ref: 02ac617541ca1a7bf82b1615fb5a58235469b5d3
dir: /appl/acme/dat.m/
Dat : module { PATH : con "/dis/acme/dat.dis"; init : fn(mods : ref Mods); Mods : adt { sys : Sys; bufio : Bufio; draw : Draw; styx : Styx; styxaux : Styxaux; acme : Acme; gui : Gui; graph : Graph; dat : Dat; framem : Framem; utils : Utils; regx : Regx; scroll : Scroll; textm : Textm; filem : Filem; windowm : Windowm; rowm : Rowm; columnm : Columnm; bufferm : Bufferm; diskm : Diskm; exec : Exec; look : Look; timerm : Timerm; fsys : Fsys; xfidm : Xfidm; plumbmsg : Plumbmsg; edit: Edit; editlog: Editlog; editcmd: Editcmd; }; SZSHORT : con 2; SZINT : con 4; FALSE, TRUE, XXX : con iota; EM_NORMAL, EM_RAW, EM_MASK : con iota; Qdir,Qacme,Qcons,Qconsctl,Qdraw,Qeditout,Qindex,Qlabel,Qnew,QWaddr,QWbody,QWconsctl,QWctl,QWdata,QWeditout,QWevent,QWrdsel,QWwrsel,QWtag,QMAX : con iota; Blockincr : con 256; Maxblock : con 8*1024; NRange : con 10; Infinity : con 16r7fffffff; # huge value for regexp address # fbufalloc() guarantees room off end of BUFSIZE MAXRPC : con 8192+Styx->IOHDRSZ; BUFSIZE : con MAXRPC; EVENTSIZE : con 256; PLUMBSIZE : con 1024; Scrollwid : con 12; # width of scroll bar Scrollgap : con 4; # gap right of scroll bar Margin : con 4; # margin around text Border : con 2; # line between rows, cols, windows Maxtab : con 4; # size of a tab, in units of the '0' character Empty: con 0; Null : con '-'; Delete : con 'd'; Insert : con 'i'; Replace: con 'r'; Filename : con 'f'; # editing Inactive, Inserting, Collecting: con iota; # alphabets ALPHA_LATIN: con '\0'; ALPHA_GREEK: con '*'; ALPHA_CYRILLIC: con '@'; Kscrollup: con 16re050; Kscrolldown: con 16re051; Astring : adt { s : string; }; Lock : adt { cnt : int; chann : chan of int; init : fn() : ref Lock; lock : fn(l : self ref Lock); unlock : fn(l : self ref Lock); locked : fn(l : self ref Lock) : int; }; # Lockx : adt { # sem : ref Lock->Semaphore; # # init : fn() : ref Lockx; # lock : fn(l : self ref Lockx); # unlock : fn(l : self ref Lockx); # }; Ref : adt { l : ref Lock; cnt : int; init : fn() : ref Ref; inc : fn(r : self ref Ref) : int; dec : fn(r : self ref Ref) : int; refx : fn(r : self ref Ref) : int; }; Runestr : adt { r: string; nr: int; }; Range : adt { q0 : int; q1 : int; }; Block : adt { addr : int; # disk address in bytes n : int; # number of used runes in block next : cyclic ref Block; # pointer to next in free list }; Timer : adt { dt : int; c : chan of int; next : cyclic ref Timer; }; Command : adt { pid : int; name : string; text : string; av : list of string; iseditcmd: int; md : ref Mntdir; next : cyclic ref Command; }; Dirtab : adt { name : string; qtype : int; qid : int; perm : int; }; Mntdir : adt { id : int; refs : int; dir : string; ndir : int; next : cyclic ref Mntdir; nincl : int; incl : array of string; }; Fid : adt { fid : int; busy : int; open : int; qid : Sys->Qid; w : cyclic ref Windowm->Window; dir : array of Dirtab; next : cyclic ref Fid; mntdir : ref Mntdir; nrpart : int; rpart : array of byte; }; Rangeset : type array of Range; Expand : adt { q0 : int; q1 : int; name : string; bname : string; jump : int; at : ref Textm->Text; ar : string; a0 : int; a1 : int; }; Dirlist : adt { r : string; wid : int; }; Reffont : adt { r : ref Ref; f : ref Draw->Font; get : fn(p : int, q : int, r : int, b : string) : ref Reffont; close : fn(r : self ref Reffont); }; Cursor : adt { hot : Draw->Point; size : Draw->Point; bits : array of byte; }; Smsg0 : adt { msize : int; version : string; iounit: int; qid : Sys->Qid; count : int; data : array of byte; stat : Sys->Dir; qids: array of Sys->Qid; }; # loadfile function ptr BUFL, READL: con iota; # allwindows pick type Looper: adt{ cp: ref Edit->Cmd; XY: int; w: array of ref Windowm->Window; nw: int; }; # only one; X and Y can't nest Tofile: adt { f: ref Filem->File; r: ref Edit->String; }; Filecheck: adt{ f: ref Filem->File; r: string; nr: int; }; Allwin: adt{ pick{ LP => lp: ref Looper; FF => ff: ref Tofile; FC => fc: ref Filecheck; } }; seq : int; maxtab : int; mouse : ref Draw->Pointer; reffont : ref Reffont; modbutton : ref Draw->Image; colbutton : ref Draw->Image; button : ref Draw->Image; arrowcursor, boxcursor : ref Cursor; row : ref Rowm->Row; disk : ref Diskm->Disk; seltext : ref Textm->Text; argtext : ref Textm->Text; mousetext : ref Textm->Text; # global because Text.close needs to clear it typetext : ref Textm->Text; # ditto barttext : ref Textm->Text; # shared between mousetask and keyboardtask bartflag : int; activewin : ref Windowm->Window; activecol : ref Columnm->Column; nullrect : Draw->Rect; home : string; plumbed : int; ckeyboard : chan of int; cmouse : chan of ref Draw->Pointer; cwait : chan of string; ccommand : chan of ref Command; ckill : chan of string; cxfidalloc : chan of ref Xfidm->Xfid; cxfidfree : chan of ref Xfidm->Xfid; cerr : chan of string; cplumb : chan of ref Plumbmsg->Msg; cedit: chan of int; };