shithub: choc

ref: 350fb1e60c6761d7171df663035846bacc2b8fde
dir: /src/hexen/p_pspr.c/

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// Copyright(C) 1993-1996 Id Software, Inc.
// Copyright(C) 1993-2008 Raven Software
// Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Simon Howard
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------

#include "h2def.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "s_sound.h"

// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------


// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------

// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------

// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------

// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------

// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------

// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------

fixed_t bulletslope;

weaponinfo_t WeaponInfo[NUMWEAPONS][NUMCLASSES] = {
    {                           // First Weapons
     {                          // Fighter First Weapon - Punch
      MANA_NONE,                // mana
      S_PUNCHUP,                // upstate
      S_PUNCHDOWN,              // downstate
      S_PUNCHREADY,             // readystate
      S_PUNCHATK1_1,            // atkstate
      S_PUNCHATK1_1,            // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Cleric First Weapon - Mace
      MANA_NONE,                // mana
      S_CMACEUP,                // upstate
      S_CMACEDOWN,              // downstate
      S_CMACEREADY,             // readystate
      S_CMACEATK_1,             // atkstate
      S_CMACEATK_1,             // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Mage First Weapon - Wand
     {                          // Pig - Snout
      MANA_NONE,                // mana
      S_SNOUTUP,                // upstate
      S_SNOUTDOWN,              // downstate
      S_SNOUTREADY,             // readystate
      S_SNOUTATK1,              // atkstate
      S_SNOUTATK1,              // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
    {                           // Second Weapons
     {                          // Fighter - Axe
      MANA_NONE,                // mana
      S_FAXEUP,                 // upstate
      S_FAXEDOWN,               // downstate
      S_FAXEREADY,              // readystate
      S_FAXEATK_1,              // atkstate
      S_FAXEATK_1,              // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Cleric - Serpent Staff
      MANA_1,                   // mana
      S_CSTAFFUP,               // upstate
      S_CSTAFFDOWN,             // downstate
      S_CSTAFFREADY,            // readystate
      S_CSTAFFATK_1,            // atkstate
      S_CSTAFFATK_1,            // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Mage - Cone of shards
      MANA_1,                   // mana
      S_CONEUP,                 // upstate
      S_CONEDOWN,               // downstate
      S_CONEREADY,              // readystate
      S_CONEATK1_1,             // atkstate
      S_CONEATK1_3,             // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Pig - Snout
      MANA_NONE,                // mana
      S_SNOUTUP,                // upstate
      S_SNOUTDOWN,              // downstate
      S_SNOUTREADY,             // readystate
      S_SNOUTATK1,              // atkstate
      S_SNOUTATK1,              // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
    {                           // Third Weapons
     {                          // Fighter - Hammer
      MANA_NONE,                // mana
      S_FHAMMERUP,              // upstate
      S_FHAMMERDOWN,            // downstate
      S_FHAMMERREADY,           // readystate
      S_FHAMMERATK_1,           // atkstate
      S_FHAMMERATK_1,           // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Cleric - Flame Strike
      MANA_2,                   // mana
      S_CFLAMEUP,               // upstate
      S_CFLAMEDOWN,             // downstate
      S_CFLAMEREADY1,           // readystate
      S_CFLAMEATK_1,            // atkstate
      S_CFLAMEATK_1,            // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Mage - Lightning
      MANA_2,                   // mana
      S_MLIGHTNINGUP,           // upstate
      S_MLIGHTNINGDOWN,         // downstate
      S_MLIGHTNINGREADY,        // readystate
      S_MLIGHTNINGATK_1,        // atkstate
      S_MLIGHTNINGATK_1,        // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Pig - Snout
      MANA_NONE,                // mana
      S_SNOUTUP,                // upstate
      S_SNOUTDOWN,              // downstate
      S_SNOUTREADY,             // readystate
      S_SNOUTATK1,              // atkstate
      S_SNOUTATK1,              // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
    {                           // Fourth Weapons
     {                          // Fighter - Rune Sword
      MANA_BOTH,                // mana
      S_FSWORDUP,               // upstate
      S_FSWORDDOWN,             // downstate
      S_FSWORDREADY,            // readystate
      S_FSWORDATK_1,            // atkstate
      S_FSWORDATK_1,            // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Cleric - Holy Symbol
      MANA_BOTH,                // mana
      S_CHOLYUP,                // upstate
      S_CHOLYDOWN,              // downstate
      S_CHOLYREADY,             // readystate
      S_CHOLYATK_1,             // atkstate
      S_CHOLYATK_1,             // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Mage - Staff
      MANA_BOTH,                // mana
      S_MSTAFFUP,               // upstate
      S_MSTAFFDOWN,             // downstate
      S_MSTAFFREADY,            // readystate
      S_MSTAFFATK_1,            // atkstate
      S_MSTAFFATK_1,            // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate
     {                          // Pig - Snout
      MANA_NONE,                // mana
      S_SNOUTUP,                // upstate
      S_SNOUTDOWN,              // downstate
      S_SNOUTREADY,             // readystate
      S_SNOUTATK1,              // atkstate
      S_SNOUTATK1,              // holdatkstate
      S_NULL                    // flashstate

// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------

static int WeaponManaUse[NUMCLASSES][NUMWEAPONS] = {
    {0, 2, 3, 14},
    {0, 1, 4, 18},
    {0, 3, 5, 15},
    {0, 0, 0, 0}

// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------

// PROC P_SetPsprite

void P_SetPsprite(player_t * player, int position, statenum_t stnum)
    pspdef_t *psp;
    state_t *state;

    psp = &player->psprites[position];
        if (!stnum)
        {                       // Object removed itself.
            psp->state = NULL;
        state = &states[stnum];
        psp->state = state;
        psp->tics = state->tics;        // could be 0
        if (state->misc1)
        {                       // Set coordinates.
            psp->sx = state->misc1 << FRACBITS;
        if (state->misc2)
            psp->sy = state->misc2 << FRACBITS;
        if (state->action)
        {                       // Call action routine.
            state->action(NULL, player, psp);
            if (!psp->state)
        stnum = psp->state->nextstate;
    while (!psp->tics);         // An initial state of 0 could cycle through.

// PROC P_SetPspriteNF
// Identical to P_SetPsprite, without calling the action function

void P_SetPspriteNF(player_t * player, int position, statenum_t stnum)
    pspdef_t *psp;
    state_t *state;

    psp = &player->psprites[position];
        if (!stnum)
        {                       // Object removed itself.
            psp->state = NULL;
        state = &states[stnum];
        psp->state = state;
        psp->tics = state->tics;        // could be 0
        if (state->misc1)
        {                       // Set coordinates.
            psp->sx = state->misc1 << FRACBITS;
        if (state->misc2)
            psp->sy = state->misc2 << FRACBITS;
        stnum = psp->state->nextstate;
    while (!psp->tics);         // An initial state of 0 could cycle through.

