ref: 7d02e382d314d5bdde7978ccb7a64ea9201d03db
dir: /softcore/
\ ** ficl/softwords/ \ ** FICL soft extensions \ ** John Sadler ( \ ** September, 1998 \ ** ficl extras \ EMPTY cleans the parameter stack : empty ( xn..x1 -- ) depth 0 ?do drop loop ; \ CELL- undoes CELL+ : cell- ( addr -- addr ) [ 1 cells ] literal - ; : -rot ( a b c -- c a b ) 2 -roll ; \ ** CORE : abs ( x -- x ) dup 0< if negate endif ; decimal 32 constant bl : space ( -- ) bl emit ; : spaces ( n -- ) 0 ?do space loop ; : abort" state @ if postpone if postpone ." postpone cr -2 postpone literal postpone throw postpone endif else [char] " parse rot if type cr -2 throw else 2drop endif endif ; immediate \ ** CORE EXT .( loading CORE EXT words ) cr 0 constant false false invert constant true : <> = 0= ; : 0<> 0= 0= ; : compile, , ; : convert char+ 65535 >number drop ; \ cribbed from DPANS A.6.2.0970 : erase ( addr u -- ) 0 fill ; variable span : expect ( c-addr u1 -- ) accept span ! ; \ see for MARKER implementation : nip ( y x -- x ) swap drop ; : tuck ( y x -- x y x) swap over ; : within ( test low high -- flag ) over - >r - r> u< ; \ ** TOOLS word set... : ? ( addr -- ) @ . ; : dump ( addr u -- ) 0 ?do dup c@ . 1+ i 7 and 7 = if cr endif loop drop ; \ ** SEARCH+EXT words and ficl helpers .( loading SEARCH & SEARCH-EXT words ) cr \ BRAND-WORDLIST is a helper for ficl-named-wordlist. Usage idiom: \ wordlist dup create , brand-wordlist \ gets the name of the word made by create and applies it to the wordlist... : brand-wordlist ( wid -- ) last-word >name drop wid-set-name ; : ficl-named-wordlist \ ( hash-size name -- ) run: ( -- wid ) ficl-wordlist dup create , brand-wordlist does> @ ; : wordlist ( -- ) 1 ficl-wordlist ; \ FICL-SET-CURRENT sets the compile wordlist and pushes the previous value : ficl-set-current ( wid -- old-wid ) get-current swap set-current ; \ DO_VOCABULARY handles the DOES> part of a VOCABULARY \ When executed, new voc replaces top of search stack : do-vocabulary ( -- ) does> @ search> drop >search ; : ficl-vocabulary ( nBuckets name -- ) ficl-named-wordlist do-vocabulary ; : vocabulary ( name -- ) 1 ficl-vocabulary ; \ PREVIOUS drops the search order stack : previous ( -- ) search> drop ; \ HIDDEN vocabulary is a place to keep helper words from cluttering the namespace \ USAGE: \ hide \ <definitions to hide> \ set-current \ <words that use hidden defs> \ previous ( pop HIDDEN off the search order ) 1 ficl-named-wordlist hidden : hide hidden dup >search ficl-set-current ; \ ALSO dups the search stack... : also ( -- ) search> dup >search >search ; \ FORTH drops the top of the search stack and pushes FORTH-WORDLIST : forth ( -- ) search> drop forth-wordlist >search ; \ ONLY sets the search order to a default state : only ( -- ) -1 set-order ; \ ORDER displays the compile wid and the search order list hide : list-wid ( wid -- ) dup wid-get-name ( wid c-addr u ) ?dup if type drop else drop ." (unnamed wid) " x. endif cr ; set-current \ stop hiding words : order ( -- ) ." Search:" cr get-order 0 ?do 3 spaces list-wid loop cr ." Compile: " get-current list-wid cr ; : debug ' debug-xt ; immediate : on-step ." S: " .s-simple cr ; previous \ lose hidden words from search order \ ** E N D S O F T C O R E . F R