ref: 708eea7d2978b554421e6f485ce237430cfeed80
dir: /ltp_enc.c/
/* * Long Term Prediction * * Copyright (c) 1999 M. Bakker * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /************************************************************************** Version Control Information Method: CVS Identifiers: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2000/10/06 14:47:27 $ (check in) $Author: menno $ *************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "interface.h" #include "transfo.h" #include "bitstream.h" #include "ltp_enc.h" /* short double_to_int (double sig_in); */ #define double_to_int(sig_in) \ ((sig_in) > 32767 ? 32767 : (\ (sig_in) < -32768 ? -32768 : (\ (sig_in) > 0.0 ? (sig_in)+0.5 : (\ (sig_in) <= 0.0 ? (sig_in)-0.5 : 0)))) void lnqgj (double (*a)[LPC + 1]); void w_quantize (double *freq, int *ltp_idx); /* Purpose: Codebook for LTP weight coefficients. */ double codebook[CODESIZE] = { 0.570829, 0.696616, 0.813004, 0.911304, 0.984900, 1.067894, 1.194601, 1.369533 }; /************************************************************************** Title: snr_pred Purpose: Determines is it feasible to employ long term prediction in the encoder. Usage: y = snr_pred(mdct_in, mdct_pred, sfb_flag, sfb_offset, block_type, side_info, num_of_sfb) Input: mdct_in - spectral coefficients mdct_pred - predicted spectral coefficients sfb_flag - an array of flags indicating whether LTP is switched on (1) /off (0). One bit is reseved for each sfb. sfb_offset - scalefactor boundaries block_type - window sequence type side_info - LTP side information num_of_sfb - number of scalefactor bands Output: y - number of bits saved by using long term prediction References: - Explanation: - Author(s): Juha Ojanpera, Lin Yin *************************************************************************/ double snr_pred (double *mdct_in, double *mdct_pred, int *sfb_flag, int *sfb_offset, enum WINDOW_TYPE block_type, int side_info, int num_of_sfb ) { int i, j, flen; double snr_limit; double num_bit, snr[NSFB_LONG]; double temp1, temp2; double energy[BLOCK_LEN_LONG], snr_p[BLOCK_LEN_LONG]; if (block_type != ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) { flen = BLOCK_LEN_LONG; snr_limit = 1.e-30; } else { flen = BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; snr_limit = 1.e-20; } for (i = 0; i < flen; i++) { energy[i] = mdct_in[i] * mdct_in[i]; snr_p[i] = (mdct_in[i] - mdct_pred[i]) * (mdct_in[i] - mdct_pred[i]); } num_bit = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < num_of_sfb; i++) { temp1 = 0.0; temp2 = 0.0; for (j = sfb_offset[i]; j < sfb_offset[i + 1]; j++) { temp1 += energy[j]; temp2 += snr_p[j]; } if (temp2 < snr_limit) temp2 = snr_limit; if (temp1 > /*1.e-20*/0.0) snr[i] = -10. * log10 (temp2 / temp1); else snr[i] = 0.0; sfb_flag[i] = 1; if (block_type != ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) { if (snr[i] <= 0.0) { sfb_flag[i] = 0; for (j = sfb_offset[i]; j < sfb_offset[i + 1]; j++) mdct_pred[j] = 0.0; } else { num_bit += snr[i] / 6. * (sfb_offset[i + 1] - sfb_offset[i]); } } } if (num_bit < side_info) { num_bit = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < flen; j++) mdct_pred[j] = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < num_of_sfb; i++) sfb_flag[i] = 0; } else num_bit -= side_info; return (num_bit); } /************************************************************************** Title: prediction Purpose: Predicts current frame from the past output samples. Usage: prediction(buffer, predicted_samples, weight, delay, flen) Input: buffer - past reconstructed output samples weight - LTP gain (scaling factor) delay - LTP lag (optimal delay) flen - length of the frame Output: predicted_samples - predicted samples References: - Explanation: - Author(s): Juha Ojanpera, Lin Yin *************************************************************************/ void prediction (short *buffer, double *predicted_samples, double *weight, int delay, int flen ) { int i, j; int offset; for (i = 0; i < flen; i++) { offset = LT_BLEN - flen - delay + i - (LPC - 1) / 2; predicted_samples[i] = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < LPC; j++) predicted_samples[i] += weight[j] * buffer[offset + j]; } } /************************************************************************** Title: estimate_delay Purpose: Estimates optimal delay between current frame and past reconstructed output samples. The lag between 0...DELAY-1 with the maximum correlation becomes the LTP lag (or delay). Usage: y = estimate_delay(sb_samples, x_buffer, flen) Input: sb_samples - current frame x_buffer - past reconstructed output samples flen - length of the frame Output: y - LTP lag References: - Explanation: - Author(s): Juha Ojanpera, Lin Yin *************************************************************************/ int estimate_delay (double *sb_samples, short *x_buffer // ,int flen ) { int i, j; int delay; double corr[DELAY],corrtmp; double p_max, energy; p_max = 0.0; delay = 0; energy = 0.0; corr[0] = 0.0; for (j = 1; j < 2049; j++) { corr[0] += x_buffer[LT_BLEN - j] * sb_samples[2048 - j]; energy += x_buffer[LT_BLEN - j] * x_buffer[LT_BLEN - j]; } corrtmp=corr[0]; if (energy != 0.0) corr[0] = corr[0] / sqrt(energy); else corr[0] = 0.0; if (p_max < corr[0]) { p_max = corr[0]; delay = 0; } /* Used to look like this: for (i = 1; i < DELAY; i+=16) Because the new code by Oxygene2000 is so fast, we can now look for the delay in steps of 1, instead of 16. Thus giving a more accurate delay estimation */ for (i = 1; i < DELAY; i++) { energy -= x_buffer[LT_BLEN - i] * x_buffer[LT_BLEN - i]; energy += x_buffer[LT_BLEN - i - 2048] * x_buffer[LT_BLEN - i - 2048]; //2048=j_max corr[i] = corrtmp; corr[i] -= x_buffer[LT_BLEN - i] * sb_samples[2047]; corr[i] += x_buffer[LT_BLEN - i - 2048] * sb_samples[0]; corrtmp=corr[i]; //flen=2048 // for (j = 1; j < 2049; j++) //2049=flen+1 // { // corr[i] += x_buffer[LT_BLEN - i - j] * sb_samples[2048 - j]; // energy += x_buffer[LT_BLEN - i - j] * x_buffer[LT_BLEN - i - j]; // } if (energy != 0.0) corr[i] = corr[i] / sqrt(energy); else corr[i] = 0.0; if (p_max < corr[i]) { p_max = corr[i]; delay = i; } } // if (delay < (LPC - 1) / 2) // delay = (LPC - 1) / 2; if (delay<0) delay=0; //for LPC=1 /* fprintf(stdout, "delay : %d ... ", delay); */ return delay; } /************************************************************************** Title: pitch Purpose: Calculates LTP gains, quantizes them and finally scales the past output samples (from 'delay' to 'delay'+'flen') to get the predicted frame. Usage: pitch(sb_samples, sb_samples_pred, x_buffer, ltp_coef, delay, flen) Input: sb_samples - current frame x_buffer - past reconstructed output samples delay - LTP lag flen - length of the frame Output: sb_samples_pred - predicted frame ltp_coef - indices of the LTP gains References: 1.) lnqgj 2.) w_quantize 3.) prediction Explanation: - Author(s): Juha Ojanpera, Lin Yin *************************************************************************/ void pitch (double *sb_samples, double *sb_samples_pred, short *x_buffer, int *ltp_coef, int delay, int flen ) { int i, k, j; int offset1, offset2; double weight[LPC]; double r[LPC][LPC + 1]; for (i = 0; i < LPC; i++) for (j = 0; j < LPC; j++) { offset1 = LT_BLEN - flen - delay + i - (LPC - 1) / 2; offset2 = LT_BLEN - flen - delay + j - (LPC - 1) / 2; r[i][j] = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < flen; k++) r[i][j] += x_buffer[offset1 + k] * x_buffer[offset2 + k]; } for (i = 0; i < LPC; i++) r[i][i] = 1.010 * r[i][i]; for (i = 0; i < LPC; i++) { offset1 = LT_BLEN - flen - delay + i - (LPC - 1) / 2; r[i][LPC] = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < flen; k++) r[i][LPC] += x_buffer[offset1 + k] * sb_samples[k]; } for (i = 0; i < LPC; i++) weight[i] = 0.0; if (r[(LPC - 1) / 2][(LPC - 1) / 2] != 0.0) weight[(LPC - 1) / 2] = r[(LPC - 1) / 2][LPC] / r[(LPC - 1) / 2][(LPC - 1) / 2]; lnqgj (r); for (i = 0; i < LPC; i++) weight[i] = r[i][LPC]; /* fprintf(stdout, "unquantized weight : %f ... ", weight[0]); */ w_quantize (weight, ltp_coef); /* fprintf(stdout, "quantized weight : %f\n", weight[0]); */ prediction (x_buffer, sb_samples_pred, weight, delay, flen); } /************************************************************************** Title: lnqgj Purpose: Calculates LTP gains. Usage: lnqgj(a) Input: a - auto-correlation matrix Output: a - LTP gains (in the last column) References: - Explanation: - Author(s): Juha Ojanpera, Lin Yin *************************************************************************/ void lnqgj (double (*a)[LPC + 1]) { int nn, nnpls1, ip, i, j; double p, w; for (nn = 0; nn < LPC; nn++) { p = 0.0; nnpls1 = nn + 1; for (i = nn; i < LPC; i++) if (p - fabs (a[i][nn]) < 0) { p = fabs (a[i][nn]); ip = i; } if (p - 1.e-10 <= 0) return; if (p - 1.e-10 > 0) { for (j = nn; j <= LPC; j++) { w = a[nn][j]; a[nn][j] = a[ip][j]; a[ip][j] = w; } for (j = nnpls1; j <= LPC; j++) a[nn][j] = a[nn][j] / a[nn][nn]; for (i = 0; i < LPC; i++) if ((i - nn) != 0) for (j = nnpls1; j <= LPC; j++) a[i][j] = a[i][j] - a[i][nn] * a[nn][j]; } } } /************************************************************************** Title: w_quantize Purpose: Quantizes LTP gain(s). Usage: w_quantize(freq, ltp_idx) Input: freq - original LTP gain(s) Output: freq - LTP gain(s) selected from the codebook ltp_idx - corresponding indices of the LTP gain(s) References: - Explanation: The closest value from the codebook is selected to be the quantized LTP gain. Author(s): Juha Ojanpera, Lin Yin *************************************************************************/ void w_quantize (double *freq, int *ltp_idx) { int i, j; double dist, low; low = 1.0e+10; for (i = 0; i < LPC; i++) { // dist = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < CODESIZE; j++) { dist = (freq[i] - codebook[j]) * (freq[i] - codebook[j]); if (dist < low) { low = dist; ltp_idx[i] = j; } } } for (j = 0; j < LPC; j++) freq[j] = codebook[ltp_idx[j]]; } /************************************************************************** Title: init_lt_pred Purpose: Initialize the history buffer for long term prediction Usage: init_lt_pred (lt_status) Input: lt_status - buffer: history buffer - pred_mdct: prediction transformed to frequency domain - weight_idx : 3 bit number indicating the LTP coefficient in the codebook - sbk_prediction_used: 1 bit for each subblock indicating wheather LTP is used in that subblock - sfb_prediction_used: 1 bit for each scalefactor band (sfb) where LTP can be used indicating whether LTP is switched on (1) /off (0) in that sfb. - delay: LTP lag - side_info: LTP side information Output: lt_status - buffer: filled with 0 - pred_mdct: filled with 0 - weight_idx : filled with 0 - sbk_prediction_used: filled with 0 - sfb_prediction_used: filled with 0 - delay: filled with 0 - side_info: filled with 1 References: - Explanation: - Author(s): Mikko Suonio *************************************************************************/ void init_lt_pred(LT_PRED_STATUS *lt_status) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LT_BLEN; i++) lt_status->buffer[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++) lt_status->pred_mdct[i] = 0; lt_status->weight_idx = 0; for(i=0; i < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; i++) lt_status->sbk_prediction_used[i] = lt_status->delay[i] = 0; for(i=0; i<MAX_SCFAC_BANDS; i++) lt_status->sfb_prediction_used[i] = 0; lt_status->side_info = LEN_LTP_DATA_PRESENT; } /************************************************************************** Title: ltp_enc Purpose: Performs long term prediction. Usage: ltp_enc(p_spectrum, p_time_signal, win_type, win_shape, sfb_offset, num_of_sfb, lt_status, buffer_update) Input: p_spectrum - spectral coefficients p_time_signal - time domain input samples win_type - window sequence (frame, block) type win_shape - shape of the mdct window sfb_offset - scalefactor band boundaries num_of_sfb - number of scalefactor bands in each block Output: p_spectrum - residual spectrum lt_status - buffer: history buffer - pred_mdct:prediction