= P_CalcSwing

fixed_t	swingx, swingy;
void P_CalcSwing (player_t *player)
	fixed_t	swing;
	int		angle;

// OPTIMIZE: tablify this

	swing = player->bob;

	angle = (FINEANGLES/70*leveltime)&FINEMASK;
	swingx = FixedMul ( swing, finesine[angle]);

	angle = (FINEANGLES/70*leveltime+FINEANGLES/2)&FINEMASK;
	swingy = -FixedMul ( swingx, finesine[angle]);

// PROC P_ActivateMorphWeapon

void P_ActivateMorphWeapon(player_t * player)
    player->pendingweapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
    player->psprites[ps_weapon].sy = WEAPONTOP;
    player->readyweapon = WP_FIRST;     // Snout is the first weapon
    P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, S_SNOUTREADY);

// PROC P_PostMorphWeapon

void P_PostMorphWeapon(player_t * player, weapontype_t weapon)
    player->pendingweapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
    player->readyweapon = weapon;
    player->psprites[ps_weapon].sy = WEAPONBOTTOM;
    P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon,

// PROC P_BringUpWeapon
// Starts bringing the pending weapon up from the bottom of the screen.

void P_BringUpWeapon(player_t * player)
    statenum_t new;

    if (player->pendingweapon == WP_NOCHANGE)
        player->pendingweapon = player->readyweapon;
    if (player->class == PCLASS_FIGHTER && player->pendingweapon == WP_SECOND
        && player->mana[MANA_1])
        new = S_FAXEUP_G;
        new = WeaponInfo[player->pendingweapon][player->class].upstate;
    player->pendingweapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
    player->psprites[ps_weapon].sy = WEAPONBOTTOM;
    P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, new);

// FUNC P_CheckMana
// Returns true if there is enough mana to shoot.  If not, selects the
// next weapon to use.

boolean P_CheckMana(player_t * player)
    manatype_t mana;
    int count;

    mana = WeaponInfo[player->readyweapon][player->class].mana;
    count = WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    if (mana == MANA_BOTH)
        if (player->mana[MANA_1] >= count && player->mana[MANA_2] >= count)
            return true;
    else if (mana == MANA_NONE || player->mana[mana] >= count)
        return (true);
    // out of mana, pick a weapon to change to
        if (player->weaponowned[WP_THIRD]
            && player->mana[MANA_2] >= WeaponManaUse[player->class][WP_THIRD])
            player->pendingweapon = WP_THIRD;
        else if (player->weaponowned[WP_SECOND]
                 && player->mana[MANA_1] >=
            player->pendingweapon = WP_SECOND;
        else if (player->weaponowned[WP_FOURTH]
                 && player->mana[MANA_1] >=
                 && player->mana[MANA_2] >=
            player->pendingweapon = WP_FOURTH;
            player->pendingweapon = WP_FIRST;
    while (player->pendingweapon == WP_NOCHANGE);
    P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon,
    return (false);

// PROC P_FireWeapon

void P_FireWeapon(player_t * player)
    statenum_t attackState;

    if (!P_CheckMana(player))
    P_SetMobjState(player->mo, PStateAttack[player->class]);    // S_PLAY_ATK1);
    if (player->class == PCLASS_FIGHTER && player->readyweapon == WP_SECOND
        && player->mana[MANA_1] > 0)
    {                           // Glowing axe
        attackState = S_FAXEATK_G1;
        attackState = player->refire ?
            : WeaponInfo[player->readyweapon][player->class].atkstate;
    P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, attackState);
    P_NoiseAlert(player->mo, player->mo);

// PROC P_DropWeapon
// The player died, so put the weapon away.

void P_DropWeapon(player_t * player)
    P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon,

// PROC A_WeaponReady
// The player can fire the weapon or change to another weapon at this time.

void A_WeaponReady(mobj_t *obj, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    int angle;

    // Change player from attack state
    if (player->mo->state >= &states[PStateAttack[player->class]]
        && player->mo->state <= &states[PStateAttackEnd[player->class]])
        P_SetMobjState(player->mo, PStateNormal[player->class]);
    // Put the weapon away if the player has a pending weapon or has
    // died.
    if (player->pendingweapon != WP_NOCHANGE || !player->health)
        P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon,

    // Check for fire. 
    if (player->cmd.buttons & BT_ATTACK)
        player->attackdown = true;
        player->attackdown = false;

    if (!player->morphTics)
        // Bob the weapon based on movement speed.
        angle = (128 * leveltime) & FINEMASK;
        psp->sx = FRACUNIT + FixedMul(player->bob, finecosine[angle]);
        angle &= FINEANGLES / 2 - 1;
        psp->sy = WEAPONTOP + FixedMul(player->bob, finesine[angle]);

// PROC A_ReFire
// The player can re fire the weapon without lowering it entirely.

void A_ReFire(mobj_t *mobj, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    if ((player->cmd.buttons & BT_ATTACK)
        && player->pendingweapon == WP_NOCHANGE && player->health)
        player->refire = 0;

// PROC A_Lower

void A_Lower(mobj_t *mobj, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    if (player->morphTics)
        psp->sy = WEAPONBOTTOM;
        psp->sy += LOWERSPEED;
    if (psp->sy < WEAPONBOTTOM)
    {                           // Not lowered all the way yet
    if (player->playerstate == PST_DEAD)
    {                           // Player is dead, so don't bring up a pending weapon
        psp->sy = WEAPONBOTTOM;
    if (!player->health)
    {                           // Player is dead, so keep the weapon off screen
        P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, S_NULL);
    player->readyweapon = player->pendingweapon;

// PROC A_Raise

void A_Raise(mobj_t *mobj, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    psp->sy -= RAISESPEED;
    if (psp->sy > WEAPONTOP)
    {                           // Not raised all the way yet
    psp->sy = WEAPONTOP;
    if (player->class == PCLASS_FIGHTER && player->readyweapon == WP_SECOND
        && player->mana[MANA_1])
        P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, S_FAXEREADY_G);
        P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon,

= P_BulletSlope
= Sets a slope so a near miss is at aproximately the height of the
= intended target

void P_BulletSlope (mobj_t *mo)
	angle_t		an;

// see which target is to be aimed at
	an = mo->angle;
	bulletslope = P_AimLineAttack (mo, an, 16*64*FRACUNIT);
	if (!linetarget)
		an += 1<<26;
		bulletslope = P_AimLineAttack (mo, an, 16*64*FRACUNIT);
		if (!linetarget)
			an -= 2<<26;
			bulletslope = P_AimLineAttack (mo, an, 16*64*FRACUNIT);
		if (!linetarget)
			an += 1<<26;
			bulletslope = (mo->player->lookdir<<FRACBITS)/173;


