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ref: b2e4437d5ba18bd98b5cb5d22c823457c71792c9
parent: fd98870bfff67c050fe4646b9bd03b4fdea698f9
author: Simon Tatham <>
date: Tue Feb 8 17:13:18 EST 2011

Another UI feature for Group: now you can click between two legend
elements to toggle thick lines in the grid. Helps to delineate
subgroups and cosets, so it's easier to remember what you can
legitimately fill in by associativity.

(I should really stop fiddling with this game's UI; it's far too silly.)

[originally from svn r9084]

--- a/unfinished/group.c
+++ b/unfinished/group.c
@@ -87,6 +87,22 @@
     int *pencil;		       /* bitmaps using bits 1<<1..1<<n */
     int completed, cheated;
     digit *sequence;                   /* sequence of group elements shown */
+    /*
+     * This array indicates thick lines separating rows and columns
+     * placed and unplaced manually by the user as a visual aid, e.g.
+     * to delineate a subgroup and its cosets.
+     *
+     * When a line is placed, it's deemed to be between the two
+     * particular group elements that are on either side of it at the
+     * time; dragging those two away from each other automatically
+     * gets rid of the line. Hence, for a given element i, dividers[i]
+     * is either -1 (indicating no divider to the right of i), or some
+     * other element (indicating a divider to the right of i iff that
+     * element is the one right of it). These are eagerly cleared
+     * during drags.
+     */
+    int *dividers;                     /* thick lines between rows/cols */
 static game_params *default_params(void)
@@ -843,8 +859,10 @@
 	state->pencil[i] = 0;
     state->sequence = snewn(w, digit);
+    state->dividers = snewn(w, int);
     for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
 	state->sequence[i] = i;
+	state->dividers[i] = -1;
     desc = spec_to_grid(desc, state->grid, a);
@@ -868,10 +886,12 @@
     ret->immutable = snewn(a, unsigned char);
     ret->pencil = snewn(a, int);
     ret->sequence = snewn(w, digit);
+    ret->dividers = snewn(w, int);
     memcpy(ret->grid, state->grid, a*sizeof(digit));
     memcpy(ret->immutable, state->immutable, a*sizeof(unsigned char));
     memcpy(ret->pencil, state->pencil, a*sizeof(int));
     memcpy(ret->sequence, state->sequence, w*sizeof(digit));
+    memcpy(ret->dividers, state->dividers, w*sizeof(int));
     ret->completed = state->completed;
     ret->cheated = state->cheated;
@@ -992,6 +1012,7 @@
     int drag;                          /* 0=none 1=row 2=col */
     int dragnum;                       /* element being dragged */
     int dragpos;                       /* its current position */
+    int edgepos;
 static game_ui *new_ui(game_state *state)
@@ -1045,6 +1066,10 @@
 #define FLASH_TIME 0.4F
+#define DF_DIVIDER_TOP 0x1000
+#define DF_DIVIDER_BOT 0x2000
+#define DF_DIVIDER_LEFT 0x4000
+#define DF_DIVIDER_RIGHT 0x8000
 #define DF_HIGHLIGHT 0x0400
 #define DF_HIGHLIGHT_PENCIL 0x0200
 #define DF_IMMUTABLE 0x0100
@@ -1190,17 +1215,29 @@
     if (ui->drag) {
         if (IS_MOUSE_DRAG(button)) {
-            int tcoord = (ui->drag == 1 ? ty : tx);
+            int tcoord = ((ui->drag &~ 4) == 1 ? ty : tx);
+            ui->drag |= 4;             /* some movement has happened */
             if (tcoord >= 0 && tcoord < w) {
                 ui->dragpos = tcoord;
                 return "";
         } else if (IS_MOUSE_RELEASE(button)) {
-            ui->drag = 0;              /* end drag */
-            if (state->sequence[ui->dragpos] == ui->dragnum)
-                return "";             /* drag was a no-op overall */
-            sprintf(buf, "D%d,%d", ui->dragnum, ui->dragpos);
