ref: 7d02e382d314d5bdde7978ccb7a64ea9201d03db
dir: /doc/source/
import cStringIO import os import re import shutil import string import sys outputStart = None navBarEntries = {} def ficlLinkEntry(file, title): print("<a href=" + file + ".html><font color=white>" + title + "</font></a><p>\n") currentNavBarName = None def ficlAddToNavBarAs(name): global currentNavBarName currentNavBarName = name def ficlPageHeader(heading): outputStart.write("""<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META name='Description' content='Ficl - embedded scripting with object oriented programming'> <META name='Keywords' content='scripting prototyping tcl OOP Forth interpreter C'> <LINK rel='SHORTCUT ICON' href='ficl.ico'> <TITLE>""" + heading + """</TITLE> <style>\n blockquote { margin-left: 1em }\n </style>\n </HEAD> <BODY> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%%><tr>\n <td width=112 bgcolor=#004968 colspan=3> <img src=graphics/ficl.4.96.jpg height=96 width=96> </td> <td bgcolor=#004968> <font face=arial,helvetica color=white size=7><b><i> """ + heading + """ </i></b></font> </td></tr> \n<tr> <td bgcolor=#004968 width=10></td> <td bgcolor=#004968 valign=top> <br><p> <a href=index.html><font face=arial,helvetica color=white><b>Index</b></font></a><p> """) print("</td><td bgcolor=#004968 width=5></td><td valign=top><blockquote><p>\n") def ficlPageFooter(): print("\n</blockquote><p></td></tr></table></body></html>\n") sizeArray = [7, 5, 4, 3, 2] indentLevel = 0 sections = None def ficlHeader(level, color, bgcolor, heading): global sizeArray size = str(sizeArray[level]) global indentLevel global sections while (indentLevel < level): indentLevel += 1 # sys.stderr.write("adding 1 to indentLevel, it's now " + str(indentLevel) + "\n\n") sections.append([]) while (indentLevel > level): indentLevel -= 1 subheadings = sections.pop() # sys.stderr.write("indentLevel is " + str(indentLevel) + ", subheadings is " + str(subheadings) + ", len(sections) is " + str(len(sections)) + ", sections is " + str(sections) + "\n\n") sections[indentLevel - 1][-1][1] = subheadings entry = [heading, [] ] # sys.stderr.write("indentLevel is " + str(indentLevel) + ", len(sections) is " + str(len(sections)) + ", sections is " + str(sections) + "\n\n") # sys.stderr.flush() sections[indentLevel - 1].append(entry) print(""" <p> </blockquote><table border=0 bgcolor=""" + bgcolor + """ width=100%><tr> <td width=1em></td> <td> <font face=arial,helvetica color=""" + color + " size=" + size + "><b><i>") print("<a name='" + collapse(heading) + "'>") print(heading) print("</a></i></b></font></td></tr></table><p><blockquote>\n") def ficlHeader1(heading): ficlHeader(1, "#004968", "#a0a0a0", heading) def ficlHeader2(heading): ficlHeader(2, "#004968", "#b8b8b8", heading) def ficlHeader3(heading): ficlHeader(3, "#004968", "#d0d0d0", heading) def ficlHeader4(heading): ficlHeader(4, "#004968", "#e8e8e8", heading) def collapse(s): return string.join(s.split(), "").replace("'", "").replace("&", "").replace('"', "").replace('<', "").replace('>', "").replace('.', "").replace('?', "") def dump(f, sections): for section in sections: sys.stderr.write("sections is " + str(section) + "\n") name = section[0] f.write("<li><a href=#" + collapse(name) + "><font color=white>" + name + "</font></a>\n") if len(section[1]) != 0: f.write("<ul>\n") dump(f, section[1]) f.write("</ul>\n") def process(inputfilename, outputfilename): print "generating " + inputfilename global indentLevel indentLevel = 0 global sections sections = [] global currentNavBarName input = open(inputfilename, "r") data ="\r", "") input.close() chunks = data.split("<?") output = cStringIO.StringIO() global outputStart outputStart = cStringIO.StringIO() stdout = sys.stdout fauxGlobals = { } fauxGlobals.update(globals()) fauxGlobals['__name__'] = '__ficlDocs__' fauxGlobals['__doc__'] = inputfilename fauxGlobals['outputStart'] = outputStart sys.stdout = output if (chunks[0] != None): output.write(chunks[0]) for chunk in chunks[1:]: (code, verbatim) = chunk.split("?>") code = code.lstrip() if (code[0] == "="): execution = "eval" code = code[1:].lstrip() else: execution = "exec" compiled = compile(code, "[unknown]", execution) if (execution == "eval"): output.write(str(eval(compiled))) else: exec compiled output.write(verbatim) sys.stdout = stdout f = open(outputfilename, "w") f.write(outputStart.getvalue()) f.write("<p><br>\n") keys = navBarEntries.keys() keys.sort() for name in keys: filename = navBarEntries[name] f.write("<a href=" + filename + ">") name = name.replace(" ", " ") f.write("<font face=arial,helvetica color=white><b>" + name + "</b></font>") f.write("</a><br>\n") # This doesn't look as pretty as I wanted, so I'm turning it off. --lch # if (name == currentNavBarName) and (len(sections) > 0): # f.write("<ul>\n") # dump(f, sections[0]) # f.write("</ul>\n") f.write(output.getvalue()) f.close() ## ## First, find all the documents in the current directory, ## and look for their navBar entry. ## for filename in os.listdir("."): if filename[-3:] == ".ht": file = open(filename, "rb") for line in file.readlines(): navBar = "ficlAddToNavBarAs(\"" if line.strip().startswith(navBar): (a, name, b) = line.split('"') navBarEntries[name] = filename + "ml" break file.close() navBarEntries["Download"] = "" ignored = re.compile("^((.*\.pyc?)|(.*\.zip)|\.|(\.\.))$") ## ## Second, build the doc tree (in ..), processing as necessary. ## def visit(unused, directory, names): for file in names: if continue input = directory + "/" + file output = "../" + input if input[-3:].lower() == ".ht": process(input, output + "ml") elif os.path.isdir(input): if not os.path.isdir(output): os.mkdir(output) else: try: shutil.copy2(input, output) except IOError: ## Ignore file-copy errors. It's probably ## a read-only file that doesn't change. ## Lazy, I know. --lch None os.path.walk(".", visit, None)