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.B "Index"

, 121,  
386,  152
5c,  85
5l,  85
9P,  54, 140, 295
   file,  297
   implementation,  305
   library,  302
   message handler,  304
   request,  296, 305
   security,  328
   server,  296
\f(CW$#*\fP,  159
\f(CW$*\fP,  159
\f(CW/\fP,  140, 147
   ] command,  166
\f(CW_main\fP,  43
\f(CW5c\fP,  20, 319
\f(CW5l\fP,  20
\f(CW8c\fP,  20
\f(CW8l\fP,  20
   flag \f(CW-o\fP,  20
\f(CW8.out\fP,  20
   partition,  293
\f(CW9fs\fP,  120, 122
   \f(CWrc\fP script,  142, 144
   messages,  296
\f(CW9P2000\fP,  297
\f(CW9PANY\fP,  331
\f(CW9PSK1\fP,  331
\f(CW$\fP address,  173
\f(CW!\fP command,  168
\f(CW&&\fP command,  169
\f(CW||\fP command,  169
\f(CW#/\fP device driver,  147
\f(CW#|\fP device driver,  199
, file descriptor redirection,  88
\f(CW#\fP file names,  147
, making calls,  123
\f(CW--\fP, option,  32
\f(CW*\fP pattern,  64
\f(CW?\fP pattern,  65
, Qid,  298
a process, killing,  45
\f(CWabort\fP,  43
absolute paths,  13
abstract data types,  1
abstraction,  1\(en2
acceleration, hardware,  270\(en271
accept connection,  128
\f(CWaccept\fP,  128
   authorized,  326
   checking for,  59
\f(CWaccess\fP,  59, 82
Access control,  329
   control list,  17
   control lists,  329
   sequential,  52
   time,  315
   time, file,  60
access mode
   \f(CWAEXEC\fP,  59, 82
   \f(CWAEXIST\fP,  59
   \f(CWAREAD\fP,  59
   \f(CWAWRITE\fP,  59
account,  4, 18, 329, 342
   new,  342
   open,  4
   student,  194
\f(CWacid\fP,  42, 45, 240, 323
   command, \f(CWlstk\fP,  43
   command, \f(CWstk\fP,  43
   \f(CWthreads\fP function,  240
ACL,  \f2see\fP access control list
acme commands,  7
\f(CWacme\fP,  6, 144
   pipe command,  101
   plumbing,  113
acquiring window,  274
   key,  336
   partitions,  294
   construction,  124
   EOF,  173
   file,  114
   local,  124
   network,  118, 120\(en121
   pair,  173
   space, virtual,  29
   text,  172
address, \f(CW$\fP,  173
\f(CW/adm/keys\fP,  342
\f(CW/adm/users\fP,  197
\f(CWaecho.c\fP,  33
\f(CWAEXEC\fP access mode,  59, 82
\f(CWAEXIST\fP access mode,  59
\f(CWafd\fP,  329, 335
\f(CWafter.c\fP,  78
agent, authentication,  331
   application,  216, 247
   panels,  215, 247
   cancel,  107
   process,  106
\f(CWalarm\fP,  106
\f(CWalarm.c\fP,  107
allocation, image,  279
\f(CWallocimage\fP,  279
\f(CWAlt\fP,  257
alternate window,  288
alternative channel operation,  257
\f(CWalts\fP,  257
\f(CWamount\fP,  151, 333
\f(CWamount_getkey\fP,  336
\f(CWamount.c\fP,  334
\f(CWaname\fP,  150
and, logical,  169
announce,  126
   port,  126
\f(CWannounce\fP,  126
\f(CWapid\fP,  85, 103
   only,  56
   redirection,  93
application, airport,  216, 247
architecture,  85
   independent,  59
archive,  143, 175
   compressed,  176
   extraction,  176
   file,  65
   tape,  175
\f(CWAREAD\fP access mode,  59
\f(CWARGEND\fP,  33
\f(CWARGF\fP,  33
\f(CWargs\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  167
argument,  10
   command,  9\(en10
   option,  33
   script,  159
   thread,  239
   vector,  80
   program,  31
   script,  87, 167
\f(CWargv\fP,  31, 39, 80
\f(CWargv0\fP,  33, 80
   expression,  86, 161
   language,  162
arm,  20
array initializer,  164
arrow keys,  263
ASCII,  265
\f(CWassert\fP,  90
asynchronous communication,  102, 104
\f(CWatnotify\fP,  104, 259
atomic,  79
   instruction,  207
atomic \f(CWwrite\fP,  79
attach,  297, 308
   specifier,  143, 287
attribute, plumb message,  115
   file,  59
   plumb message,  114
audio CD,  200
\f(CWauth\fP library,  333
\f(CWauth_chuid\fP,  341
\f(CWauth_freeAI\fP,  334
\f(CWauth_login\fP,  341
\f(CWauth_proxy\fP,  333
\f(CWauth9p\fP,  337
\f(CWauthdestroy\fP,  337
authentication,  329, 342
   agent,  331
   domain,  331
   domains,  330
   file,  329, 336
   file descriptor,  151
   handling,  336
   information,  334
   mount,  151
   protocol,  330
   server,  342
   servers,  330
\f(CWAuthInfo\fP,  341
\f(CWAuthinfo\fP,  334
authorization,  327
authorized access,  326
\f(CWauthread\fP,  337
\f(CWauthsrv\fP,  330, 342
\f(CWauthwrite\fP,  337
   layout,  291
   partitioning,  295
\f(CWaux/listen\fP,  131
\f(CWaux/vga\fP,  271
average process,  194
\f(CWAwait\fP,  40
\f(CWawait\fP,  84
AWK,  189
AWK command, \f(CWnext\fP,  195
\f(CWawk\fP flag \f(CW-F\fP,  196
   pattern,  191
   program,  195
   statement,  190
   variables,  190
AWK script, \f(CWlist\fP,  195
\f(CWAWRITE\fP access mode,  59
axis,  280
background,  163
   command,  84, 89
backing store,  277
backslash,  39, 179
backspace,  263
backward-compatibility,  2
   input,  162
   output,  162
\f(CWbc\fP,  162, 171
\f(CWbcp.c\fP,  66
become \f(CWnone\fP,  340
\f(CWbefore.c\fP,  78
\f(CWBEGIN\fP pattern,  193
\f(CWBflush\fP,  69
bidirectional pipe,  96
\f(CW/bin\fP,  38, 151
\f(CWBIN\fP,  321
binary,  85
   file,  20\(en21, 23, 27, 151
\f(CWbind\fP,  142, 144, 150
   flag \f(CW-a\fP,  148
   flag \f(CW-b\fP,  148
   flag \f(CW-c\fP,  150
binding,  142
\f(CWBinit\fP,  70
\f(CWbio\fP,  68
\f(CWBiobuf\fP,  68
   file descriptor,  70
   flushing,  69
   termination,  69
\f(CWbiocat.c\fP,  70
\f(CWbiocp.c\fP,  68
\f(CWbio.h\fP,  68
BIOS,  270
birth, process,  31
\f(CWblack\fP,  273
\f(CWblack.c\fP,  272
   CD,  200
   screen,  271
\f(CWblank\fP,  275
\f(CWBlinelen\fP,  70
block, file,  67
blocked,  41
   process,  97
   state,  207
board, file descriptor,  107
boldface,  210
\f(CW/boot\fP,  328
boot,  107, 131
   program,  132
\f(CWboot\fP,  132, 328
booting,  3, 152, 328
\f(CWBopen\fP,  68
bottom window,  290
boundaries, write,  96, 120
bounded buffer,  225, 231
\f(CWbox.c\fP,  153
branch, multiway,  168
\f(CWBrdline\fP,  70, 247
\f(CWBrdstr\fP,  70, 247
\f(CWBread\fP,  69
broadcast,  247
\f(CWbroke\fP,  95
\f(CWBroken\fP,  95, 192
broken,  41
   pipe,  97
   process, kill,  95
\f(CWbroken\fP,  44
bss segment,  30, 45
\f(CWBterm\fP,  69
buffer,  67
   bounded,  225, 231
   flushing,  71
   shared,  225
buffered I/O,  66, 68, 247
buffering, channel,  244
building things,  318
builtin command,  139
burn, CD,  200
busy waiting,  41, 110, 213
button, mouse,  5
button-1, mouse,  268, 280
button2, mouse,  268
button-3, mouse,  113
\f(CWBwrite\fP,  69
C declaration,  164
\f(CW#c\fP device driver,  152, 262
   language,  19
   library,  60
   program,  19
calculator,  86
   error, system,  35, 59, 81
   receiving,  128
   remote procedure,  23
   system,  22\(en23, 40, 72
calls , making,  123
cancel, alarm,  107
capabilities,  340
capability device,  340
carriage return,  121
carriage-return character,  16
   conversion,  163
   insensitive,  185
\f(CWcase\fP,  168
\f(CWcat\fP,  15, 50, 66, 70
\f(CW$CC\fP,  320
\f(CW#c/cons\fP,  262
\f(CWcd\fP,  13
   audio,  200
   blank,  200
   burn,  200
   copy,  201
   file system,  200
   write,  175
\f(CWcdcopy\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  201
\f(CWcdfs\fP,  200
\f(CWcdtmp\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  86
\f(CWcecho.c\fP,  130
\f(CWChan\fP,  54, 77, 109, 140\(en141, 298
chan, image,  279
\f(CWchancreate\fP,  243
\f(CWCHANEND\fP,  257
\f(CWchanfree\fP,  243
   current directory,  13