//      AdjustPlayerAngle

#define MAX_ANGADJUST (5*ANG1)

void AdjustPlayerAngle(mobj_t * pmo)
    angle_t angle;
    int difference;

    angle = R_PointToAngle2(pmo->x, pmo->y, linetarget->x, linetarget->y);
    difference = (int) angle - (int) pmo->angle;
    if (abs(difference) > MAX_ANGADJUST)
        pmo->angle += difference > 0 ? MAX_ANGADJUST : -MAX_ANGADJUST;
        pmo->angle = angle;

// A_SnoutAttack

void A_SnoutAttack(mobj_t *mobj, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    angle_t angle;
    int damage;
    int slope;

    damage = 3 + (P_Random() & 3);
    angle = player->mo->angle;
    slope = P_AimLineAttack(player->mo, angle, MELEERANGE);
    PuffType = MT_SNOUTPUFF;
    PuffSpawned = NULL;
    P_LineAttack(player->mo, angle, MELEERANGE, slope, damage);
    S_StartSound(player->mo, SFX_PIG_ACTIVE1 + (P_Random() & 1));
    if (linetarget)
//              player->mo->angle = R_PointToAngle2(player->mo->x,
//                      player->mo->y, linetarget->x, linetarget->y);
        if (PuffSpawned)
        {                       // Bit something
            S_StartSound(player->mo, SFX_PIG_ATTACK);

// A_FHammerAttack


void A_FHammerAttack(mobj_t *mobj, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    angle_t angle;
    mobj_t *pmo = player->mo;
    int damage;
    fixed_t power;
    int slope;
    int i;

    damage = 60 + (P_Random() & 63);
    power = 10 * FRACUNIT;
    PuffType = MT_HAMMERPUFF;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        angle = pmo->angle + i * (ANG45 / 32);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, HAMMER_RANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, HAMMER_RANGE, slope, damage);
            if (linetarget->flags & MF_COUNTKILL || linetarget->player)
                P_ThrustMobj(linetarget, angle, power);
            pmo->special1.i = false;      // Don't throw a hammer
            goto hammerdone;
        angle = pmo->angle - i * (ANG45 / 32);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, HAMMER_RANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, HAMMER_RANGE, slope, damage);
            if (linetarget->flags & MF_COUNTKILL || linetarget->player)
                P_ThrustMobj(linetarget, angle, power);
            pmo->special1.i = false;      // Don't throw a hammer
            goto hammerdone;
    // didn't find any targets in meleerange, so set to throw out a hammer
    PuffSpawned = NULL;
    angle = pmo->angle;
    slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, HAMMER_RANGE);
    P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, HAMMER_RANGE, slope, damage);
    if (PuffSpawned)
        pmo->special1.i = false;
        pmo->special1.i = true;
    if (player->mana[MANA_2] <
    {                           // Don't spawn a hammer if the player doesn't have enough mana
        pmo->special1.i = false;

// A_FHammerThrow

void A_FHammerThrow(mobj_t *mobj, player_t * player, pspdef_t * psp)
    mobj_t *mo;

    if (!player->mo->special1.i)
    player->mana[MANA_2] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(player->mo, MT_HAMMER_MISSILE);
    if (mo)
        mo->special1.i = 0;

// A_FSwordAttack

void A_FSwordAttack(mobj_t *mobj, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *pmo;

    player->mana[MANA_1] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    player->mana[MANA_2] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    pmo = player->mo;
    P_SPMAngleXYZ(pmo, pmo->x, pmo->y, pmo->z - 10 * FRACUNIT,
                  MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, pmo->angle + ANG45 / 4);
    P_SPMAngleXYZ(pmo, pmo->x, pmo->y, pmo->z - 5 * FRACUNIT,
                  MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, pmo->angle + ANG45 / 8);
    P_SPMAngleXYZ(pmo, pmo->x, pmo->y, pmo->z, MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, pmo->angle);
    P_SPMAngleXYZ(pmo, pmo->x, pmo->y, pmo->z + 5 * FRACUNIT,
                  MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, pmo->angle - ANG45 / 8);
    P_SPMAngleXYZ(pmo, pmo->x, pmo->y, pmo->z + 10 * FRACUNIT,
                  MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, pmo->angle - ANG45 / 4);
    S_StartSound(pmo, SFX_FIGHTER_SWORD_FIRE);

// A_FSwordAttack2

void A_FSwordAttack2(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    angle_t angle = actor->angle;

    P_SpawnMissileAngle(actor, MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, angle + ANG45 / 4, 0);
    P_SpawnMissileAngle(actor, MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, angle + ANG45 / 8, 0);
    P_SpawnMissileAngle(actor, MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, angle, 0);
    P_SpawnMissileAngle(actor, MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, angle - ANG45 / 8, 0);
    P_SpawnMissileAngle(actor, MT_FSWORD_MISSILE, angle - ANG45 / 4, 0);
    S_StartSound(actor, SFX_FIGHTER_SWORD_FIRE);

// A_FSwordFlames

void A_FSwordFlames(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    int i;
    int r1,r2,r3;

    for (i = 1 + (P_Random() & 3); i; i--)
        r1 = P_Random();
        r2 = P_Random();
        r3 = P_Random();
        P_SpawnMobj(actor->x + ((r3 - 128) << 12), actor->y
                    + ((r2 - 128) << 12),
                    actor->z + ((r1 - 128) << 11), MT_FSWORD_FLAME);

// A_MWandAttack

void A_MWandAttack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *mo;

    mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(player->mo, MT_MWAND_MISSILE);
    if (mo)
        mo->thinker.function = P_BlasterMobjThinker;
    S_StartSound(player->mo, SFX_MAGE_WAND_FIRE);

// ===== Mage Lightning Weapon =====

// A_LightningReady

void A_LightningReady(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    A_WeaponReady(actor, player, psp);
    if (P_Random() < 160)
        S_StartSound(player->mo, SFX_MAGE_LIGHTNING_READY);

// A_LightningClip


void A_LightningClip(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *cMo;
    mobj_t *target = NULL;
    int zigZag;

    if (actor->type == MT_LIGHTNING_FLOOR)
        actor->z = actor->floorz;
        target = actor->special2.m->special1.m;
    else if (actor->type == MT_LIGHTNING_CEILING)
        actor->z = actor->ceilingz - actor->height;
        target = actor->special1.m;
    if (actor->type == MT_LIGHTNING_FLOOR)
    {                           // floor lightning zig-zags, and forces the ceiling lightning to mimic
        cMo = actor->special2.m;
        zigZag = P_Random();
        if ((zigZag > 128 && actor->special1.i < 2) || actor->special1.i < -2)
            P_ThrustMobj(actor, actor->angle + ANG90, ZAGSPEED);
            if (cMo)
                P_ThrustMobj(cMo, actor->angle + ANG90, ZAGSPEED);
            P_ThrustMobj(actor, actor->angle - ANG90, ZAGSPEED);
            if (cMo)
                P_ThrustMobj(cMo, cMo->angle - ANG90, ZAGSPEED);
    if (target)
        if (target->health <= 0)
            actor->angle = R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y, target->x,
            actor->momx = 0;
            actor->momy = 0;
            P_ThrustMobj(actor, actor->angle, actor->info->speed >> 1);