-            return dupstr(buf);
+            if (ui->drag & 4) {
+                ui->drag = 0;          /* end drag */
+                if (state->sequence[ui->dragpos] == ui->dragnum)
+                    return "";         /* drag was a no-op overall */
+                sprintf(buf, "D%d,%d", ui->dragnum, ui->dragpos);
+                return dupstr(buf);
+            } else {
+                ui->drag = 0;          /* end 'drag' */
+                if (ui->edgepos > 0 && ui->edgepos < w) {
+                    sprintf(buf, "V%d,%d",
+                            state->sequence[ui->edgepos-1],
+                            state->sequence[ui->edgepos]);
+                    return dupstr(buf);
+                } else
+                    return "";         /* no-op */
+            }
     } else if (IS_MOUSE_DOWN(button)) {
         if (tx >= 0 && tx < w && ty >= 0 && ty < w) {
@@ -1243,11 +1280,13 @@
             ui->drag = 2;
             ui->dragnum = state->sequence[tx];
             ui->dragpos = tx;
+            ui->edgepos = FROMCOORD(x + TILESIZE/2);
             return "";
         } else if (ty >= 0 && ty < w && tx == -1) {
             ui->drag = 1;
             ui->dragnum = state->sequence[ty];
             ui->dragpos = ty;
+            ui->edgepos = FROMCOORD(y + TILESIZE/2);
             return "";
@@ -1369,7 +1408,23 @@
                 ret->sequence[i] = from->sequence[j++];
+        /*
+         * Eliminate any obsoleted dividers.
+         */
+        for (x = 0; x+1 < w; x++) {
+            int i = ret->sequence[x], j = ret->sequence[x+1];
+            if (ret->dividers[i] != j)
+                ret->dividers[i] = -1;
+        }
 	return ret;
+    } else if (move[0] == 'V' &&
+               sscanf(move+1, "%d,%d", &i, &j) == 2) {
+	ret = dup_game(from);
+        if (ret->dividers[i] == j)
+            ret->dividers[i] = -1;
+        else
+            ret->dividers[i] = j;
+	return ret;
     } else
 	return NULL;		       /* couldn't parse move string */
@@ -1490,6 +1545,16 @@
     draw_rect(dr, cx, cy, cw, ch,
+    /* dividers */
+    if (tile & DF_DIVIDER_TOP)
+        draw_rect(dr, cx, cy, cw, 1, COL_GRID);
+    if (tile & DF_DIVIDER_BOT)
+        draw_rect(dr, cx, cy+ch-1, cw, 1, COL_GRID);
+    if (tile & DF_DIVIDER_LEFT)
+        draw_rect(dr, cx, cy, 1, ch, COL_GRID);
+    if (tile & DF_DIVIDER_RIGHT)
+        draw_rect(dr, cx+cw-1, cy, 1, ch, COL_GRID);
     /* pencil-mode highlight */
     if (tile & DF_HIGHLIGHT_PENCIL) {
         int coords[6];
@@ -1699,8 +1764,8 @@
 	    if (state->immutable[sy*w+sx])
 		tile |= DF_IMMUTABLE;
-            if ((ui->drag == 1 && ui->dragnum == sy) ||
-                (ui->drag == 2 && ui->dragnum == sx))
+            if ((ui->drag == 5 && ui->dragnum == sy) ||
+                (ui->drag == 6 && ui->dragnum == sx))
                 tile |= DF_HIGHLIGHT;
 	    else if (ui->hshow && ui->hx == sx && ui->hy == sy)
 		tile |= (ui->hpencil ? DF_HIGHLIGHT_PENCIL : DF_HIGHLIGHT);
@@ -1709,6 +1774,15 @@
                 (flashtime <= FLASH_TIME/3 ||
                  flashtime >= FLASH_TIME*2/3))
                 tile |= DF_HIGHLIGHT;  /* completion flash */
+            if (y <= 0 || state->dividers[ds->sequence[y-1]] == sy)
+                tile |= DF_DIVIDER_TOP;
+            if (y+1 >= w || state->dividers[sy] == ds->sequence[y+1])
+                tile |= DF_DIVIDER_BOT;
+            if (x <= 0 || state->dividers[ds->sequence[x-1]] == sx)
+                tile |= DF_DIVIDER_LEFT;
+            if (x+1 >= w || state->dividers[sx] == ds->sequence[x+1])
+                tile |= DF_DIVIDER_RIGHT;
 	    error = ds->errtmp[sy*w+sx];