   identity,  340\(en341
   permissions,  18
   uid,  341
\f(CWchangeuser\fP,  342
channel,  54, 242, 277
   buffering,  244
   communication,  242
   event,  112
   mouse event,  269
   operation, alternative,  257
   operation, simultaneous,  257
   unbuffered,  245
   \f(CWprint\fP,  257
   \f(CWWaitmsg\fP,  258
\f(CWchanprint\fP,  257
\f(CWCHANRCV\fP,  257
\f(CWCHANSEND\fP,  257
   carriage-return,  16
   control,  16
   echo,  264
   escape,  10, 39, 179
   line-feed,  16
   new-line,  16
   range,  178
   range pattern,  65
   set,  178
\f(CWchartorune\fP,  266
\f(CWchatty9p\fP,  305
\f(CWchdir\fP,  36
check, permission,  329
   for access,  59
   program,  323
\f(CWchgrp\fP,  62
\f(CWchgrp.c\fP,  63
   dissociated,  139
   process,  72, 76\(en77, 86, 134, 138
   process, independent,  139
   process, pipe to,  98
   process, wait for,  99
\f(CWchild.c\fP,  76
children, wait for,  82
\f(CWchmod\fP,  18, 56, 60
   flag \f(CW+a\fP,  56
click,  280
   to type,  8
client,  126, 296
   connection,  129
   uid,  335
clients,  3
clip,  274
clone, fid,  311
\f(CWclone\fP file,  119
close, connection,  130
\f(CWclose\fP,  51, 66, 100
closed pipe,  98
\f(CWclosedisplay\fP,  272
\f(CWclosekeyboard\fP,  285
\f(CWclosemouse\fP,  270, 276
\f(CWcmp\fP,  102, 186
\f(CWcnt.c\fP,  211
   generation,  164
   unicode,  266
collection, garbage,  309
color,  279
combining commands,  158
command,  3, 23, 38, 72, 158
   argument,  9\(en10
   background,  84, 89
   builtin,  139
   compound,  10, 94, 163, 177
   conditional,  166
   diagnostic,  11
   execution, remote,  132
   flag,  9
   interpreter,  23
   invocation syntax,  35
   line,  4, 23, 37, 85, 88, 101, 169, 172
   option,  9
   substitution,  101, 166
   typing a,  9
   \f(CW!\fP,  168
   \f(CW&&\fP,  169
   \f(CW||\fP,  169
   \f(CW \fP,  166
   \f(CWacme\fP pipe,  101
   \f(CWcpu\fP,  132
   \f(CWfile\fP,  168
   \f(CWfor\fP,  164
   \f(CWif\fP,  166
   \f(CWlisten\fP,  131
   \f(CWlstk\fP \f(CWacid\fP,  43
   \f(CWplumb\fP,  114
   \f(CWread\fP,  85
   \f(CWrfork\fP,  139, 161
   \f(CWstk\fP \f(CWacid\fP,  43
   \f(CWtime\fP,  172
   \f(CWwindow\fP,  152
   acme,  7
   combining,  158
   executing,  5
commands, \f(CWrio\fP,  5
   character, shell,  20
   ignore,  195
   shell,  86
   asynchronous,  102, 104
   channel,  242
   multiway,  251
   process,  95, 242
   synchronous,  102
comparation, file,  186
   file,  102
   operator,  166
compilation, kernel,  170
compiler,  20, 27
   flags,  20
   regular expression,  181
compose,  263
compound command,  10, 94, 163, 177
compound \f(CWsed\fP command,  174
compressed archive,  176
   laptop,  326
   network,  118
computing, distributed,  131, 154
   distributive,  160
   list,  159
   operator,  159
   processes,  27
   programming,  79, 204
   server,  129
   updates,  207
condition,  168
   race,  79, 204
   variables,  225
   command,  166
   construct,  168
   execution,  166
   pipe,  169
conditionals, \f(CWrc\fP,  168
connection,  119
   accept,  128
   client,  129
   close,  130
   draw,  271
   hangup,  120
   information, network,  124
   network,  118\(en119, 123, 140
   server,  122
connection \f(CWctl\fP file,  124
\f(CWconninfo.c\fP,  125
console,  50, 103, 287
   device,  152, 262
   echo,  264
   fossil,  107
   multiplexing,  287
   read,  263
   reader,  216
   virtual,  265
   write,  263
construct, conditional,  168
construction, address,  124
content, file,  15
contention, lock,  221
context,  40
   match,  180
   switch,  40, 207, 235, 237
context \f(CWdiff\fP,  187
   Access,  329
   character,  16
   flow,  134\(en135, 235
   flow of,  40
   list, access,  17
   lists, access,  329
control-d,  50, 89
control-u,  263
conventions, Qid,  309
   case,  163
   rune,  267
cooked mode,  263
   mouse,  268
   translation,  274
coordinates, window,  273
   CD,  201
   directory,  175
   file,  11, 66
   image,  274
\f(CWcopy\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  138
count, word,  88, 94
   program,  27
   shared,  204, 235
counting, reference,  309
\f(CWcp\fP,  11, 15, 66
\f(CWcpu\fP,  154
   command,  132
   server,  154, 340
   servers,  131
   time,  111
   type,  152
\f(CWcpu\fP variable,  132
\f(CW$cputype\fP,  152
\f(CWcreate\fP,  57, 91, 93, 109, 299
\f(CWcreate.c\fP,  58
   directory,  58, 300
   file,  57, 67
   network port,  126
   pipe,  100
   process,  72\(en73, 134, 248
   window,  287
critical region,  208, 210
\f(CWcron\fP,  340
cross-compiler,  20
\f(CWcsquery\fP,  122
\f(CWctl\fP,  45
   file,  271
   file, connection,  124
   file, network,  119
   file, process,  45
   directory,  13, 26, 51
   directory, change,  13
   directory, print,  13
   window,  290
\f(CW#d\fP device driver,  152
\f(CWd2h\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  163
data,  15
   meaning of,  17
   processing,  194
   processing,  158
   segment,  30, 45
   types, abstract,  1
   user,  311
\f(CWdata\fP file,  271
   network,  119
\f(CW#|/data1\fP,  199
database, network,  122
datagram,  119
\f(CWdate\fP,  8\(en9, 88
\f(CWdd\fP,  66
deadlock,  101, 232
death, process,  31
debug protection,  332
debugger,  42, 240
debugging,  36, 38, 42, 158, 322
   file server,  305
   remote,  155
   thread,  240
declaration, C,  164
\f(CWdecref\fP,  310
definition, function,  183
\f(CWDel\fP,  7
\f(CWDelete\fP,  5, 105, 136, 263, 288
delete text,  173
deleting partitions,  294
deletion, file,  58
delimiter, field,  196
delimiters, message,  96, 120
delivering, message,  113
demand paging,  30
dependencies, file,  318
DES,  343
description, disk,  292
   authentication file,  151
   board, file,  107
   duplicate file,  90
   file,  48, 51, 77, 89
   group, file,  135
   image,  279
   post, file,  108, 140
   process group, file,  134
   redirection , file,  88
   table, file,  48, 134
descriptor, \f(CWBiobuf\fP file,  70
\f(CWdestroyfid\fP,  312, 337
\f(CW/dev\fP,  154, 262
\f(CW/dev/cons\fP,  50, 92, 262, 287
\f(CW/dev/consctl\fP,  287
\f(CW/dev/cursor\fP,  287
\f(CW/dev/draw\fP,  154, 271
\f(CW/dev/drivers\fP,  147
\f(CW/dev/hostdomain\fP,  330
\f(CW/dev/hostowner\fP,  327
device,  93
   capability,  340
   console,  152, 262
   draw,  271
   driver,  24, 147
   driver, storage,  156
   hardware,  24
   mouse,  267
   network,  118
   path,  147
   pipe,  199
   root,  147
   storage,  292
   to device,  66
   vga,  270
device driver
   \f(CW#/\fP,  147
   \f(CW#|\fP,  199
   \f(CW#c\fP,  152, 262
   \f(CW#d\fP,  152
   \f(CW#e\fP,  45, 147
   \f(CW#i\fP,  271
   \f(CW#m\fP,  267
   \f(CW#p\fP,  44, 142, 148
   \f(CW#S\fP,  156, 292
   \f(CW#s\fP,  107
   \f(CW#v\fP,  270
devices, graphic,  270
\f(CW/dev/kmesg\fP,  263
\f(CW/dev/kprint\fP,  263
\f(CW/dev/label\fP,  272, 289
\f(CW/dev/mouse\fP,  154, 267, 287
\f(CW/dev/mousectl\fP,  267
\f(CW/dev/null\fP,  85, 152, 166
\f(CW/dev/screen\fP,  46
\f(CW/dev/sysname\fP,  327
/dev/text,  289
\f(CW/dev/text\fP,  46
\f(CW/dev/time\fP,  44, 60, 152
\f(CW/dev/user\fP,  328
\f(CW/dev/window\fP,  46
\f(CW/dev/winid\fP,  289
\f(CW/dev/winname\fP,  274, 289
\f(CW/dev/wsys\fP,  289
\f(CW/dev/zero\fP,  67