// A_LightningZap

void A_LightningZap(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *mo;
    fixed_t deltaZ;
    int r1,r2;

    A_LightningClip(actor, player, psp);

    actor->health -= 8;
    if (actor->health <= 0)
        P_SetMobjState(actor, actor->info->deathstate);
    if (actor->type == MT_LIGHTNING_FLOOR)
        deltaZ = 10 * FRACUNIT;
        deltaZ = -10 * FRACUNIT;
    r1 = P_Random();
    r2 = P_Random();
    mo = P_SpawnMobj(actor->x + ((r2 - 128) * actor->radius / 256),
                     actor->y + ((r1 - 128) * actor->radius / 256),
                     actor->z + deltaZ, MT_LIGHTNING_ZAP);
    if (mo)
        mo->special2.m = actor;
        mo->momx = actor->momx;
        mo->momy = actor->momy;
        mo->target = actor->target;
        if (actor->type == MT_LIGHTNING_FLOOR)
            mo->momz = 20 * FRACUNIT;
            mo->momz = -20 * FRACUNIT;
	mo = P_SpawnMobj(actor->x+((P_Random()-128)*actor->radius/256), 
		actor->z+deltaZ, MT_LIGHTNING_ZAP);
		mo->special2.m = actor;
		mo->momx = actor->momx;
		mo->momy = actor->momy;
		mo->target = actor->target;
		if(actor->type == MT_LIGHTNING_FLOOR)
			mo->momz = 16*FRACUNIT;
			mo->momz = -16*FRACUNIT;
    if (actor->type == MT_LIGHTNING_FLOOR && P_Random() < 160)
        S_StartSound(actor, SFX_MAGE_LIGHTNING_CONTINUOUS);

// A_MLightningAttack2

void A_MLightningAttack2(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *fmo, *cmo;

    fmo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(actor, MT_LIGHTNING_FLOOR);
    cmo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(actor, MT_LIGHTNING_CEILING);
    if (fmo)
        fmo->special1.m = NULL;
        fmo->special2.m = cmo;
        A_LightningZap(fmo, player, psp);
    if (cmo)
        cmo->special1.m = NULL;      // mobj that it will track
        cmo->special2.m = fmo;
        A_LightningZap(cmo, player, psp);
    S_StartSound(actor, SFX_MAGE_LIGHTNING_FIRE);

// A_MLightningAttack

void A_MLightningAttack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    A_MLightningAttack2(player->mo, player, psp);
    player->mana[MANA_2] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];

// A_ZapMimic

void A_ZapMimic(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *mo;

    mo = actor->special2.m;
    if (mo)
        if (mo->state >= &states[mo->info->deathstate]
            || mo->state == &states[S_FREETARGMOBJ])
            actor->momx = mo->momx;
            actor->momy = mo->momy;

// A_LastZap

void A_LastZap(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *mo;

    mo = P_SpawnMobj(actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, MT_LIGHTNING_ZAP);
    if (mo)
        P_SetMobjState(mo, S_LIGHTNING_ZAP_X1);
        mo->momz = 40 * FRACUNIT;

// A_LightningRemove

void A_LightningRemove(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *mo;

    mo = actor->special2.m;
    if (mo)
        mo->special2.m = NULL;

// MStaffSpawn
void MStaffSpawn(mobj_t * pmo, angle_t angle)
    mobj_t *mo;

    mo = P_SPMAngle(pmo, MT_MSTAFF_FX2, angle);
    if (mo)
        mo->target = pmo;
        mo->special1.m = P_RoughMonsterSearch(mo, 10);

// A_MStaffAttack

void A_MStaffAttack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    angle_t angle;
    mobj_t *pmo;

    player->mana[MANA_1] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    player->mana[MANA_2] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    pmo = player->mo;
    angle = pmo->angle;

    MStaffSpawn(pmo, angle);
    MStaffSpawn(pmo, angle - ANG1 * 5);
    MStaffSpawn(pmo, angle + ANG1 * 5);
    S_StartSound(player->mo, SFX_MAGE_STAFF_FIRE);
    if (player == &players[consoleplayer])
        player->damagecount = 0;
        player->bonuscount = 0;
        I_SetPalette((byte *) W_CacheLumpNum(W_GetNumForName("playpal"),
                                             PU_CACHE) +
                     STARTSCOURGEPAL * 768);

// A_MStaffPalette

void A_MStaffPalette(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    int pal;

    if (player == &players[consoleplayer])
        pal = STARTSCOURGEPAL + psp->state - (&states[S_MSTAFFATK_2]);
        if (pal == STARTSCOURGEPAL + 3)
        {                       // reset back to original playpal
            pal = 0;
        I_SetPalette((byte *) W_CacheLumpNum(W_GetNumForName("playpal"),
                                             PU_CACHE) + pal * 768);

// A_MStaffWeave

void A_MStaffWeave(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    fixed_t newX, newY;
    int weaveXY, weaveZ;
    int angle;

    weaveXY = actor->special2.i >> 16;
    weaveZ = actor->special2.i & 0xFFFF;
    angle = (actor->angle + ANG90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
    newX = actor->x - FixedMul(finecosine[angle],
                               FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY] << 2);
    newY = actor->y - FixedMul(finesine[angle],
                               FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY] << 2);
    weaveXY = (weaveXY + 6) & 63;
    newX += FixedMul(finecosine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY] << 2);
    newY += FixedMul(finesine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY] << 2);
    P_TryMove(actor, newX, newY);
    actor->z -= FloatBobOffsets[weaveZ] << 1;
    weaveZ = (weaveZ + 3) & 63;
    actor->z += FloatBobOffsets[weaveZ] << 1;
    if (actor->z <= actor->floorz)
        actor->z = actor->floorz + FRACUNIT;
    actor->special2.i = weaveZ + (weaveXY << 16);

// A_MStaffTrack

void A_MStaffTrack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    if ((actor->special1.m == NULL) && (P_Random() < 50))
        actor->special1.m = P_RoughMonsterSearch(actor, 10);
    P_SeekerMissile(actor, ANG1 * 2, ANG1 * 10);

