shithub: 9intro

ref: 2b99422480d596ebc26921c87c6bb81a07949f3e
dir: /idx/see.terms/

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soft constraints	penalty function
[>>> <<<]	error messages
omitted data value	default symbol
data value, omitted	default symbol
["].\|.\|.["], ['].\|.\|.[']	quotes
[..]	arithmetic progression
[=] attribute	defined variables
[.body]	constraint body
built-in function	function
Cartesian product	cross product
conditional expression	logical expression, [if]-[then]-[else]
conditional declaration	[if] indexing expression
[.dat] file	file
[.dual]	dual value
Lagrange multiplier	dual variables
index	dummy index
iterated operator	operator
comparison operators	relational operators
[maximize]	objective declaration
[minimize]	objective declaration
model file	file
[.mod] file	file
price, shadow	dual value
problem	model	%also
[.rc]	reduced cost
data reset	[reset] [data] command
scaling along arc	loss in network flow
scope	dummy index	%also
set of sets	indexed collection
shadow price	dual value
marginal~value	dual value
simplification of expression	presolve	%also
starting guess	initial values of variables
[subject] [to]	constraint declaration
[s.t.]	constraint declaration
symmetric difference	[symdiff]
set difference	[diff], [symdiff]
syntax error	error messages
messages	error messages
space requirement	memory use
viewing data	[display] command
[;]	semicolon statement terminator
array	one-dimensional set, parameter
vector	one-dimensional set, parameter
matrix	two-dimensional set, parameter
command mode	model mode
[>], [>>]	output to file
redirection	output to file
qualified name	[.] suffix
member, dummy	dummy index
membership test	[in], [within]
subset test	[in], [within]
such-that condition	logical condition
set intersection	[inter]
intersection, set	[inter]
slope	piecewise-linear expression
breakpoint	piecewise-linear expression
command	statement	%also
statement	command, declaration	%also
declaration	statement	%also
traffic flow	maximum flow model
flow	network flow
roll trim problem	cutting-stock problem
argument	command-line argument
zero-one programming	integer programming
reading files	[model], [data]
file inclusion	[model], [data]
[include]	[model], [data]	%also
transposition	table transposition