diagnostic,  92
   command,  11
diagnostics, script,  186
\f(CWdial\fP,  124
dialing,  123
\f(CWdiehard\fP,  76
\f(CWdiff\fP,  186
   context,  187
   flag \f(CW-n\fP,  187
differences, file,  186
\f(CWDir\fP,  60\(en61, 298
directory,  4, 12
   change current,  13
   copy,  175
   creation,  58, 300
   current,  13, 26, 51
   dot,  13
   dot-dot,  13
   empty,  59
   entry,  59, 298
   home,  4, 13, 37, 152
   line,  119, 127, 271
   list,  63
   permissions,  18
   print current,  13
   read,  61
   reads,  315
   root,  13, 134
   working,  134
\f(CWdirfstat\fP,  61
\f(CWdirfwstat\fP,  63
\f(CWdirgen\fP,  315
\f(CWdirread\fP,  61
\f(CWdirread9p\fP,  315
\f(CWdirstat\fP,  60, 62, 298
\f(CWdirwstat\fP,  62
discard, output,  94
discipline, line,  263
disk,  292
   description,  292
   file,  292
   initialization,  295
   local,  295
   partitioning,  295
   space,  56
   storage,  292
   usage,  175, 182
\f(CWDisplay\fP,  272, 279
display, file,  15
\f(CWdisplay\fP,  272
dissociated child,  139
   computing,  131, 154
   system,  118
distributive concatenation,  160
DMA,  292
\f(CWdma\fP,  292
DMA, setting up,  292
\f(CWDMDIR\fP,  58, 300
DNS,  121
\f(CWdoctype\fP,  322
document viewer,  114
domain, authentication,  331
domains, authentication,  330
dot directory,  13
dot-dot directory,  13
down,  308
\f(CWdown\fP,  230
   connection,  271
   device,  271
   operation flush,  274
   string,  285
\f(CWdraw\fP,  273
   functions,  285
   graphics,  273
   slider,  278
   text,  285
drive unit,  293
   device,  24, 147
   storage device,  156
   \f(CW#/\fP device,  147
   \f(CW#c\fP device,  152, 262
   \f(CW#d\fP device,  152
   \f(CW#e\fP device,  45, 147
   \f(CW#i\fP device,  271
   \f(CW#m\fP device,  267
   \f(CW#p\fP device,  44, 142, 148
   \f(CW#S\fP device,  156, 292
   \f(CW#v\fP device,  270
dst,  114
\f(CWdu\fP,  175, 182
   file,  65
   file hexadecimal,  15
   file system,  143
   message,  338
   stack,  212
   thread stack,  242
\f(CWdup\fP,  90\(en91, 108
   in \f(CWrc\fP,  93
duplicate file descriptor,  90
duplicates, remove,  183
\f(CWDx\fP,  280
\f(CWDy\fP,  280
\f(CWDYellow\fP,  279
\f(CW#e\fP device driver,  45, 147
\f(CWEARGF\fP,  34
   character,  264
   console,  264
   server,  108
   server, network,  129
   service, TCP,  131
\f(CWecho\fP,  31, 64
   flag \f(CW-n\fP,  31
\f(CWecho.c\fP,  31, 39
\f(CWedata\fP,  29
\f(CWedit\fP plumb port,  113
editing,  5
   text,  171
editor, stream,  172
\f(CWedits.c\fP,  115
efficiency,  110, 172
elapsed time,  67
element, picture,  268
emalloc9p,  309
   directory,  59
   list,  161
encrypt,  343
end of
   file,  16, 97
   line,  178
   pipe,  199
   text,  178
\f(CWend\fP,  29
\f(CWEND\fP pattern,  193
entering the system,  2
   directory,  59, 298
   point, program,  31
\f(CW/env\fP,  138
   file system,  45
\f(CWenv.c\fP,  39
   group,  138
   process,  72
   process group,  134
   variable,  44\(en45, 64, 81, 134, 138, 158
Environment variables,  134
environment variables,  37
EOF,  16
   address,  173
epoch,  44
erealloc9p,  309
\f(CWerr.c\fP,  36
\f(CWerrfun\fP,  272
error,  41
   redirection, standard,  166
   standard,  49\(en50, 92
   string,  36, 59, 83
   system call,  35, 59, 81
\f(CW+Errors\fP,  \f2see\fP acme
\f(CWEscape\fP,  263
   character,  10, 39, 179
   key,  263
\f(CWetext\fP,  29
\f(CWether0\fP,  118
ethernet,  118
\f(CWetticker.c\fP,  255
event,  110, 112
   channel,  112
   channel, mouse,  269
   mouse,  267
   processing, mouse,  276
   resize,  275\(en276
everything is a file,  44
evil,  326
exception,  41, 104
exclusion, mutual,  209\(en210, 231
exclusive open,  267
\f(CWexec\fP,  72, 80\(en81
   header,  85
\f(CWexecl\fP,  72, 80, 90, 100
\f(CWexecl.c\fP,  80
executable,  85
   file,  18
executing commands,  5
   conditional,  166
   independent,  26, 75
   parallel,  26
   process,  205
   program,  24, 72, 80, 258
   pseudo-parallel,  27
   remote,  154
   remote command,  132
\f(CWExit\fP,  7
exit status,  35, 38, 42, 82, 166
\f(CWexits\fP,  21, 35, 73, 82, 218, 236
expansion, variable,  64
export, file system,  155
\f(CWexportfs\fP,  155
   arithmetic,  86, 161
   compiler, regular,  181
   inner,  179
   regular,  114, 178
extraction, archive,  176
\f(CWfaces\fP,  110
\f(CWfactotum\fP,  331, 343
fault,  42
\f(CWfauth\fP,  329
\f(CWFcall\fP,  306
\f(CWfd\fP file, process,  51
\f(CW/fd\fP file system,  89, 152
\f(CWfdisk\fP,  294
\f(CWfhello.c\fP,  53
\f(CWFid\fP,  307
   clone,  311
   new,  299
fids,  297
field delimiter,  196
fields, line,  190
file,  7, 44
   9P,  297
   access time,  60
   address,  114
   archive,  65
   attributes,  59
   authentication,  329, 336
   binary,  20\(en21, 23, 27, 151
   block,  67
   comparation,  186
   compare,  102
   content,  15
   copy,  11, 66
   creation,  57, 67
   deletion,  58
   dependencies,  318
   descriptor,  48, 51, 77, 89
   descriptor, authentication,  151
   descriptor board,  107
   descriptor, duplicate,  90
   descriptor group,  135
   descriptor post,  108, 140, 296
   descriptor process group,  134
   descriptor redirection ,  88
   descriptor table,  48, 134
   differences,  186
   disk,  292
   display,  15
   dump,  65
   executable,  18
   font,  286
   group,  60
   head,  172
   here,  102
   hexadecimal dump,  15
   identifier,  297
   include,  173
   interface,  44, 158
   length,  60
   list,  63
   mode,  60
   modification time,  60
   mounted,  141
   move,  14
   name,  12, 50, 60, 64, 134, 139
   name patterns,  64
   object,  21
   offset,  52, 54
   owner,  60
   ownership,  17
   permissions,  17
   Qid,  298
   read, robust,  105
   remove,  11, 312
   rename,  14, 174
   searching,  64
   server,  3, 22, 54, 107, 109, 140, 199, 292
   server debugging,  305
   server mount,  298
   server program,  143, 292
   server root directory,  297
   size,  10
   system,  147, 199
   system, CD,  200
   system dump,  143
   system export,  155
   system mount,  140
   system protocol,  140, 295
   system, ram,  201
   system, remote,  154
   system, semaphore,  301
   system snapshot,  143
   system, terminal,  154
   temporary,  189
   tree,  12, 134, 139\(en140
   version,  298
   who last modified,  14
   with holes,  56
   \f(CWclone\fP,  119
   \f(CWctl\fP,  271
   \f(CWdata\fP,  271
   descriptor, \f(CWBiobuf\fP,  70
   \f(CWlocal\fP,  120
   names, \f(CW#\fP,  147
   \f(CWnamespace\fP,  180
   network \f(CWdata\fP,  119
   \f(CWpatterns\fP,  185
   process \f(CWctl\fP,  45
   process \f(CWfd\fP,  51
   process \f(CWmem\fP,  45
   process \f(CWnote\fP,  103, 105
   process \f(CWnotepg\fP,  103, 105
   process \f(CWns\fP,  142
   \f(CWremote\fP,  120
   \f(CWrpc\fP,  332
   system, \f(CW/env\fP,  45
   system, \f(CW/fd\fP,  89, 152
   system, \f(CW/mnt/plumb\fP,  113
   system, \f(CW/net\fP,  118
   system, \f(CW/proc\fP,  44, 103, 142
   system, \f(CWrio\fP,  153, 287
   system, \f(CW/srv\fP,  107
   command,  168
   \f(CWrc\fP script,  168
   header,  20
   move,  175
   temporary,  40
   text,  158
   using,  9
\f(CWfill.c\fP,  97
firewall,  156
flag, command,  9
   \f(CW-a\fP, \f(CWbind\fP,  148