// MStaffSpawn2 - for use by mage class boss

void MStaffSpawn2(mobj_t * actor, angle_t angle)
    mobj_t *mo;

    mo = P_SpawnMissileAngle(actor, MT_MSTAFF_FX2, angle, 0);
    if (mo)
        mo->target = actor;
        mo->special1.m = P_RoughMonsterSearch(mo, 10);

// A_MStaffAttack2 - for use by mage class boss

void A_MStaffAttack2(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    angle_t angle;
    angle = actor->angle;
    MStaffSpawn2(actor, angle);
    MStaffSpawn2(actor, angle - ANG1 * 5);
    MStaffSpawn2(actor, angle + ANG1 * 5);
    S_StartSound(actor, SFX_MAGE_STAFF_FIRE);

// A_FPunchAttack

void A_FPunchAttack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    angle_t angle;
    int damage;
    int slope;
    mobj_t *pmo = player->mo;
    fixed_t power;
    int i;

    damage = 40 + (P_Random() & 15);
    power = 2 * FRACUNIT;
    PuffType = MT_PUNCHPUFF;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        angle = pmo->angle + i * (ANG45 / 16);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, 2 * MELEERANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            if (pmo->special1.i == 3)
                damage <<= 1;
                power = 6 * FRACUNIT;
                PuffType = MT_HAMMERPUFF;
            P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, 2 * MELEERANGE, slope, damage);
            if (linetarget->flags & MF_COUNTKILL || linetarget->player)
                P_ThrustMobj(linetarget, angle, power);
            goto punchdone;
        angle = pmo->angle - i * (ANG45 / 16);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, 2 * MELEERANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            if (pmo->special1.i == 3)
                damage <<= 1;
                power = 6 * FRACUNIT;
                PuffType = MT_HAMMERPUFF;
            P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, 2 * MELEERANGE, slope, damage);
            if (linetarget->flags & MF_COUNTKILL || linetarget->player)
                P_ThrustMobj(linetarget, angle, power);
            goto punchdone;
    // didn't find any creatures, so try to strike any walls
    pmo->special1.i = 0;

    angle = pmo->angle;
    slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, MELEERANGE);
    P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, MELEERANGE, slope, damage);

    if (pmo->special1.i == 3)
        pmo->special1.i = 0;
        P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, S_PUNCHATK2_1);
        S_StartSound(pmo, SFX_FIGHTER_GRUNT);

// A_FAxeAttack


void A_FAxeAttack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    angle_t angle;
    mobj_t *pmo = player->mo;
    fixed_t power;
    int damage;
    int slope;
    int i;
    int useMana;
    int r;

    r = P_Random();
    damage = 40 + (r & 15) + (P_Random() & 7);
    power = 0;
    if (player->mana[MANA_1] > 0)
        damage <<= 1;
        power = 6 * FRACUNIT;
        PuffType = MT_AXEPUFF_GLOW;
        useMana = 1;
        PuffType = MT_AXEPUFF;
        useMana = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        angle = pmo->angle + i * (ANG45 / 16);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, AXERANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, AXERANGE, slope, damage);
            if (linetarget->flags & MF_COUNTKILL || linetarget->player)
                P_ThrustMobj(linetarget, angle, power);
            goto axedone;
        angle = pmo->angle - i * (ANG45 / 16);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, AXERANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, AXERANGE, slope, damage);
            if (linetarget->flags & MF_COUNTKILL)
                P_ThrustMobj(linetarget, angle, power);
            goto axedone;
    // didn't find any creatures, so try to strike any walls
    pmo->special1.m = NULL;

    angle = pmo->angle;
    slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, MELEERANGE);
    P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, MELEERANGE, slope, damage);

    if (useMana == 2)
        player->mana[MANA_1] -=
        if (player->mana[MANA_1] <= 0)
            P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, S_FAXEATK_5);

// A_CMaceAttack

void A_CMaceAttack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    angle_t angle;
    int damage;
    int slope;
    int i;

    damage = 25 + (P_Random() & 15);
    PuffType = MT_HAMMERPUFF;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        angle = player->mo->angle + i * (ANG45 / 16);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(player->mo, angle, 2 * MELEERANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            P_LineAttack(player->mo, angle, 2 * MELEERANGE, slope, damage);
//                      player->mo->angle = R_PointToAngle2(player->mo->x,
//                              player->mo->y, linetarget->x, linetarget->y);
            goto macedone;
        angle = player->mo->angle - i * (ANG45 / 16);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(player->mo, angle, 2 * MELEERANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            P_LineAttack(player->mo, angle, 2 * MELEERANGE, slope, damage);
//                      player->mo->angle = R_PointToAngle2(player->mo->x,
//                              player->mo->y, linetarget->x, linetarget->y);
            goto macedone;
    // didn't find any creatures, so try to strike any walls
    player->mo->special1.m = NULL;

    angle = player->mo->angle;
    slope = P_AimLineAttack(player->mo, angle, MELEERANGE);
    P_LineAttack(player->mo, angle, MELEERANGE, slope, damage);

// A_CStaffCheck

void A_CStaffCheck(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *pmo;
    int damage;
    int newLife;
    angle_t angle;
    int slope;
    int i;

    pmo = player->mo;
    damage = 20 + (P_Random() & 15);
    PuffType = MT_CSTAFFPUFF;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        angle = pmo->angle + i * (ANG45 / 16);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, 1.5 * MELEERANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, 1.5 * MELEERANGE, slope, damage);
            pmo->angle = R_PointToAngle2(pmo->x, pmo->y,
                                         linetarget->x, linetarget->y);
            if ((linetarget->player || linetarget->flags & MF_COUNTKILL)
                && (!(linetarget->flags2 & (MF2_DORMANT + MF2_INVULNERABLE))))
                newLife = player->health + (damage >> 3);
                newLife = newLife > 100 ? 100 : newLife;
                pmo->health = player->health = newLife;
                P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, S_CSTAFFATK2_1);
            player->mana[MANA_1] -=
        angle = pmo->angle - i * (ANG45 / 16);
        slope = P_AimLineAttack(player->mo, angle, 1.5 * MELEERANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, 1.5 * MELEERANGE, slope, damage);
            pmo->angle = R_PointToAngle2(pmo->x, pmo->y,
                                         linetarget->x, linetarget->y);
            if (linetarget->player || linetarget->flags & MF_COUNTKILL)
                newLife = player->health + (damage >> 4);
                newLife = newLife > 100 ? 100 : newLife;
                pmo->health = player->health = newLife;
                P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, S_CSTAFFATK2_1);
            player->mana[MANA_1] -=

