shithub: martian9

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ref: a3761f1b564b3a2574fc038a352f332190a78344
parent: 264e6b67b3caa3be6c4a23fca1a81adddc9d2bac
author: smazga <>
date: Wed Aug 19 07:09:01 EDT 2020

more macro stuff...again

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
 module T = Types.Types
 let repl_env = Env.make (Some Core.base)
-let synext_literals = T.String "syntax literals"
-let synext_transformers = T.String "syntax transformers"
 let rec quasiquote ast =
   match ast with
@@ -34,78 +32,28 @@
   | ast -> Types.list [ Types.symbol "quote"; ast ]
-let is_macro_call ast env =
-  match ast with
-  | T.List { T.value = s :: args } ->
-    (match
-       try Env.get env s with
-       | _ -> T.Nil
-     with
-    | T.Macro m ->
-      print_endline "is_macro_call: true";
-      true
-    | T.Proc { T.meta = T.Map { T.value = meta } } ->
-      Types.M9map.mem Core.kw_macro meta
-      && Types.to_bool (Types.M9map.find Core.kw_macro meta)
-    | T.List { T.value = macro } ->
-      (match macro with
-      | kw :: _ -> kw = Types.symbol "syntax-rules"
-      | _ -> false)
-    | _ -> false)
-  | _ -> false
-let eval_macro sym args macro env =
-  (match macro with
-  | _ :: literals :: groups ->
-    let sgroups =
-      Str.global_replace
-        (Str.regexp "(_")
-        ("(" ^ Printer.print sym true)
-        (Printer.dump groups)
-    in
-    print_endline ("BLARGH: " ^ sgroups);
-    print_endline
-      ("TOKENIZED: " ^ String.concat " " (Reader.tokenize ("(" ^ sgroups ^ ")")));
-    let rec handle_groups groups =
-      match groups with
-      | hd :: tl ->
-        print_endline ("  HD: " ^ Printer.print hd true ^ "  tl: " ^ Printer.dump tl);
-        handle_groups tl
-      | _ -> print_endline "<list end>"
-    in
-    handle_groups groups;
-    let list_reader =
-      Reader.read_list ")" { list_form = []; tokens = Reader.tokenize (sgroups ^ ")") }
-    in
-    let slist = Types.list list_reader.list_form in
-    print_endline ("BLAAAARGH: " ^ Printer.print slist true)
-  | _ -> ());
-  let smacro =
-    Str.global_replace
-      (Str.regexp "(_")
-      ("(" ^ Printer.print sym true)
-      (Printer.dump macro)
-  in
-  print_endline
-    ("eval_macro: sym:"
-    ^ Printer.print sym true
-    ^ " args:"
-    ^ Printer.dump args
-    ^ " straight macro: "
-    ^ Printer.dump macro);
-  print_endline ("   subbed macro:" ^ smacro);
-  (* let sub_env = Env.make (Some env) in *)
-  match smacro with
-  | T.List { T.value = transformer } ->
-    print_endline ("   TRANSFORMER: " ^ Printer.dump transformer)
+let eval_macro sym args env meta =
+  match meta with
+  | T.Map { T.value = m } ->
+     (try
+       let literals = Types.M9map.find Types.macro_literals m in
+       let transformers = Types.M9map.find Types.macro_transformers m in
+       print_endline ("--EVAL_MACRO: literals: " ^ Printer.print literals true ^ "   transformers: " ^ Printer.print transformers true);
+       let rec match_transform transforms =
+         (match transforms with
+          | hd :: tl -> print_endline ("__ hd: " ^ Printer.print hd true);
+                        print_endline ("__ arg length: " ^ string_of_int (List.length args));
+                        let foo = T.List hd in
+                        print_endline ("__ transform length: " ^ string_of_int (List.length foo));
+                        match_transform tl
+          | [] -> ())
+       in
+       match_transform (Core.seq transformers)
+     with Not_found -> ())
   | _ -> ()
-let rec macroexpand ast env =
-  if is_macro_call ast env
-  then (
-    print_endline ("  YES!: " ^ Printer.print ast true);
+let rec preparse ast env =
     match ast with
     | T.List { T.value = s :: args } ->
@@ -116,14 +64,9 @@
           print_endline (" THIS IS A MACRO: " ^ Printer.print s true);
           print_endline ("   META: " ^ Printer.print m true);
           print_endline ("   ARGS: " ^ Printer.dump args);
-          ast
-      | T.Proc { T.value = f } -> macroexpand (f args) env
-      | T.List { T.value = macro } ->
-        eval_macro s args macro env;
-        ast
-      | _ -> ast)
-    | _ -> ast)
-  else ast
+          eval_macro s args env m; ast
+       | _ -> ast)
+    | _ -> ast
 let rec eval_ast ast env =
@@ -139,7 +82,7 @@
   | _ -> ast
 and eval ast env =
-  match macroexpand ast env with
+  match preparse ast env with
   | T.List { T.value = [] } -> ast
   (* Can this be replaced with a define-syntax thing? *)
   | T.List
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
       ^ "\""
     else s
   | T.List { T.value = xs } ->
-    "(" ^ String.concat " " ( (fun s -> print s r) xs) ^ ")"
+    "(|" ^ String.concat " " ( (fun s -> print s r) xs) ^ "|)"
   | T.Vector { T.value = v } ->
     "#(" ^ String.concat " " ( (fun s -> print s r) v) ^ ")"
   | T.Record r -> "<record unsupported>"