   \f(CW+a\fP, \f(CWchmod\fP,  56
   \f(CW-b\fP, \f(CWbind\fP,  148
   \f(CW-c\fP, \f(CWbind\fP,  150
   \f(CW-c\fP, \f(CWrc\fP,  100
   \f(CW-d\fP, \f(CWls\fP,  14
   \f(CW-d\fP, \f(CWtest\fP,  169
   \f(CW-d\fP, \f(CWtr\fP,  164
   \f(CW-e\fP, \f(CWgrep\fP,  185
   \f(CW-e\fP, \f(CWsed\fP,  172
   \f(CW-e\fP, \f(CWtest\fP,  169
   \f(CW-F\fP, \f(CWawk\fP,  196
   \f(CW-f\fP, \f(CWgrep\fP,  185
   \f(CW-f\fP, \f(CWrm\fP,  12
   \f(CW-i\fP, \f(CWgrep\fP,  185
   \f(CW-l\fP, \f(CWls\fP,  28
   \f(CW-m\fP, \f(CWls\fP,  14
   \f(CW-n\fP, \f(CWdiff\fP,  187
   \f(CW-n\fP, \f(CWecho\fP,  31
   \f(CW-n\fP, \f(CWgrep\fP,  185
   \f(CW-n\fP, \f(CWnetstat\fP,  122
   \f(CW-n\fP, \f(CWnm\fP,  29
   \f(CW-n\fP, \f(CWsed\fP,  173
   \f(CW-n\fP, \f(CWsort\fP,  182
   \f(CW-o\fP, \f(CW8l\fP,  20
   \f(CW-older\fP, \f(CWtest\fP,  170
   \f(CW-r\fP, \f(CWrm\fP,  59
   \f(CW-r\fP, \f(CWsort\fP,  182
   \f(CW-r\fP, \f(CWtelnet\fP,  121
   \f(CW-s\fP, \f(CWgrep\fP,  197
   \f(CW-s\fP, \f(CWls\fP,  10
   \f(CW-u\fP, \f(CWsort\fP,  184
   \f(CW-w\fP, \f(CWwc\fP,  94
flags,  10
   compiler,  20
   control,  134\(en135, 235
   of control,  26, 40
flush, draw operation,  274
flushimage,  274
flushing, buffer,  71
flushing, \f(CWBiobuf\fP,  69
\f(CWfmtinstall\fP,  270
\f(CWfn\fP,  183
focus,  103
   input,  290
\f(CW$font\fP,  286
\f(CWFont\fP,  286
font,  272, 286
   file,  286
\f(CWfor\fP command,  164
fork, resource,  134
\f(CWfork\fP,  72\(en73, 75, 77, 81, 100, 134, 139
   return value,  72
   install,  270
   network,  59, 61
format, \f(CWP\fP,  270
formatted,  295
   output,  48
fossil console,  107
\f(CWfossil\fP,  107, 143, 196, 295
\f(CWfree\fP,  61
\f(CWfreenetconninfo\fP,  125
frozen process,  101
\f(CWfs\fP partition,  293
\f(CWfstat\fP,  61
full-duplex,  96
   definition,  183
   library,  22
   shell,  183
function, \f(CWacid\fP \f(CWthreads\fP,  240
functions, drawing,  285
\f(CWfwstat\fP,  63
garbage collection,  309
generation, code,  164
\f(CWGet\fP,  7
\f(CWget\fP,  226
\f(CWgetenv\fP,  39, 46, 134, 159
\f(CWgetnetconninfo\fP,  124
\f(CWgetpid\fP,  40
\f(CWgetuser\fP,  153
\f(CWgetwindow\fP,  274, 289
\f(CWgid\fP,  60
   substitution,  174
   variable,  28, 204
\f(CWglobal.c\fP,  28
globbing,  64, 168, 178
God,  92
good luck,  207, 343
   devices,  270
   slider,  274
graphics,  272
   drawing,  273
   initialization,  272
   mode,  270
greek letter,  266
\f(CWgrep\fP,  94, 142, 158, 178
   flag \f(CW-e\fP,  185
   flag \f(CW-f\fP,  185
   flag \f(CW-i\fP,  185
   flag \f(CW-n\fP,  185
   flag \f(CW-s\fP,  197
   silent,  197
group,  17
   environment,  138
   environment process,  134
   file,  60
   file descriptor,  135
   file descriptor process,  134
   id,  60
   note,  134, 136
   note process,  134
   process,  37, 102\(en103
   rendezvous,  134\(en135
\f(CWgzip\fP,  176
\f(CWh2d\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  164
handler, note,  104\(en105
handling authentication,  336
hangup, connection,  120
\f(CWhangup\fP note,  103, 189, 198
hardware,  24
   acceleration,  270\(en271
   device,  24
   interrupt,  24
head, file,  172
header files,  20
header, \f(CWexec\fP,  85
height, rectangle,  280
\f(CWhello\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  85
help,  8
here file,  102
hexadecimal,  162
   dump, file,  15
\f(CWHFILES\fP,  321
\f(CWHide\fP,  5
hide, window,  290
\f(CWhoc\fP,  86
   option \f(CW-e\fP,  162
hold mode,  263
holes, file with,  56
\f(CW$home\fP,  81, 152
home directory,  4, 13, 37, 152
\f(CWhostdomain\fP,  330
\f(CWhostowner\fP,  330
HTTP,  120
\f(CW#i\fP device driver,  271
   group,  60
   modification user,  60
   process,  39
   thread,  238
   user,  60
Identification,  327
identifier,  180
   file,  297
   thread,  238
   unique,  298
identity,  329
   change,  340\(en341
   command,  166
   \f(CWnot\fP,  166
\f(CWifcall\fP,  306
ignore comment,  195
\f(CWImage\fP,  273
image,  272
   allocation,  279
   chan,  279
   copy,  274
   descriptor,  279
   memory,  28
   replicated,  279
   screen,  46
   window,  46
implementation, 9P,  305
implicit rule,  321
import,  154
in octal, permissions,  19
   pipes, \f(CWrc\fP,  95
   \f(CWrc\fP, \f(CWdup\fP,  93
include file,  173
includes, standard,  20
\f(CWincref\fP,  310
indent, text,  180
   architecture,  59
   child process,  139
   execution,  26, 75
indexing, list,  159
   authentication,  334
   network connection,  124
inheritance,  92
\f(CWinit\fP,  152
\f(CWinitdraw\fP,  272
   disk,  295
   graphics,  272
   keyboard,  281
   mouse,  269
initializer, array,  164
\f(CWinitkeyboard\fP,  281
\f(CWinitmouse\fP,  269
inner expression,  179
   and output redirection,  93
   base,  162
   focus,  290
   keyboard,  281
   mouse,  267
   record,  195
   redirection,  89
   standard,  49\(en50, 89\(en90
\f(CWinquiry\fP,  292
insensitive, case,  185
install, format,  270
install, \f(CWmk\fP,  322
installation, stand-alone,  295
   atomic,  207
   order,  208
instruction, \f(CWtas\fP,  210
integrity,  326
Intel,  20
interface, file,  44, 158
interleaving,  205
   probe,  167
   protocol,  118
interpreted program,  85
interpreter,  85
   command,  23
interrupt,  102, 207
   hardware,  24
   process,  103
   program,  265
   software,  23
\f(CWinterrupt\fP note,  103, 105, 136, 189, 198, 288
\f(CWintfork.c\fP,  75
into, logging,  4
invocation syntax, command,  35
I/O,  48
   buffered,  66, 68, 247
   redirection,  88
   thread,  247
   user,  262
IP,  118
\f(CWip/ping\fP,  123, 167
\f(CWiredir.c\fP,  90
is a file, everything,  44
Ken Thompson,  20, 265
kernel,  1, 23, 40, 140, 235, 328
   compilation,  170
key,  342
   adding,  336
   escape,  263
   reading,  336
\f(CWkey\fP,  331
keyboard,  266
   initialization,  281
   input,  281
   library,  281
\f(CWKeyboardctl\fP,  281
\f(CWkeyboardthread\fP,  284
\f(CWkeyfs\fP,  342
keys,  331
   arrow,  263
\f(CWkfs\fP,  295
   broken process,  95
   process,  104
\f(CWkill\fP,  45, 192
killing a process,  45
label, window,  272, 289
   arithmetic,  162
   C,  19
   programming,  158
laptop computer,  326
   automatic,  291
   screen,  291
\f(CWlc\fP,  \f2see\fP \f(CWls\fP
\f(CWlc\fP,  63
\f(CW$LD\fP,  320
leak, memory,  323
\f(CWleak\fP,  323
least privilege principle,  339
leaving the system,  5
   file,  60
   line,  70
   variable,  159
letter, greek,  266
\f(CWlib9p\fP,  302
   memory allocation,  309
\f(CWlibc.h\fP,  20, 60
\f(CW/lib/namespace\fP,  153, 180, 339
\f(CW/lib/ndb/auth\fP,  340
libraries,  1
library,  20, 118
   9P,  302
   C,  60
   function,  22
   keyboard,  281
   mouse,  268
   thread,  235
   \f(CWauth\fP,  333
   \f(CWplumb\fP,  114
   \f(CWwindow\fP,  289
   command,  4, 23, 37, 85, 88, 101, 169, 172
   directory,  119, 127, 271
   discipline,  263
   end of,  178
   fields,  190
   length,  70
   new,  53
   number,  185
   read,  70
   start of,  178
line-feed character,  16
   print,  173
   unique,  183
linker,  27
   access control,  17
   concatenation,  159
   directory,  63
   empty,  161
   file,  63
   indexing,  159
   null,  161
   process,  88
\f(CWlist\fP AWK script,  195