// A_CStaffAttack

void A_CStaffAttack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *mo;
    mobj_t *pmo;

    player->mana[MANA_1] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    pmo = player->mo;
    mo = P_SPMAngle(pmo, MT_CSTAFF_MISSILE, pmo->angle - (ANG45 / 15));
    if (mo)
        mo->special2.i = 32;
    mo = P_SPMAngle(pmo, MT_CSTAFF_MISSILE, pmo->angle + (ANG45 / 15));
    if (mo)
        mo->special2.i = 0;
    S_StartSound(player->mo, SFX_CLERIC_CSTAFF_FIRE);

// A_CStaffMissileSlither

void A_CStaffMissileSlither(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    fixed_t newX, newY;
    int weaveXY;
    int angle;

    weaveXY = actor->special2.i;
    angle = (actor->angle + ANG90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
    newX = actor->x - FixedMul(finecosine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY]);
    newY = actor->y - FixedMul(finesine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY]);
    weaveXY = (weaveXY + 3) & 63;
    newX += FixedMul(finecosine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY]);
    newY += FixedMul(finesine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY]);
    P_TryMove(actor, newX, newY);
    actor->special2.i = weaveXY;

// A_CStaffInitBlink

void A_CStaffInitBlink(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    player->mo->special1.i = (P_Random() >> 1) + 20;

// A_CStaffCheckBlink

void A_CStaffCheckBlink(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    if (!--player->mo->special1.i)
        P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, S_CSTAFFBLINK1);
        player->mo->special1.i = (P_Random() + 50) >> 2;

// A_CFlameAttack


void A_CFlameAttack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *mo;

    mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(player->mo, MT_CFLAME_MISSILE);
    if (mo)
        mo->thinker.function = P_BlasterMobjThinker;
        mo->special1.i = 2;

    player->mana[MANA_2] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    S_StartSound(player->mo, SFX_CLERIC_FLAME_FIRE);

// A_CFlamePuff

void A_CFlamePuff(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    A_UnHideThing(actor, player, psp);
    actor->momx = 0;
    actor->momy = 0;
    actor->momz = 0;
    S_StartSound(actor, SFX_CLERIC_FLAME_EXPLODE);

// A_CFlameMissile

void A_CFlameMissile(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    int i;
    int an;
    fixed_t dist;
    mobj_t *mo;

    A_UnHideThing(actor, player, psp);
    S_StartSound(actor, SFX_CLERIC_FLAME_EXPLODE);
    if (BlockingMobj && BlockingMobj->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE)
    {                           // Hit something, so spawn the flame circle around the thing
        dist = BlockingMobj->radius + 18 * FRACUNIT;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            an = (i * ANG45) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
            mo = P_SpawnMobj(BlockingMobj->x + FixedMul(dist, finecosine[an]),
                             BlockingMobj->y + FixedMul(dist, finesine[an]),
                             BlockingMobj->z + 5 * FRACUNIT, MT_CIRCLEFLAME);
            if (mo)
                mo->angle = an << ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
                mo->target = actor->target;
                mo->momx = mo->special1.i =
                    FixedMul(FLAMESPEED, finecosine[an]);
                mo->momy = mo->special2.i = FixedMul(FLAMESPEED, finesine[an]);
                mo->tics -= P_Random() & 3;
            mo = P_SpawnMobj(BlockingMobj->x - FixedMul(dist, finecosine[an]),
                             BlockingMobj->y - FixedMul(dist, finesine[an]),
                             BlockingMobj->z + 5 * FRACUNIT, MT_CIRCLEFLAME);
            if (mo)
                mo->angle = ANG180 + (an << ANGLETOFINESHIFT);
                mo->target = actor->target;
                mo->momx = mo->special1.i = FixedMul(-FLAMESPEED,
                mo->momy = mo->special2.i = FixedMul(-FLAMESPEED, finesine[an]);
                mo->tics -= P_Random() & 3;
        P_SetMobjState(actor, S_FLAMEPUFF2_1);

void A_CFlameAttack(player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
	mobj_t *pmo;
	angle_t angle;
	int damage;
	int i;
	int an, an90;
	fixed_t dist;
	mobj_t *mo;

	pmo = player->mo;
	damage = 25+HITDICE(3);
	angle = pmo->angle;
		angle += P_SubRandom()<<17;
	P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, CFLAMERANGE); // Correctly set linetarget
		angle += ANG1*2;
		P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, CFLAMERANGE);
			angle -= ANG1*4;
			P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, CFLAMERANGE);
				angle += ANG1*2;
		PuffType = MT_FLAMEPUFF2;
		PuffType = MT_FLAMEPUFF;
	P_LineAttack(pmo, angle, CFLAMERANGE, bulletslope, damage);
	{ // Hit something, so spawn the flame circle around the thing
		dist = linetarget->radius+18*FRACUNIT;
		for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			an90 = (i*ANG45+ANG90)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
			mo = P_SpawnMobj(linetarget->x+FixedMul(dist, finecosine[an]),
				linetarget->y+FixedMul(dist, finesine[an]), 
				linetarget->z+5*FRACUNIT, MT_CIRCLEFLAME);
				mo->angle = an<<ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
				mo->target = pmo;
				mo->momx = mo->special1.i = FixedMul(FLAMESPEED, finecosine[an]);
				mo->momy = mo->special2.i = FixedMul(FLAMESPEED, finesine[an]);
				mo->tics -= P_Random()&3;
			mo = P_SpawnMobj(linetarget->x-FixedMul(dist, finecosine[an]),
				linetarget->y-FixedMul(dist, finesine[an]), 
				linetarget->z+5*FRACUNIT, MT_CIRCLEFLAME);
				mo->angle = ANG180+(an<<ANGLETOFINESHIFT);
				mo->target = pmo;
				mo->momx = mo->special1.i = FixedMul(-FLAMESPEED, 
				mo->momy = mo->special2.i = FixedMul(-FLAMESPEED, finesine[an]);
				mo->tics -= P_Random()&3;
// Create a line of flames from the player to the flame puff

	player->mana[MANA_2] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
	S_StartSound(player->mo, SFX_CLERIC_FLAME_FIRE);

// A_CFlameRotate


void A_CFlameRotate(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    int an;

    an = (actor->angle + ANG90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
    actor->momx = actor->special1.i + FixedMul(FLAMEROTSPEED, finecosine[an]);
    actor->momy = actor->special2.i + FixedMul(FLAMEROTSPEED, finesine[an]);
    actor->angle += ANG90 / 15;

// A_CHolyAttack3
//      Spawns the spirits

void A_CHolyAttack3(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_HOLY_MISSILE);
    S_StartSound(actor, SFX_CHOLY_FIRE);

// A_CHolyAttack2 
//      Spawns the spirits

void A_CHolyAttack2(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    int j;
    int i;
    int r;
    mobj_t *mo;
    mobj_t *tail, *next;