transformed to frequency domain for subsequent use - weight_idx : 3 bit number indicating the LTP coefficient in the codebook - sbk_prediction_used: 1 bit for each subblock indicating wheather LTP is used in that subblock - sfb_prediction_used: 1 bit for each scalefactor band (sfb) where LTP can be used indicating whether LTP is switched on (1) /off (0) in that sfb. - delay: LTP lag - side_info: LTP side information References: 1.) estimate_delay in pitch.c 2.) pitch in pitch.c 3.) buffer2freq 4.) snr_pred in pitch.c 5.) freq2buffer 6.) double_to_int Explanation: - Author(s): Juha Ojanpera *************************************************************************/ int ltp_enc(double *p_spectrum, double *p_time_signal, enum WINDOW_TYPE win_type, Window_shape win_shape, int *sfb_offset, int num_of_sfb, LT_PRED_STATUS *lt_status) { int i; int last_band; double num_bit[MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS]; double predicted_samples[2 * BLOCK_LEN_LONG]; lt_status->global_pred_flag = 0; lt_status->side_info = 1; switch(win_type) { case ONLY_LONG_WINDOW: case LONG_SHORT_WINDOW: case SHORT_LONG_WINDOW: last_band = (num_of_sfb < MAX_LT_PRED_LONG_SFB) ? num_of_sfb : MAX_LT_PRED_LONG_SFB; // lt_status->delay[0] = estimate_delay (p_time_signal, lt_status->buffer, 2 * BLOCK_LEN_LONG); lt_status->delay[0] = estimate_delay (p_time_signal, lt_status->buffer); // fprintf(stderr, "(LTP) lag : %i ", lt_status->delay[0]); pitch (p_time_signal, predicted_samples, lt_status->buffer, <_status->weight_idx, lt_status->delay[0], 2 * BLOCK_LEN_LONG); /* Transform prediction to frequency domain and save it for subsequent use. */ buffer2freq (predicted_samples, lt_status->pred_mdct, NULL, win_type, WS_SIN, WS_SIN, MNON_OVERLAPPED); lt_status->side_info = LEN_LTP_DATA_PRESENT + last_band + LEN_LTP_LAG + LEN_LTP_COEF; num_bit[0] = snr_pred (p_spectrum, lt_status->pred_mdct, lt_status->sfb_prediction_used, sfb_offset, win_type, lt_status->side_info, last_band); // if (num_bit[0] > 0) { // fprintf(stderr, "(LTP) lag : %i ", lt_status->delay[0]); // fprintf(stderr, " bit gain : %f\n", num_bit[0]); // } lt_status->global_pred_flag = (num_bit[0] == 0.0) ? 0 : 1; if(lt_status->global_pred_flag) for (i = 0; i < sfb_offset[last_band]; i++) p_spectrum[i] -= lt_status->pred_mdct[i]; else lt_status->side_info = 1; break; case ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW: break; } return (lt_status->global_pred_flag); } /************************************************************************** Title: ltp_reconstruct Purpose: Updates LTP history buffer. Usage: ltp_reconstruct(p_spectrum, win_type, win_shape, block_size_long, block_size_medium, block_size_short, sfb_offset, num_of_sfb, lt_status) Input: p_spectrum - reconstructed spectrum win_type - window sequence (frame, block) type win_shape - shape of the mdct window sfb_offset - scalefactor band boundaries num_of_sfb - number of scalefactor bands in each block Output: p_spectrum - reconstructed spectrum lt_status - buffer: history buffer References: 1.) buffer2freq 2.) freq2buffer 3.) double_to_int Explanation: - Author(s): Juha Ojanpera *************************************************************************/ void ltp_reconstruct(double *p_spectrum, enum WINDOW_TYPE win_type, Window_shape win_shape, int *sfb_offset, int num_of_sfb, LT_PRED_STATUS *lt_status) { int i, j, last_band; double predicted_samples[2 * BLOCK_LEN_LONG]; double overlap_buffer[2 * BLOCK_LEN_LONG]; switch(win_type) { case ONLY_LONG_WINDOW: case LONG_SHORT_WINDOW: case SHORT_LONG_WINDOW: last_band = (num_of_sfb < MAX_LT_PRED_LONG_SFB) ? num_of_sfb : MAX_LT_PRED_LONG_SFB; if(lt_status->global_pred_flag) for (i = 0; i < sfb_offset[last_band]; i++) p_spectrum[i] += lt_status->pred_mdct[i]; /* Finally update the time domain history buffer. */ freq2buffer (p_spectrum, predicted_samples, overlap_buffer, win_type, WS_SIN, WS_SIN, MNON_OVERLAPPED); for (i = 0; i < LT_BLEN - BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++) lt_status->buffer[i] = lt_status->buffer[i + BLOCK_LEN_LONG]; j = LT_BLEN - 2 * BLOCK_LEN_LONG; for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN_LONG; i++) { lt_status->buffer[i + j] = (short)double_to_int (predicted_samples[i] + lt_status->buffer[i + j]); lt_status->buffer[LT_BLEN - BLOCK_LEN_LONG + i] = (short)double_to_int (predicted_samples[i + BLOCK_LEN_LONG]); } break; case ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW: #if 0 for (i = 0; i < LT_BLEN - block_size_long; i++) lt_status->buffer[i] = lt_status->buffer[i + block_size_long]; for (i = LT_BLEN - block_size_long; i < LT_BLEN; i++) lt_status->buffer[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < block_size_long; i++) overlap_buffer[i] = 0; /* Finally update the time domain history buffer. */ freq2buffer (p_spectrum, predicted_samples, overlap_buffer, win_type, block_size_long, block_size_medium, block_size_short, win_shape, MNON_OVERLAPPED); for(sw = 0; sw < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; sw++) { i = LT_BLEN - 2 * block_size_long + SHORT_SQ_OFFSET + sw * block_size_short; for (j = 0; j < 2 * block_size_short; j++) lt_status->buffer[i + j] = double_to_int (predicted_samples[sw * block_size_short * 2 + j] + lt_status->buffer[i + j]); } #endif break; } return; } /************************************************************************** Title: ltp_encode Purpose: Writes LTP parameters to the bit stream. Usage: ltp_encode (bs, win_type, num_of_sfb, lt_status) Input: bs - bit stream win_type - window sequence (frame, block) type num_of_sfb - number of scalefactor bands lt_status - side_info: 1, if prediction not used in this frame >1 otherwise - weight_idx : 3 bit number indicating the LTP coefficient in the codebook - sfb_prediction_used: 1 bit for each scalefactor band (sfb) where LTP can be used indicating whether LTP is switched on (1) /off (0) in that sfb. - delay: LTP lag Output: - References: 1.) BsPutBit Explanation: - Author(s): Juha Ojanpera *************************************************************************/ int ltp_encode (BsBitStream *bs, enum WINDOW_TYPE win_type, int num_of_sfb, LT_PRED_STATUS *lt_status, int write_flag) { int i, last_band; // int first_subblock; // int prev_subblock; int bit_count = 0; bit_count += 1; if (lt_status->side_info > 1) { if(write_flag) BsPutBit (bs, 1, 1); /* LTP used */ switch(win_type) { case ONLY_LONG_WINDOW: case LONG_SHORT_WINDOW: case SHORT_LONG_WINDOW: bit_count += LEN_LTP_LAG; bit_count += LEN_LTP_COEF; if(write_flag) { BsPutBit (bs, lt_status->delay[0], LEN_LTP_LAG); BsPutBit (bs, lt_status->weight_idx, LEN_LTP_COEF); } last_band = (num_of_sfb < MAX_LT_PRED_LONG_SFB) ? num_of_sfb : MAX_LT_PRED_LONG_SFB; bit_count += last_band; if(write_flag) { for (i = 0; i < last_band; i++) BsPutBit (bs, lt_status->sfb_prediction_used[i], LEN_LTP_LONG_USED); } break; case ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW: #if 0 for(i=0; i < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; i++) { if(lt_status->sbk_prediction_used[i]) { first_subblock = i; break; } } bit_count += LEN_LTP_LAG; bit_count += LEN_LTP_COEF; if(write_flag) { BsPutBit (bs, lt_status->delay[first_subblock], LEN_LTP_LAG); BsPutBit (bs, lt_status->weight_idx, LEN_LTP_COEF); } prev_subblock = first_subblock; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SHORT_WINDOWS; i++) { bit_count += LEN_LTP_SHORT_USED; if(write_flag) BsPutBit (bs, lt_status->sbk_prediction_used[i], LEN_LTP_SHORT_USED); if(lt_status->sbk_prediction_used[i]) { if(i > first_subblock) { int diff; diff = lt_status->delay[prev_subblock] - lt_status->delay[i]; if(diff) { bit_count += 1; bit_count += LEN_LTP_SHORT_LAG; if(write_flag) { BsPutBit (bs, 1, 1); BsPutBit (bs, diff + LTP_LAG_OFFSET, LEN_LTP_SHORT_LAG); } } else { bit_count += 1; if(write_flag) BsPutBit (bs, 0, 1); } } } } break; #endif default: // CommonExit(1, "ltp_encode : unsupported window sequence %i", win_type); break; } } else if(write_flag) BsPutBit (bs, 0, 1); /* LTP not used */ return (bit_count); }