\f(CWlist2grades\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  198
\f(CWlist2usr\fP,  196
listen,  129
\f(CWlisten\fP,  127, 129
   command,  131
\f(CWlisten1\fP,  132
\f(CWlisten.c\fP,  127
lists, access control,  329
lists, \f(CWrc\fP,  158
   machine,  88
   system,  111
loaded program,  27
loader,  20, 29
   program,  28
   on demand,  30
   program,  72
\f(CWLocal\fP,  144
   address,  124
   disk,  295
   storage,  326
\f(CWlocal\fP file,  120
\f(CWlocaltime\fP,  255
\f(CWLock\fP,  209
lock,  207, 209
   contention,  221
   queueing,  214
   resource,  209
   spin,  213
\f(CWlock\fP,  209
\f(CWlock.c\fP,  209
locks, read/write,  219
logging into,  4
   and,  169
   or,  169
login,  4
\f(CWlogin\fP,  341
loging out,  4\(en5
logout,  4\(en5
\f(CWlookman\fP,  9, 161
loop, server,  304
loop, \f(CWrc\fP,  164
\f(CWlp\fP,  46
\f(CWlr\fP,  183
\f(CWlrusers\fP,  184
\f(CWls\fP,  9, 60, 63
   flag \f(CW-d\fP,  14
   flag \f(CW-l\fP,  28
   flag \f(CW-m\fP,  14
   flag \f(CW-s\fP,  10
\f(CWlsdot.c\fP,  62
\f(CWlstk\fP \f(CWacid\fP command,  43
luck, good,  207
\f(CW#m\fP device driver,  267
   load,  88
   owner,  327
   services,  131
   stand-alone,  326
   start script,  132
   virtual,  2
machines,  326
\f(CWMAFTER\fP mount flag,  150
magic,  2
mail,  118
   server,  132
\f(CWmail\fP,  98, 110, 170
\f(CWmain\fP,  31, 43, 72
\f(CWmain/active\fP,  143
\f(CWmake\fP,  318
making calls ,  123
malicious person,  326
\f(CWmalloc\fP,  30, 60, 323
\f(CWman\fP,  8
manager, resource,  2
manual,  8
   page,  114
   search,  161
\f(CWmask\fP,  273\(en274
   context,  180
   string,  166, 168
   sub-expression,  179
\f(CWmatch.c\fP,  181
matching,  64
   text,  178
maximum,  193
\f(CWMBEFORE\fP mount flag,  150
\f(CWMCREATE\fP mount flag,  150
   of, data,  17
   of program,  205
measurement, performance,  172
\f(CWmem\fP file, process,  45
   image,  28
   leak,  323
   private,  332
   process,  40, 74
   segment,  30, 42, 45
   segment, virtual,  134
   shared,  204, 304
   usage,  193
   virtual,  29\(en30, 40
memory allocation, \f(CWlib9p\fP,  309
menu, \f(CWrio\fP,  5, 290
   attribute, plumb,  115
   attributes, plumb,  114
   delimiters,  96, 120
   delivering,  113
   dump,  338
   handler, 9P,  304
   plumb,  113
   reader,  216
   receive, plumb,  115
   size,  297
   tag,  297
   type,  296
messages, \f(CW9P\fP,  296
metadata,  59
meta-protocol,  335
meta-rule,  321
\f(CWmk\fP,  318
   install,  322
   predefined variables,  320
   rules,  318
   targets,  318
   variables,  319
\f(CWmkdir\fP,  14
\f(CWmkfile\fP,  318, 323
\f(CWmkone\fP,  321
\f(CW/mnt/plumb\fP file system,  113
\f(CW/mnt/sem\fP,  302
\f(CW/mnt/term\fP,  154
\f(CW/mnt/wsys\fP,  288
   cooked,  263
   file,  60
   graphics,  270
   hold,  263
   octal,  19
   open,  50
   privileged,  2, 23
   raw,  263
   scroll,  290
   text,  270
mode, \f(CWAEXEC\fP access,  82
   time,  315
   time, file,  60
   user id,  60
\f(CW$monitor\fP,  271
monitor,  225, 270
   authentication,  151
   file server,  298
   file system,  140
   point,  141, 147, 149
   specifier,  143, 150
   table,  140\(en141
   union,  148
mount flag
   \f(CWMAFTER\fP,  150
   \f(CWMBEFORE\fP,  150
   \f(CWMCREATE\fP,  150
   \f(CWMREPL\fP,  150
\f(CWmount\fP,  140, 150, 329
mounted file,  141
\f(CWMouse\fP,  269
   button,  5
   button-1,  268, 280
   button2,  268
   button-3,  113
   coordinate,  268
   device,  267
   event,  267
   event channel,  269
   event processing,  276
   initialization,  269
   input,  267
   library,  268
   position,  268
\f(CWMousectl\fP,  269
\f(CWmousethread\fP,  276
\f(CWMove\fP,  5
   file,  14
   files,  175
\f(CWMREPL\fP mount flag,  150
MS Word viewer,  114
\f(CWmtime\fP,  60
MT-Safe,  258
multiple reader,  219
   console,  287
   resource,  2
multiprogramming,  41
   branch,  168
   communication,  251
mutex,  231, 316
mutual exclusion,  209\(en210, 231
\f(CWmv\fP,  14
   file,  12, 50, 60, 64, 134, 139
   patterns, file,  64
   process,  39
   program,  80
   resolution,  139\(en140
   service,  140
   service,  120\(en121, 126
   space,  134, 139\(en140, 150
   space, new,  151
   space, standard,  153
   system,  38, 152
   thread,  238
   translation,  121
   user,  4, 38, 152, 328
   window,  274
names, \f(CW#\fP file,  147
namespace, new,  339
\f(CWnamespace\fP file,  180
ndata,  114
\f(CWndb\fP,  122
\f(CWndb/cs\fP,  122
\f(CWndb/csquery\fP,  122
\f(CW/n/dump\fP,  65
negation,  168
\f(CW/net\fP file system,  118
\f(CWNetConnInfo\fP,  125
\f(CWnetecho.c\fP,  129
\f(CW/net/ipifc\fP,  118
\f(CWnetmkaddr\fP,  124
\f(CWnetstat\fP,  122, 127
   flag \f(CW-n\fP,  122
   address,  118, 120\(en121
   computer,  118
   connection,  118\(en119, 123, 140
   connection information,  124
   database,  122
   device,  118
   echo server,  129
   format,  59, 61
   port,  118
   port creation,  126
   protocol,  121
   services,  118, 131
   status,  122
   \f(CWctl\fP file,  119
   \f(CWdata\fP file,  119
\f(CWNew\fP,  5
   account,  342
   fid,  299
   line,  53
   name space,  151
   namespace,  339
   process,  135
   user,  329, 342
   window,  5, 288
newline,  263
new-line character,  16
\f(CWnewns\fP,  151, 339
\f(CWnewuser\fP,  5
\f(CWnext\fP AWK command,  195
\f(CWnm\fP,  21
   flag \f(CW-n\fP,  29
no attach,  153
\f(CWnone\fP,  339
   become,  340
non-linear pipe,  102, 184
\f(CWnoswap\fP,  332
\f(CWnot\fP, \f(CWif\fP,  166
   group,  134, 136
   handler,  104\(en105
   handler, shell,  189
   post,  103
   process group,  134
   handler, \f(CWrc\fP,  198
   \f(CWhangup\fP,  103, 189, 198
   \f(CWinterrupt\fP,  103, 105, 136, 189, 198, 288
\f(CWnote\fP file, process,  103, 105
\f(CWnotepg\fP file, process,  103, 105
\f(CWnoterfork.c\fP,  137
notes,  102, 259
\f(CW/NOTICE\fP,  53
\f(CWnread.c\fP,  57
\f(CWns\fP,  143
   file, process,  142
   list,  161
   pointer,  45
   variable,  161
   line,  185
   port,  119, 121
   version,  216
NVRAM,  342
nvram,  342
\f(CWnwname\fP,  299
\f(CW$O\fP,  320
object file,  21
\f(CW$objtype\fP,  321
   mode,  19
   permissions,  60
   control, flow,  40
   file, end,  16, 97
   identity, proof,  329
\f(CWofcall\fP,  306
offset,  15, 52
   file,  52, 54
   shared,  79
\f(CWOFILES\fP,  321
   demand, loading,  30
   single sign,  343
\f(CWonefork.c\fP,  73
only, append,  56
   account,  4
   exclusive,  267
   mode,  50
   plumb port,  115
   flag, \f(CWORCLOSE\fP,  105
   mode, \f(CWOREAD\fP,  51
   mode, \f(CWOTRUNC\fP,  55
   mode, \f(CWOWRITE\fP,  51, 54
\f(CWopen\fP,  50, 53, 57, 66, 139
\f(CWopenfont\fP,  286
operating system,  1
   alternative channel,  257
   permitted,  329
   simultaneous channel,  257
   compare,  166
   concatenation,  159
option,  10
   argument,  33
   command,  9
   \f(CW--\fP,  32
   \f(CW-e\fP, \f(CWhoc\fP,  162
optional string,  178
or, logical,  169
\f(CWORCLOSE\fP open flag,  105
order, instruction,  208
\f(CWOREAD\fP open mode,  51
origin, screen,  274
\f(CWOTRUNC\fP open mode,  55
out, loging,  4\(en5
   base,  162
   discard,  94
   formatted,  48
   redirection,  88
   redirection, standard,  92
   standard,  49\(en50
   verbose,  176
