ref: 98d48074b07237716a405ce4748814e7eb939228
dir: /driver/posix/scc.c/
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "../../inc/arg.h" #include "../../inc/cc.h" #define NARGS 64 enum { CC1, CC2, QBE, AS, TEE, NR_TOOLS, }; static struct tool { char cmd[PATH_MAX]; char *args[NARGS]; char bin[16]; int nargs, in, out; pid_t pid; } tools[NR_TOOLS] = { [CC1] = { .bin = "cc1", .cmd = PREFIX "/libexec/scc/", }, [CC2] = { .bin = "cc2", .cmd = PREFIX "/libexec/scc/", }, [QBE] = { .bin = "qbe", .cmd = "qbe", }, [AS] = { .bin = "as", .cmd = "as", }, [TEE] = { .bin = "tee", .cmd = "tee", }, }; char *argv0; static char *arch; static char *outfiles[NR_TOOLS + 1]; static int failedtool = NR_TOOLS; static int Eflag, Sflag, kflag; static void cleanup(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NR_TOOLS + 1; ++i) { if (outfiles[i]) { if (i > failedtool) unlink(outfiles[i]); free(outfiles[i]); outfiles[i] = NULL; } } } static void terminate(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NR_TOOLS; ++i) { if (tools[i].pid) kill(tools[i].pid, SIGTERM); } cleanup(); } static int inittool(int tool) { struct tool *t = &tools[tool]; size_t binln; int n; if (!t->args[0]) { switch (tool) { case CC1: case CC2: binln = strlen(t->bin); if (arch) { n = snprintf(t->bin + binln, sizeof(t->bin) - binln, "-%s", arch); if (n < 0 || n >= sizeof(t->bin)) die("scc: target tool bin too long"); binln = strlen(t->bin); } if (strlen(t->cmd) + binln + 1 > sizeof(t->cmd)) die("scc: target tool path too long"); strcat(t->cmd, t->bin); break; case AS: t->nargs = 2; t->args[1] = "-o"; break; default: break; } t->args[0] = t->bin; } return tool; } static char * outfilename(char *path, char *ext) { char *new, *name, *dot; size_t newsz, nameln; int n; if (!(name = strrchr(path, '/'))) name = path; else ++name; nameln = strlen(name); if (!(dot = strrchr(name, '.'))) dot = &name[nameln]; nameln = nameln - strlen(dot); newsz = nameln + strlen(ext) + 1 + 1; new = xmalloc(newsz); n = snprintf(new, newsz, "%.*s.%s", nameln, name, ext); if (n < 0 || n >= newsz) die("scc: wrong output filename"); return new; } static int settool(int tool, char *input, int output) { struct tool *t = &tools[tool]; int fds[2]; char *ext; static int fdin; switch (tool) { case AS: outfiles[output] = outfilename(input, "o"); t->args[t->nargs] = outfiles[output]; t->args[3] = NULL; break; case TEE: switch (output) { case CC2: ext = "ir"; break; case QBE: ext = "qbe"; break; case NR_TOOLS: if (!Sflag) break; case AS: ext = "as"; break; } outfiles[output] = outfilename(input, ext); t->args[1] = outfiles[output]; break; default: break; } if (fdin) { t->in = fdin; fdin = 0; } else { t->args[t->nargs + 1] = input; } if (output < NR_TOOLS) { if (pipe(fds)) die("scc: pipe: %s", strerror(errno)); t->out = fds[1]; fdin = fds[0]; } return tool; } static void spawn(int t) { struct tool *tool = &tools[t]; switch (tool->pid = fork()) { case -1: die("scc: %s: %s", tool->bin, strerror(errno)); case 0: if (tool->out) dup2(tool->out, 1); if (tool->in) dup2(tool->in, 0); execvp(tool->cmd, tool->args); fprintf(stderr, "scc: execp %s: %s\n", tool->cmd, strerror(errno)); _exit(1); default: if (tool->in) close(tool->in); if (tool->out) close(tool->out); break; } } static int toolfor(char *file) { char *dot = strrchr(file, '.'); if (dot) { if (!strcmp(dot, ".c")) return CC1; if (!strcmp(dot, ".ir")) return CC2; if (!strcmp(dot, ".qbe")) return QBE; if (!strcmp(dot, ".as")) return AS; } die("scc: do not recognize filetype of %s", file); } static void build(char *file) { pid_t pid; int i, st, tool, out, keepfile; static int preout; for (tool = toolfor(file); tool < NR_TOOLS; tool = out) { keepfile = 0; switch (tool) { case CC1: out = Eflag ? NR_TOOLS : CC2; if (!Eflag) keepfile = kflag; break; case CC2: if (!arch || strcmp(arch, "qbe")) { out = Sflag ? NR_TOOLS : AS; keepfile = (Sflag || kflag); } else { out = QBE; keepfile = kflag; } break; case QBE: out = Sflag ? NR_TOOLS : AS; keepfile = (Sflag || kflag); break; case AS: out = NR_TOOLS; break; case TEE: out = preout; break; default: break; } if (keepfile) { preout = out; out = TEE; } spawn(settool(inittool(tool), file, out)); } for (i = 0; i < NR_TOOLS; ++i) { if ((pid = tools[i].pid) == 0) continue; if (waitpid(pid, &st, 0) < 0) { failedtool = i; exit(-1); } tools[i].pid = 0; if (!WIFEXITED(st) || WEXITSTATUS(st) != 0) { failedtool = i; exit(-1); } } cleanup(); } static void addarg(int tool, char *arg) { struct tool *t = &tools[tool]; if (t->nargs >= NARGS - 3) /* 3: argv0, filename, NULL terminator */ die("scc: too many parameters given"); t->args[++t->nargs] = arg; } static void usage(void) { die("usage: %s [-E|-kS] [-m arch] [-D macro[=val]]... " "[-I dir]... file ...", argv0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { atexit(terminate); arch = getenv("ARCH"); ARGBEGIN { case 'D': addarg(CC1, "-D"); addarg(CC1, EARGF(usage())); break; case 'E': Eflag = 1; addarg(CC1, "-E"); break; case 'I': addarg(CC1, "-I"); addarg(CC1, EARGF(usage())); break; case 'S': Sflag = 1; break; case 'k': kflag = 1; break; case 'm': arch = EARGF(usage()); break; case '-': fprintf(stderr, "scc: ignored parameter --%s\n", EARGF(usage())); break; default: usage(); } ARGEND if (Eflag && (Sflag || kflag)) usage(); if (!argc) die("scc: fatal error: no input file"); for (; *argv; ++argv) build(*argv); return 0; }