ref: f5cc6fbe3a7bcf8bdb002c646ddd519014afafd2
dir: /appl/lib/iobuf.b/
implement IOBuf; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; sprint: import sys; include "iobuf.m"; LF: array of byte; init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; LF = array[] of { byte '\n' }; } ref Sys->FD, bufsize: int): ref ReadBuf { r := ref ReadBuf; r.buf = array[bufsize] of byte; r.s = 0; r.e = 0; r.setsep("\n", 1); r.fd = fd; r.reader = sysread; r.is_eof = 0; return r; } ReadBuf.newc(queuesize, bufsize: int): ref ReadBuf { r :=, bufsize); r.queue = chan[queuesize] of array of byte; r.pending = chan[1] of (array of byte, Sys->Rwrite); r.is_pending = chan[1] of int; r.reader = chanread; return r; } ReadBuf.setsep(r: self ref ReadBuf, sep: string, strip: int) { if(sep == nil) raise "iobuf:empty separator"; r.sep = array of byte sep; r.strip = strip; } ReadBuf.reads(r: self ref ReadBuf): array of byte { if(len r.sep != 1) raise "iobuf:multibyte separator not implemented yet"; c := r.sep[0]; for(;;){ if(r.is_eof) if(r.s == r.e) return nil; else{ s := r.s; r.s = r.e; return r.buf[s:r.e]; } for(i := r.s; i < r.e; i++) if(r.buf[i] == c){ s := r.s; r.s = i+1; return r.buf[s:i + 1 * !r.strip]; } if(r.s != 0){ r.buf[0:] = r.buf[r.s:r.e]; r.e -= r.s; r.s = 0; } if(r.e == len r.buf) raise "iobuf:no separator found in full buffer"; if(r.reader(r) == 0) r.is_eof = 1; } } sysread(r: ref ReadBuf): int { n := sys->read(r.fd, r.buf[r.e:], len r.buf - r.e); if(n < 0) raise sprint("iobuf:%r"); r.e += n; return n; } bufread(r: ref ReadBuf, buf: array of byte): int { n := len buf; if(len r.buf - r.e < n) n = len r.buf - r.e; r.buf[r.e:] = buf[0:n]; r.e += n; if(len buf > n) r.leftover = buf[n:]; else r.leftover = nil; return n; } chanread(r: ref ReadBuf): int { if(r.leftover != nil) return bufread(r, r.leftover); alt{ buf := <-r.queue => if(buf == nil) return 0; else return bufread(r, buf); (buf, wc) := <-r.pending => n := len buf; alt{ buf2 := <-r.queue => r.queue <-= buf; buf = buf2; * => ; } <-r.is_pending; if(wc != nil) wc <-= (n, nil); if(buf == nil) return 0; else return bufread(r, buf); } } ReadBuf.readn(r: self ref ReadBuf, n: int): array of byte { if(r.is_eof) return nil; if(r.e - r.s >= n){ s := r.s; r.s += n; return r.buf[s:r.s]; } oldbuf : array of byte; if(len r.buf >= n){ if(len r.buf - r.s < n){ r.buf[0:] = r.buf[r.s:r.e]; r.e -= r.s; r.s = 0; } } else{ oldbuf = r.buf; r.buf = array[n] of byte; r.buf[0:] = oldbuf[r.s:r.e]; r.e -= r.s; r.s = 0; } while(r.e - r.s < n) if(r.reader(r) == 0){ r.is_eof = 1; n = r.e - r.s; } if(oldbuf == nil){ s := r.s; r.s += n; return r.buf[s:r.s]; } else{ tmp := r.buf; r.buf = oldbuf; r.s = r.e = 0; return tmp[:n]; } } ReadBuf.fill(r: self ref ReadBuf, data: array of byte, wc: Sys->Rwrite) { alt{ r.is_pending <-= 1 => <-r.is_pending; alt{ r.queue <-= data => if(wc != nil) wc <-= (len data, nil); * => r.is_pending <-= 1; r.pending <-= (data, wc); } * => if(wc != nil) wc <-= (0, "concurrent writes not supported"); } } # ref Sys->FD, bufsize: int): ref WriteBuf { w := ref WriteBuf; w.buf = array[bufsize] of byte; w.s = 0; w.e = 0; w.fd = fd; w.writer = syswrite; return w; } WriteBuf.newc(bufsize: int): ref WriteBuf { w :=, bufsize); w.pending = chan[1] of (int, Sys->Rread); w.writer = chanwrite; return w; } WriteBuf.write(w: self ref WriteBuf, buf: array of byte) { n := 0; if(w.e != 0){ n = len w.buf - w.e; if(n > len buf) n = len buf; w.buf[w.e:] = buf[:n]; w.e += n; if(len w.buf == w.e) w.flush(); } if(len buf > n){ n2 := int((len buf - n) / len w.buf) * len w.buf; if(n2 > 0){ tmp := w.buf; w.buf = buf[n:n + n2]; w.s = 0; w.e = n2; w.flush(); w.buf = tmp; n += n2; } w.buf[0:] = buf[n:]; w.e = len buf - n; } if(w.fd == nil && w.s != w.e) optchanwrite(w); } WriteBuf.writeln(w: self ref WriteBuf, buf: array of byte) { w.write(buf); w.write(LF); } syswrite(w: ref WriteBuf) { n := sys->write(w.fd, w.buf[w.s:w.e], w.e - w.s); if(n != w.e - w.s) raise sprint("iobuf:%r"); w.s = 0; w.e = 0; } chanwrite(w: ref WriteBuf) { (n, rc) := <-w.pending; if(rc == nil) raise "iobuf:broken pipe"; if(n > w.e - w.s) n = w.e - w.s; buf := array[n] of byte; buf[0:] = w.buf[w.s:w.s + n]; rc <-= (buf, nil); w.s += n; } optchanwrite(w: ref WriteBuf) { alt{ (n, rc) := <-w.pending => if(rc == nil) raise "iobuf:broken pipe"; if(n > w.e - w.s) n = w.e - w.s; buf := array[n] of byte; buf[0:] = w.buf[w.s:w.s + n]; rc <-= (buf, nil); w.s += n; * => ; } } WriteBuf.flush(w: self ref WriteBuf) { while(w.s != w.e) w.writer(w); w.s = w.e = 0; } WriteBuf.eof(w: self ref WriteBuf) { w.flush(); if(w.fd != nil) return; for(;;){ (nil, rc) := <-w.pending; if(rc == nil) break; rc <-= (nil, nil); } } WriteBuf.request(w: self ref WriteBuf, n: int, rc: Sys->Rread) { if(rc == nil) alt{ <-w.pending => ; * => ; } alt{ w.pending <-= (n, rc) =>; * => rc <-= (nil, "concurrent reads not supported"); } }