overlap, window,  290
   file,  60
   machine,  327
ownership, file,  17
\f(CWOWRITE\fP open mode,  51, 54
\f(CW#p\fP device driver,  44, 142, 148
\f(CWP\fP format,  270
page, manual,  114
\f(CWpage\fP,  114, 323
paging, demand,  30
pair, address,  173
panel process,  216
panels, airport,  215, 247
parallel,  27
   execution,  26
parent process,  72, 77, 134
parsing,  170
partition,  292
   \f(CW9fat\fP,  293
   \f(CWfs\fP,  293
   \f(CWplan9\fP,  293
   automatic,  295
   disk,  295
partitions,  293
   adding,  294
   deleting,  294
\f(CWpasswd\fP,  342
password,  326, 331
\f(CW$path\fP,  38
path,  12, 50, 134, 139
   device,  147
   relative,  31
\f(CWpath\fP,  46
   Qid,  298
   variable,  151
   absolute,  13
   relative,  13
pattern,  169
   AWK,  191
   character range,  65
   \f(CW*\fP,  64
   \f(CW?\fP,  65
   \f(CWBEGIN\fP,  193
   \f(CWEND\fP,  193
patterns, file name,  64
\f(CWpatterns\fP file,  185
\f(CWpc.c\fP,  229
performance,  67
   measurement,  172
permission check,  329
permissions,  60
   change,  18
   directory,  18
   file,  17
   in octal,  19
   octal,  60
permitted operation,  329
person, malicious,  326
\f(CWPfmt\fP,  270
picture element,  268
\f(CW$pid\fP,  39, 51
\f(CWPID\fP,  238
pid,  39
   shell,  39
   window,  288
\f(CWpid.c\fP,  40
Pike, Rob,  6, 265
\f(CWping\fP,  123, 167
ping-pong,  244
pipe,  94, 96, 102, 109, 113, 119, 163, 226
   bidirectional,  96
   broken,  97
   closed,  98
   conditional,  169
   creation,  100
   device,  199
   end of,  199
   non-linear,  102, 184
   to child process,  98
pipe command, \f(CWacme\fP,  101
\f(CWpipe\fP,  96
\f(CWpipe.c\fP,  96
\f(CWpipeto\fP,  100
\f(CWpipeto.c\fP,  98
pixel,  268
\f(CWplan9\fP partition,  293
   message,  113
   message attribute,  115
   message attributes,  114
   message receive,  115
   port open,  115
plumb port, \f(CWedit\fP,  113
\f(CWplumb\fP,  116
   command,  114
   library,  114
\f(CWPlumbattr\fP,  115
plumber port,  113
   \f(CWrules\fP,  113
   \f(CWsend\fP,  113
\f(CWplumber\fP,  113, 146
plumbing,  113, 146
plumbing, \f(CWacme\fP,  113
\f(CWplumbing\fP,  113, 146
\f(CWPlumbmsg\fP,  115
\f(CWplumbopen\fP,  115
\f(CWplumbrecv\fP,  115
\f(CWplumbsend\fP,  116
\f(CWplumbsendtext\fP,  116
\f(CWPoint\fP,  269
   mount,  141, 147, 149
   program entry,  31
   to type,  8
pointer, null,  45
\f(CWpollb.c\fP,  111
\f(CWpoll.c\fP,  111
polling,  110, 112, 223
\f(CWpong.c\fP,  245
port,  113
   announce,  126
   creation, network,  126
   network,  118
   number,  119, 121
   plumber,  113
position, mouse,  268
   file descriptor,  108, 140, 296
   note,  103
\f(CWpostmountsrv\fP,  303
PostScript viewer,  114
practice, programming,  36
\f(CWpragma\fP,  20
\f(CWPread\fP,  40
predefined variables, \f(CWmk\fP,  320
preemptive scheduling,  41
\f(CWprep\fP,  294
\f(CW$prereq\fP,  320
principle, least privilege,  339
   current directory,  13
   lines,  173
\f(CWprint\fP,  21, 36
   channel,  257
privacy,  17
private memory,  332
privilege principle, least,  339
privileged mode,  2, 23
probe, internet,  167
\f(CW/proc\fP file system,  44, 103, 142
\f(CWproccreate\fP,  248
procedure call, remote,  23
process,  26, 40, 44, 72, 235
   alarm,  106
   average,  194
   birth,  31
   blocked,  97
   child,  72, 76\(en77, 86, 134, 138
   communication,  95, 242
   creation,  72\(en73, 134, 248
   death,  31
   environment,  72
   execution,  205
   frozen,  101
   group,  37, 102\(en103
   group, environment,  134
   group, file descriptor,  134
   group, note,  134
   id,  39
   independent child,  139
   interrupt,  103
   kill,  104
   kill broken,  95
   list,  88
   memory,  40, 74
   name,  39
   new,  135
   panel,  216
   parent,  72, 77, 134
   resource,  134
   runaway,  76
   server,  303, 326
   stack,  212, 236
   state,  39\(en40, 111
   structure,  250
   synchronization,  218
   termination,  35, 73, 139, 218
   time,  83
   \f(CWctl\fP file,  45
   \f(CWfd\fP file,  51
   \f(CWmem\fP file,  45
   \f(CWnote\fP file,  103, 105
   \f(CWnotepg\fP file,  103, 105
   \f(CWns\fP file,  142
processes, concurrent,  27
   data,  158
   data,  194
   mouse event,  276
   read,  313
   stat,  316
   walk,  317
   write,  314
\f(CWprocexec\fP,  258
\f(CWprocexecl\fP,  258
producer/consumer,  225, 232
profile,  132
\f(CWprofile\fP,  5, 113
   arguments,  31
   AWK,  195
   boot,  132
   C,  19
   checking,  323
   counter,  27
   entry point,  31
   execution,  24, 72, 80, 258
   file server,  143, 292
   interpreted,  85
   interrupt,  265
   loaded,  27
   loader,  28
   loading,  72
   meaning of,  205
   name,  80
   running,  26
   shell,  158
   source,  42
   symbols,  21
   termination,  230, 248
   text,  21
   concurrent,  79, 204
   language,  158
   practice,  36
prompt,  3
proof of identity,  329
protection, debug,  332
protocol,  118
   authentication,  330
   file system,  140, 295
   internet,  118
   network,  121
   telnet,  121
   transport,  119
providing services,  126
\f(CWps\fP,  40, 45, 88, 95
pseudo-parallel execution,  27
\f(CWPt\fP,  279
\f(CWPut\fP,  7
\f(CWput\fP,  226
\f(CWputenv\fP,  39
\f(CWpwd\fP,  13, 37
\f(CWPwrite\fP,  97
PXE,  3
\f(CWqcnt.c\fP,  215
QID,  60
   ,  298
   conventions,  309
   file,  298
   \f(CWpath\fP,  298
   \f(CWtype\fP,  298
qids,  298
\f(CWQLock\fP,  214, 219
\f(CWqlock\fP,  214, 219, 226
\f(CWQTAPPEND\fP,  298
\f(CWQTAUTH\fP,  336
\f(CWQTDIR\fP,  298, 311
\f(CWQTEXCL\fP,  298
quantum,  40
queue,  310
queueing lock,  214
\f(CWqunlock\fP,  214
quoting,  38, 65, 162
\f(CWr\fP,  36
\f(CWrabbits.c\fP,  77
race condition,  79, 204
ram file system,  201
\f(CWramfs\fP,  201, 296
   character,  178
   pattern, character,  65
\f(CWRattach\fP,  297
\f(CWRauth\fP,  329
raw mode,  263
\f(CWraw.c\fP,  264
\f(CWrawoff\fP,  263
\f(CWrawon\fP,  263, 281
\f(CWrc\fP,  4
   conditionals,  168
   flag \f(CW-c\fP,  100
   in pipes,  95
   lists,  158
   loop,  164
   note handler,  198
   script,  161
   script, \f(CW9fs\fP,  142, 144
   script, \f(CWargs\fP,  167
   script, \f(CWcdcopy\fP,  201
   script, \f(CWcopy\fP,  138
   script, \f(CWd2h\fP,  163
   script, \f(CWfile\fP,  168
   script, \f(CWh2d\fP,  164
   script, \f(CWlist2grades\fP,  198
   script, \f(CWwhen\fP,  170\(en171
   using,  158
\f(CW/rc/bin/service\fP,  131
\f(CWrcecho\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  87
\f(CWrcinr.c\fP,  208
\f(CWRclunk\fP,  299
   console,  263
   directory,  61
   line,  70
   processing,  313
   robust file,  105
   simultaneous,  262
   string,  70
\f(CWread\fP,  49\(en50, 66, 68\(en69, 105
   command,  85
\f(CWreadbuf\fP,  313
\f(CWread.c\fP,  49\(en50
   console,  216
   message,  216
   multiple,  219
reading, key,  336
\f(CWreadn\fP,  105
reads, directory,  315
\f(CWreadstr\fP,  313
read/write locks,  219
\f(CWReady\fP,  111, 235
ready,  41
receive, plumb message,  115
receiving, call,  128
   input,  195
   skip,  195
\f(CWRect\fP,  279
\f(CWRectangle\fP,  273
   height,  280
   width,  280
rectangle, \f(CWscreen\fP,  273
\f(CWrecv\fP,  242, 269
\f(CWrecvp\fP,  247
\f(CWrecvul\fP,  247
   file descriptor,  88