    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
        mo = P_SpawnMobj(actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, MT_HOLY_FX);
        if (!mo)
        switch (j)
        {                       // float bob index
            case 0:
                mo->special2.i = P_Random() & 7;  // upper-left
            case 1:
                mo->special2.i = 32 + (P_Random() & 7);   // upper-right
            case 2:
                mo->special2.i = (32 + (P_Random() & 7)) << 16;   // lower-left
            case 3:
                r = P_Random();
                mo->special2.i =
                    ((32 + (r & 7)) << 16) + 32 + (P_Random() & 7);
        mo->z = actor->z;
        mo->angle = actor->angle + (ANG45 + ANG45 / 2) - ANG45 * j;
        P_ThrustMobj(mo, mo->angle, mo->info->speed);
        mo->target = actor->target;
        mo->args[0] = 10;       // initial turn value
        mo->args[1] = 0;        // initial look angle
        if (deathmatch)
        {                       // Ghosts last slightly less longer in DeathMatch
            mo->health = 85;
        if (linetarget)
            mo->special1.m = linetarget;
            mo->flags |= MF_NOCLIP | MF_SKULLFLY;
            mo->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;
        tail = P_SpawnMobj(mo->x, mo->y, mo->z, MT_HOLY_TAIL);
        tail->special2.m = mo;      // parent
        for (i = 1; i < 3; i++)
            next = P_SpawnMobj(mo->x, mo->y, mo->z, MT_HOLY_TAIL);
            P_SetMobjState(next, next->info->spawnstate + 1);
            tail->special1.m = next;
            tail = next;
        tail->special1.m = NULL;     // last tail bit

// A_CHolyAttack

void A_CHolyAttack(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    player->mana[MANA_1] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    player->mana[MANA_2] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    P_SpawnPlayerMissile(player->mo, MT_HOLY_MISSILE);
    if (player == &players[consoleplayer])
        player->damagecount = 0;
        player->bonuscount = 0;
        I_SetPalette((byte *) W_CacheLumpNum(W_GetNumForName("playpal"),
                                             PU_CACHE) + STARTHOLYPAL * 768);
    S_StartSound(player->mo, SFX_CHOLY_FIRE);

// A_CHolyPalette

void A_CHolyPalette(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    int pal;

    if (player == &players[consoleplayer])
        pal = STARTHOLYPAL + psp->state - (&states[S_CHOLYATK_6]);
        if (pal == STARTHOLYPAL + 3)
        {                       // reset back to original playpal
            pal = 0;
        I_SetPalette((byte *) W_CacheLumpNum(W_GetNumForName("playpal"),
                                             PU_CACHE) + pal * 768);

// CHolyFindTarget

static void CHolyFindTarget(mobj_t * actor)
    mobj_t *target;

    target = P_RoughMonsterSearch(actor, 6);
    if (target != NULL)
        actor->special1.m = target;
        actor->flags |= MF_NOCLIP | MF_SKULLFLY;
        actor->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;

// CHolySeekerMissile
//       Similar to P_SeekerMissile, but seeks to a random Z on the target

static void CHolySeekerMissile(mobj_t * actor, angle_t thresh,
                               angle_t turnMax)
    int dir;
    int dist;
    angle_t delta;
    angle_t angle;
    mobj_t *target;
    fixed_t newZ;
    fixed_t deltaZ;

    target = actor->special1.m;
    if (target == NULL)
    if (!(target->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE)
        || (!(target->flags & MF_COUNTKILL) && !target->player))
    {                           // Target died/target isn't a player or creature
        actor->special1.m = NULL;
        actor->flags &= ~(MF_NOCLIP | MF_SKULLFLY);
        actor->flags |= MF_MISSILE;
    dir = P_FaceMobj(actor, target, &delta);
    if (delta > thresh)
        delta >>= 1;
        if (delta > turnMax)
            delta = turnMax;
    if (dir)
    {                           // Turn clockwise
        actor->angle += delta;
    {                           // Turn counter clockwise
        actor->angle -= delta;
    angle = actor->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
    actor->momx = FixedMul(actor->info->speed, finecosine[angle]);
    actor->momy = FixedMul(actor->info->speed, finesine[angle]);
    if (!(leveltime & 15)
        || actor->z > target->z + (target->height)
        || actor->z + actor->height < target->z)
        newZ = target->z + ((P_Random() * target->height) >> 8);
        deltaZ = newZ - actor->z;
        if (abs(deltaZ) > 15 * FRACUNIT)
            if (deltaZ > 0)
                deltaZ = 15 * FRACUNIT;
                deltaZ = -15 * FRACUNIT;
        dist = P_AproxDistance(target->x - actor->x, target->y - actor->y);
        dist = dist / actor->info->speed;
        if (dist < 1)
            dist = 1;
        actor->momz = deltaZ / dist;

// A_CHolyWeave

static void CHolyWeave(mobj_t * actor)
    fixed_t newX, newY;
    int weaveXY, weaveZ;
    int angle;

    weaveXY = actor->special2.i >> 16;
    weaveZ = actor->special2.i & 0xFFFF;
    angle = (actor->angle + ANG90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
    newX = actor->x - FixedMul(finecosine[angle],
                               FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY] << 2);
    newY = actor->y - FixedMul(finesine[angle],
                               FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY] << 2);
    weaveXY = (weaveXY + (P_Random() % 5)) & 63;
    newX += FixedMul(finecosine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY] << 2);
    newY += FixedMul(finesine[angle], FloatBobOffsets[weaveXY] << 2);
    P_TryMove(actor, newX, newY);
    actor->z -= FloatBobOffsets[weaveZ] << 1;
    weaveZ = (weaveZ + (P_Random() % 5)) & 63;
    actor->z += FloatBobOffsets[weaveZ] << 1;
    actor->special2.i = weaveZ + (weaveXY << 16);

// A_CHolySeek

void A_CHolySeek(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    if (actor->health <= 0)
        actor->momx >>= 2;
        actor->momy >>= 2;
        actor->momz = 0;
        P_SetMobjState(actor, actor->info->deathstate);
        actor->tics -= P_Random() & 3;
    if (actor->special1.m)
        CHolySeekerMissile(actor, actor->args[0] * ANG1,
                           actor->args[0] * ANG1 * 2);
        if (!((leveltime + 7) & 15))
            actor->args[0] = 5 + (P_Random() / 20);

