis).
-# Thats signed 32-bit 44100Hz audio from stdin and outputs to stdout.
-../src/sox -V -t raw -r 44100 -s -w -c 2 - -t raw -r 44100 -s -l -c 2 \
-    - vol -3 db filter 8000- 32 100 mcompand ".005,.1 \
-    -47,-40,-34,-34,-17,-33 0 0 0" 100 ".003,.05 \
-    -47,-40,-34,-34,-17,-33 0 0 0" 400 ".000625,.0125 \
-    -47,-40,-34,-34,-15,-33 0 0 0" 1600 ".0001,.025 \
-    -47,-40,-34,-34,-31,-31,-0,-30 0 0 0" 6400 \
-    "0,.025 -38,-31,-28,-28,-0,-25 0 0 0" vol 27 db vol -12 \
-    db highpass 22 highpass 22 filter -17500 256 vol +12 db \
-    vol -3 db lowp 17801
--- a/scripts/soxeffect
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +1,0 @@
-# soxeffect - When this script is run using a name other than
-# soxeffect it will run sox using that name as the effect. It uses
-# stdin/stdout to grab data and output data and so is mainly useful in
-# pipes.
-# Example usage:
-#   ln -s soxeffect lowpass
-#   rec | lowpass | play
-# TODO: It would be nice to be able to modify the output format
-  echo "soxeffect v1.0 - effects front end to Sox"
-  echo ""
-  echo "Usage: [effectname] [ fopts ] [effectopts]"
-  echo
-  echo "When ran as the name of an effect that Sox supports, it will take"
-  echo "audio data from stdin, apply the effect, and write the output back"
-  echo "to stdout.  This means that [ fopts ] need to be given so that"
-  echo "sox will know what format the audio data is in."
-  echo
-  echo "effectname: avg/band/bandpass/bandreject/bass/chorus/compand/copy/cut/deemph/earwax/echo/echos/equalizer/fade/filter/flanger/highp/highpass/lowp/lowpass/map/mask/noiseprof/pan/phaser/pick/pitch/polyphase/rabbit/rate/repeat/resample/reverb/reverse/speed/split/stat/stretch/swap/treble/trim/vibro/vol"
-  echo
-  echo "fopts: -c channels -h -r rate -t type -v volume -s/-u/-U/-A -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D -x"
-  echo ""
-  echo "See sox man page for more info on required effects options."
-case $NAME in
-	*/*)
-		NAME=`echo $NAME | sed "s'^.*/''"`
-	;;
-while [ $# -ne 0 ] # loop over arguments
-do case $1 in
-   -c)
-     shift
-     fopts="$fopts -c $1"
-     ;;
-   -h)
-     help;
-     exit 1;
-     ;;
-   -r)
-     shift
-     fopts="$fopts -r $1"
-     ;;
-   -t)
-     shift
-     fopts="$fopts -t $1"
-     ;;
-   -v)
-     shift
-     volume="-v $1"
-     ;;
-   -*)
-     fopts="$fopts $1"
-     ;;
-   *)
-     effectopts="$@"
-     break;
-     ;;
-   esac
-   shift
-case $NAME in
-	*sox)
-		exec $SOX $*
-	;;
-	*avg|*band|*bandpass|*bandreject|*chorus|*compand|*copy|*cut|*deemph|*earwax|*echo|*echos|*fade|*filter|*flanger|*highp|*highpass|*lowp|*lowpass|*map|*mask|*pan|*phaser|*pick|*pitch|*polyphase|*rate|*resample|*reverb|*reverse|*speed|*split|*stat|*stretch|*swap|*trim|*vibro|*vol)
-		$SOX $volume $fopts - $fopts - $NAME $effectopts
-	;;