   append,  93
   input,  89
   input and output,  93
   I/O,  88
   output,  88
   standard error,  166
   standard output,  92
\f(CWRef\fP,  310
reference counting,  309
\f(CWRefnone\fP,  277
\f(CWregcomp\fP,  181
\f(CWregexp\fP,  181
region, critical,  208, 210
registers,  75
registry,  107
regression testing,  323
regular expression,  114, 178
   compiler,  181
   path,  31
   paths,  13
relying,  333
   command execution,  132
   debugging,  155
   execution,  154
   file system,  154
   procedure call,  23
\f(CWremote\fP file,  120
   duplicates,  183
   file,  11, 312
\f(CWremove\fP,  58
rename, file,  14, 174
\f(CWRendez\fP,  223, 226
\f(CWrendez.c\fP,  222
rendezvous,  246
   group,  134\(en135
   tag,  221
\f(CWrendezvous\fP,  134, 221
\f(CWrepl\fP,  279
replace string,  172
replicated image,  279
representation, text,  265
\f(CWReprog\fP,  181
\f(CWReq\fP,  305
request, 9P,  296, 305
\f(CWRerror\fP,  297
\f(CWrerrstr\fP,  36
\f(CWResize\fP,  5
   event,  275\(en276
   window,  274\(en275, 291
\f(CWresize.c\fP,  276
\f(CWresizethread\fP,  276
   name,  139\(en140
   screen,  271
   fork,  134
   lock,  209
   manager,  2
   multiplexing,  2
   process,  134
   shared,  78\(en79
   sharing,  86, 134, 138
\f(CWrespond\fP,  306
Return,  4
return, carriage,  121
return value, \f(CWfork\fP,  72
reverse sort,  192
\f(CWRFENVG\fP \f(CWrfork\fP flag,  138
\f(CWRFFDG\fP \f(CWrfork\fP flag,  135
\f(CWRFMEM\fP \f(CWrfork\fP flag,  204
\f(CWRFNOMNT\fP \f(CWrfork\fP flag,  153, 340
\f(CWRFNOTEG\fP \f(CWrfork\fP flag,  136
\f(CWRFNOWAIT\fP \f(CWrfork\fP flag,  139
\f(CWrfork\fP,  134, 145, 204, 212, 248
   command,  139, 161
   flag, \f(CWRFENVG\fP,  138
   flag, \f(CWRFFDG\fP,  135
   flag, \f(CWRFMEM\fP,  204
   flag, \f(CWRFNOMNT\fP,  153, 340
   flag, \f(CWRFNOTEG\fP,  136
   flag, \f(CWRFNOWAIT\fP,  139
   flag, \f(CWRFPROC\fP,  135
\f(CWrforkls.c\fP,  135
\f(CWRFPROC\fP \f(CWrfork\fP flag,  135
\f(CWRFREND\fP,  249
\f(CWrincr.c\fP,  204
\f(CWrio\fP,  5, 37, 46, 262, 287
   commands,  5
   file system,  153, 287
   menu,  5, 290
RJ45,  118
\f(CWrlock\fP,  219
\f(CWrm\fP,  11, 14, 58, 65
   flag \f(CW-f\fP,  12
   flag \f(CW-r\fP,  59
\f(CWrm.c\fP,  58
Rob Pike,  6, 265
robust file read,  105
\f(CWrobustreadn\fP,  106
role,  335
ROM,  270
\f(CW/root\fP,  152
   device,  147
   directory,  13, 134
   directory, file server,  297
\f(CWRopen\fP,  299
round trip time,  123
\f(CWrpc\fP file,  332
\f(CWRpt\fP,  279
\f(CWrsleep\fP,  223
RTT,  123
rule, implicit,  321
rules, \f(CWmk\fP,  318
\f(CWrules\fP, plumber,  113
runaway process,  76
\f(CWRune\fP,  266
rune,  15, 265
   conversion,  267
\f(CWrune.c\fP,  266
\f(CWrunetochar\fP,  266
\f(CWrunlock\fP,  219
\f(CWrunls.c\fP,  72
\f(CWRunning\fP,  111
running,  41
   program,  26
\f(CWRversion\fP,  297
\f(CWrwakeup\fP,  223
\f(CWrwakeupall\fP,  223
\f(CWRwalk\fP,  299
\f(CWRwrite\fP,  299
\f(CWrx\fP,  132
\f(CW#S\fP device driver,  156, 292
\f(CW#s\fP device driver,  107
sandbox,  153
sandboxing,  152, 339
scheduler,  41
scheduling,  39, 41, 205, 235
   preemptive,  41
screen,  268, 272
   blank,  271
   image,  46
   layout,  291
   origin,  274
   resolution,  271
   size,  268, 291
\f(CWscreen\fP,  272, 289
   rectangle,  273
script,  85
   argument,  159
   arguments,  87, 167
   diagnostics,  186
   machine start,  132
   shell,  85, 87, 138, 161
script, \f(CWrc\fP,  161
scroll mode,  290
\f(CWsdC0\fP,  156
   manual,  161
   text,  114, 178
   word,  94
searching,  182
   file,  64
secret,  342
   shared,  329
\f(CWsecstore\fP,  343
   server,  336
   store,  343
   system,  326
security,  326
   9P,  328
\f(CWsed\fP,  172, 178
   command, compound,  174
   flag \f(CW-e\fP,  172
   flag \f(CW-n\fP,  173
\f(CWseek\fP,  52, 55\(en56, 293
\f(CWseekhello.c\fP,  56
   bss,  30, 45
   data,  30, 45
   memory,  30, 42, 45
   stack,  30, 45
   text,  30, 45
   virtual memory,  134
\f(CWSem\fP,  308
semaphore,  230, 301
   file system,  301
   tickets,  230
   value,  230
\f(CWsemfs\fP,  301
\f(CWsend\fP,  242
   plumber,  113
\f(CWsendp\fP,  247
\f(CWsendul\fP,  247
\f(CWseq\fP,  101, 165, 193
sequences,  165
   access,  52
   server,  129
server,  126, 296
   9P,  296
   authentication,  342
   concurrent,  129
   connection,  122
   CPU,  154, 340
   echo,  108
   file,  3, 22, 54, 107, 109, 140, 199, 292
   loop,  304
   mail,  132
   network echo,  129
   process,  303, 326
   program, file,  143
   secure,  336
   sequential,  129
   threaded,  129
   uid,  335
   authentication,  330
   CPU,  131
service,  120
   name,  120\(en121, 126
   name,  140
   TCP echo,  131
\f(CWservice\fP,  132
   machine,  131
   network,  118, 131
   providing,  126
set, character,  178
setting up DMA,  292
   buffer,  225
   counter,  204, 235
   memory,  204, 304
   offset,  79
   resource,  78\(en79
   secret,  329
sharing, resource,  86, 134, 138
shell,  4, 23
   comment,  86
   comment character,  20
   function,  183
   note handler,  189
   pid,  39
   program,  158
   script,  85, 87, 138, 161
   variable,  64, 158
\f(CWsic.c\fP,  35
\f(CWsig\fP,  9, 48
\f(CWsigalrm\fP,  189
\f(CWsighup\fP,  189
\f(CWsigint\fP,  189
sign on, single,  343
\f(CWsignal\fP,  230
silent \f(CWgrep\fP,  197
   channel operation,  257
   read,  262
   sign on,  343
   writer,  219
single-user,  327
   file,  10
   message,  297
   screen,  268, 291
skip record,  195
slash,  12, 134
sleep,  223
\f(CWsleep\fP,  52, 84, 105, 110, 112, 170, 207, 237
\f(CWsleep.c\fP,  52
   drawing,  278
   graphic,  274
\f(CWslider.c\fP,  284
\f(CWsmprint\fP,  257
snapshot, file system,  143
\f(CWSnarf\fP,  7
software interrupt,  23
   reverse,  192
   text,  182
\f(CWsort\fP,  182
   flag \f(CW-n\fP,  182
   flag \f(CW-r\fP,  182
   flag \f(CW-u\fP,  184
sorting,  182
source, program,  42
   disk,  56
   name,  134, 139\(en140, 150
   new name,  151
   virtual address,  29
spam,  185
speak for,  340
   attach,  143, 287
   mount,  143, 150
spin lock,  213
split, string,  170
src,  114
\f(CWsrc\fP,  42
\f(CW/srv\fP,  108, 120, 155, 287
\f(CWSrv\fP,  302
\f(CWsrv\fP,  120, 140
\f(CW/srv\fP file system,  107
\f(CWsrv.c\fP,  123
\f(CWsrvecho.c\fP,  108
\f(CWsrvfs\fP,  155
\f(CW/srv/ram\fP,  296
   dump,  212
   dump, thread,  242
   process,  212, 236
   segment,  30, 45
   thread,  236
stamp, time,  268
   installation,  295
   machine,  326
   error,  49\(en50, 92
   error redirection,  166
   includes,  20
   input,  49\(en50, 89\(en90
   name space,  153
   output,  49\(en50
   output redirection,  92
   of line,  178
   of text,  178
   script, machine,  132
starvation,  213, 223, 240
stat processing,  316
\f(CWstat\fP,  60\(en61
\f(CWstat.c\fP,  61
   blocked,  207
   process,  39\(en40, 111
stateless,  3
statement, AWK,  190
statistics, system,  111
\f(CWstats\fP,  111, 288
\f(CW$status\fP,  35, 38
   exit,  35, 38, 42, 82, 166
   network,  122
\f(CW$stem\fP,  321
\f(CWstk\fP \f(CWacid\fP command,  43
   device,  292
   device driver,  156
   disk,  292
   local,  326
   backing,  277
   secure,  343
stream,  267
   editor,  172
string,  159
   draw,  285
   error,  36, 59, 83