// CHolyTailFollow

static void CHolyTailFollow(mobj_t * actor, fixed_t dist)
    mobj_t *child;
    int an;
    fixed_t oldDistance, newDistance;

    child = actor->special1.m;
    if (child)
        an = R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y, child->x,
                             child->y) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
        oldDistance =
            P_AproxDistance(child->x - actor->x, child->y - actor->y);
        if (P_TryMove
            (child, actor->x + FixedMul(dist, finecosine[an]),
             actor->y + FixedMul(dist, finesine[an])))
            newDistance = P_AproxDistance(child->x - actor->x,
                                          child->y - actor->y) - FRACUNIT;
            if (oldDistance < FRACUNIT)
                if (child->z < actor->z)
                    child->z = actor->z - dist;
                    child->z = actor->z + dist;
                child->z = actor->z + FixedMul(FixedDiv(newDistance,
                                               child->z - actor->z);
        CHolyTailFollow(child, dist - FRACUNIT);

// CHolyTailRemove

static void CHolyTailRemove(mobj_t * actor)
    mobj_t *child;

    child = actor->special1.m;
    if (child)

// A_CHolyTail

void A_CHolyTail(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *parent;

    parent = actor->special2.m;

    if (parent)
        if (parent->state >= &states[parent->info->deathstate])
        {                       // Ghost removed, so remove all tail parts
        else if (P_TryMove(actor, parent->x - FixedMul(14 * FRACUNIT,
                                                                  angle >>
                           parent->y - FixedMul(14 * FRACUNIT,
                                                         angle >>
            actor->z = parent->z - 5 * FRACUNIT;
        CHolyTailFollow(actor, 10 * FRACUNIT);

// A_CHolyCheckScream

void A_CHolyCheckScream(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    A_CHolySeek(actor, player, psp);
    if (P_Random() < 20)
        S_StartSound(actor, SFX_SPIRIT_ACTIVE);
    if (!actor->special1.m)

// A_CHolySpawnPuff

void A_CHolySpawnPuff(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    P_SpawnMobj(actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, MT_HOLY_MISSILE_PUFF);

// PROC A_FireConePL1

#define SHARDSPAWN_UP		4

void A_FireConePL1(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    angle_t angle;
    int damage;
    int i;
    mobj_t *pmo, *mo;
    int conedone = false;

    pmo = player->mo;
    player->mana[MANA_1] -= WeaponManaUse[player->class][player->readyweapon];
    S_StartSound(pmo, SFX_MAGE_SHARDS_FIRE);

    damage = 90 + (P_Random() & 15);
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        angle = pmo->angle + i * (ANG45 / 16);
        P_AimLineAttack(pmo, angle, MELEERANGE);
        if (linetarget)
            pmo->flags2 |= MF2_ICEDAMAGE;
            P_DamageMobj(linetarget, pmo, pmo, damage);
            pmo->flags2 &= ~MF2_ICEDAMAGE;
            conedone = true;

    // didn't find any creatures, so fire projectiles
    if (!conedone)
        mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(pmo, MT_SHARDFX1);
        if (mo)
                | SHARDSPAWN_RIGHT;
            mo->special2.i = 3;   // Set sperm count (levels of reproductivity)
            mo->target = pmo;
            mo->args[0] = 3;    // Mark Initial shard as super damage

void A_ShedShard(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    mobj_t *mo;
    int spawndir = actor->special1.i;
    int spermcount = actor->special2.i;

    if (spermcount <= 0)
        return;                 // No sperm left
    actor->special2.i = 0;

    // every so many calls, spawn a new missile in it's set directions
    if (spawndir & SHARDSPAWN_LEFT)
        mo = P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed(actor, MT_SHARDFX1,
                                      actor->angle + (ANG45 / 9), 0,
                                      (20 + 2 * spermcount) << FRACBITS);
        if (mo)
            mo->special1.i = SHARDSPAWN_LEFT;
            mo->special2.i = spermcount;
            mo->momz = actor->momz;
            mo->target = actor->target;
            mo->args[0] = (spermcount == 3) ? 2 : 0;
    if (spawndir & SHARDSPAWN_RIGHT)
        mo = P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed(actor, MT_SHARDFX1,
                                      actor->angle - (ANG45 / 9), 0,
                                      (20 + 2 * spermcount) << FRACBITS);
        if (mo)
            mo->special1.i = SHARDSPAWN_RIGHT;
            mo->special2.i = spermcount;
            mo->momz = actor->momz;
            mo->target = actor->target;
            mo->args[0] = (spermcount == 3) ? 2 : 0;
    if (spawndir & SHARDSPAWN_UP)
        mo = P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed(actor, MT_SHARDFX1, actor->angle,
                                      0, (15 + 2 * spermcount) << FRACBITS);
        if (mo)
            mo->momz = actor->momz;
            mo->z += 8 * FRACUNIT;
            if (spermcount & 1) // Every other reproduction
                mo->special1.i =
                mo->special1.i = SHARDSPAWN_UP;
            mo->special2.i = spermcount;
            mo->target = actor->target;
            mo->args[0] = (spermcount == 3) ? 2 : 0;
    if (spawndir & SHARDSPAWN_DOWN)
        mo = P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed(actor, MT_SHARDFX1, actor->angle,
                                      0, (15 + 2 * spermcount) << FRACBITS);
        if (mo)
            mo->momz = actor->momz;
            mo->z -= 4 * FRACUNIT;
            if (spermcount & 1) // Every other reproduction
                mo->special1.i =
                mo->special1.i = SHARDSPAWN_DOWN;
            mo->special2.i = spermcount;
            mo->target = actor->target;
            mo->args[0] = (spermcount == 3) ? 2 : 0;

// PROC A_HideInCeiling

void A_HideInCeiling(mobj_t *actor)
	actor->z = actor->ceilingz+4*FRACUNIT;

// PROC A_FloatPuff

void A_FloatPuff(mobj_t *puff)
	puff->momz += 1.8*FRACUNIT;

void A_Light0(mobj_t *actor, player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
    player->extralight = 0;

void A_Light1(player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
	player->extralight = 1;

void A_Light2(player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
	player->extralight = 2;

// PROC P_SetupPsprites
// Called at start of level for each player

void P_SetupPsprites(player_t * player)
    int i;

    // Remove all psprites
    for (i = 0; i < NUMPSPRITES; i++)
        player->psprites[i].state = NULL;
    // Spawn the ready weapon
    player->pendingweapon = player->readyweapon;

// PROC P_MovePsprites
// Called every tic by player thinking routine

void P_MovePsprites(player_t * player)
    int i;
    pspdef_t *psp;

    psp = &player->psprites[0];
    for (i = 0; i < NUMPSPRITES; i++, psp++)
        if (psp->state != 0)  // a null state means not active
            // drop tic count and possibly change state
            if (psp->tics != -1)        // a -1 tic count never changes
                if (!psp->tics)
                    P_SetPsprite(player, i, psp->state->nextstate);
    player->psprites[ps_flash].sx = player->psprites[ps_weapon].sx;
    player->psprites[ps_flash].sy = player->psprites[ps_weapon].sy;