   match,  166, 168
   optional,  178
   read,  70
   replace,  172
   split,  170
   substitute,  174
\f(CWstring\fP,  285
\f(CWstringsize\fP,  286
\f(CWstrip\fP,  28
structure, process,  250
student account,  194
sub-expression match,  179
subshell,  138
substitute string,  174
   command,  101, 166
   global,  174
   context,  40, 207, 235, 237
   thread,  237
\f(CWswitch\fP,  168
symbol,  42
   table,  28
   text,  265
   undefined,  21
symbols, program,  21
synchronization,  204, 221
   process,  218
   thread,  246
synchronize,  207, 210
synchronous communication,  102
syntax, command invocation,  35
\f(CWsysfatal\fP,  36
\f(CW/sys/include\fP,  114
\f(CW$sysname\fP,  38, 152
\f(CWsysname\fP,  46
   call,  22\(en23, 40, 72
   call error,  35, 59, 81
   distributed,  118
   dump, file,  143
   file,  147, 199
   load,  111
   mount, file,  140
   name,  38, 152
   operating,  1
   protocol, file,  140
   secure,  326
   snapshot, file,  143
   statistics,  111
   time,  67
   window,  3, 5, 24, 103, 153, 262, 287
   \f(CW/env\fP file,  45
   \f(CW/fd\fP file,  89, 152
   \f(CW/mnt/plumb\fP file,  113
   \f(CW/proc\fP file,  44, 103, 142
   \f(CWrio\fP file,  153
\f(CWt+\fP,  101, 180
\f(CWt-\fP,  180
\f(CWTab\fP,  16
tab wdith,  17
   file descriptor,  48, 134
   mount,  140\(en141
   symbol,  28
tag,  7
   message,  297
   rendezvous,  221
Tags,  297
\f(CWtake.c\fP,  19
tape,  67
   archive,  175
\f(CWtar\fP,  175
\f(CWtarfs\fP,  199
\f(CWTARG\fP,  321
\f(CW$target\fP,  320
targets, \f(CWmk\fP,  318
\f(CWtas\fP instruction,  210
\f(CWTattach\fP,  297, 329
\f(CWTauth\fP,  329, 336
\f(CWTclunk\fP,  299
\f(CWtcnt.c\fP,  240
TCP echo service,  131
\f(CWtcp7\fP,  131
\f(CWTcreate\fP,  311
telnet protocol,  121
\f(CWtelnet\fP,  121
   flag \f(CW-r\fP,  121
   file,  189
   files,  40
terminal,  3, 22, 287, 326
   file system,  154
   process,  35, 73, 139, 218
   program,  230, 248
termination, \f(CWBiobuf\fP,  69
\f(CWtermrc\fP,  132, 151
\f(CWtest\fP,  169
   flag \f(CW-d\fP,  169
   flag \f(CW-e\fP,  169
   flag \f(CW-older\fP,  170
test-and-set,  210
testing,  322
   regression,  323
\f(CWtexec.c\fP,  259
   address,  172
   delete,  173
   drawing,  285
   editing,  171
   end of,  178
   files,  158
   indent,  180
   matching,  178
   mode,  270
   program,  21
   representation,  265
   search,  114, 178
   segment,  30, 45
   sort,  182
   start of,  178
   symbol,  265
   window,  46, 289
the system
   entering,  2
   leaving,  5
\f(CWthello.c\fP,  55
things, building,  318
thinking, wishful,  301
Thompson, Ken,  20, 265
thread,  235
   argument,  239
   debugging,  240
   id,  238
   identifier,  238
   I/O,  247
   library,  235
   name,  238
   stack,  236
   stack dump,  242
   switch,  237
   synchronization,  246
   timer,  255
\f(CWthreadcreate\fP,  236, 248
threaded server,  129
\f(CWthreadexits\fP,  236
\f(CWthreadexitsall\fP,  236
\f(CWthreadgetname\fP,  241
\f(CWthreadid\fP,  238
\f(CWthreadmain\fP,  236
\f(CWthreadname\fP,  277
\f(CWthreadnotify\fP,  259
\f(CWthreadpostmountsrv\fP,  304
\f(CWthreads\fP function, \f(CWacid\fP,  240
\f(CWthreadsetname\fP,  241
\f(CWthreadwaitchan\fP,  258
\f(CWticker.c\fP,  218
tickets,  330
   semaphore,  230
\f(CWtid.c\fP,  238
tiling,  274
time,  44
   access,  315
   CPU,  111
   elapsed,  67
   file access,  60
   file modification,  60
   modification,  315
   of day,  255
   process,  83
   round trip,  123
   stamp,  268
   system,  67
   user,  67
\f(CWtime\fP,  44, 67, 255
   command,  172
timeout,  106
timer,  107
   thread,  255
\f(CWtincr.c\fP,  236
TLS,  343
   device, device,  66
   type, click,  8
   type, point,  8
tools,  158
top window,  290
\f(CWTopen\fP,  299, 329
\f(CWtouch\fP,  10
\f(CWtoupperrune\fP,  266
\f(CWtr\fP,  163
   flag \f(CW-d\fP,  164
   coordinate,  274
   name,  121
transport protocol,  119
trap,  23, 42
tree, file,  12, 134, 139\(en140
\f(CWTremove\fP,  312
\f(CWtrinc.c\fP,  237
\f(CWtroff\fP,  94, 322
truncate,  55, 58, 92
\f(CWTstat\fP,  300
\f(CWTversion\fP,  297
\f(CWTwalk\fP,  299
\f(CWTwrite\fP,  299
\f(CWTwstat\fP,  300
type,  114
   CPU,  152
   message,  296
\f(CWtype\fP, Qid,  298
types, abstract data,  1
typesetting,  94
typing a command,  9
UDP,  119
\f(CWu.h\fP,  20
uid,  328
   change,  341
   client,  335
   server,  335
\f(CWuid\fP,  60
unbuffered channel,  245
undefined symbol,  21
Unicode,  265
unicode code,  266
union,  149, 152
   mount,  148
\f(CWuniq\fP,  183
   identifier,  298
   lines,  183
unit, drive,  293
UNIX,  3, 16, 20, 96, 118, 132, 158, 258, 318
\f(CWunlock\fP,  209
\f(CWunmount\fP,  143
up,  308
\f(CWup\fP,  230
updates, concurrent,  207
   disk,  175, 182
   memory,  193
\f(CWusage\fP,  34
\f(CW$user\fP,  38, 152
user,  326
   data,  311
   id,  60
   id, modification,  60
   I/O,  262
   name,  4, 38, 152, 328
   new,  329, 342
   time,  67
\f(CWuser\fP,  46
users,  326
using files,  9
using \f(CWrc\fP,  158
UTF-8,  265
UTF8,  15
\f(CWUTFmax\fP,  266
\f(CW#v\fP device driver,  270
value, semaphore,  230
   environment,  44\(en45, 64, 81, 134, 138, 158
   expansion,  64
   global,  28, 204
   length,  159
   null,  161
   shell,  64, 158
   \f(CWcpu\fP,  132
   \f(CWpath\fP,  151
   AWK,  190
   condition,  225
   Environment,  134
   environment,  37
variables, \f(CWmk\fP,  319
vector, argument,  80
verbose output,  176
   file,  298
   number,  216
VGA,  270
vga device,  270
\f(CWvga\fP,  271
\f(CWvgactl\fP,  270
\f(CW$vgasize\fP,  271, 291
   document,  114
   MS Word,  114
   PostScript,  114
   address space,  29
   console,  265
   machine,  2
   memory,  29\(en30, 40
   memory segment,  134
virus,  75
wait for
   child process,  99
   children,  82
\f(CWwait\fP,  82, 137, 172, 230, 258
waiting, busy,  41, 110, 213
\f(CWWaitmsg\fP,  83
   channel,  258
\f(CWwaitpid\fP,  84, 99, 101
wakeup,  223
walk,  139\(en141, 299
   processing,  317
wastebasket,  59
\f(CWwc\fP,  88, 94
   flag \f(CW-w\fP,  94
wdir,  114
wdith, tab,  17
web,  118
\f(CWwerrstr\fP,  37, 83
\f(CWwhale\fP,  120
\f(CWwhatis\fP,  183
\f(CWwhen\fP \f(CWrc\fP script,  170\(en171
who last modified, file,  14
width, rectangle,  280
window,  37, 50, 146, 287
   acquiring,  274
   alternate,  288
   bottom,  290
   coordinates,  273
   creation,  287
   current,  290
   hide,  290
   image,  46
   label,  272, 289
   name,  274
   new,  5, 288
   overlap,  290
   pid,  288
   resize,  274\(en275, 291
   system,  3, 5, 24, 103, 153, 262, 287
   text,  46, 289
   top,  290
\f(CWwindow\fP,  288
   command,  152
   library,  289
wishful thinking,  301
with holes, file,  56
\f(CWwlock\fP,  219
\f(CWwname\fP,  299
   count,  88, 94
   search,  94
working directory,  \f2see\fP current directory
working directory,  134
   boundaries,  96, 120
   CD,  175
   console,  263
   processing,  314
\f(CWwrite\fP,  22, 48, 50, 53, 56, 66, 78
   atomic,  79
\f(CWwrite.c\fP,  48
writer, single,  219
\f(CWwrkey\fP,  342
\f(CWWRLock\fP,  219
\f(CWwstat\fP,  63
\f(CW$wsys\fP,  287
\f(CWwunlock\fP,  219
\f(CWxd\fP,  15, 54\(en55
XML,  158
\f(CWyield\fP,  238
\f(CWzipfs\fP,  199
\f(CWZP\fP,  274, 286