ref: 8a440e6fdf9b582fa8dc6d4976951d05c4b0bcaa
dir: /src/BossFrog.cpp/
#include "BossFrog.h" #include "WindowsWrapper.h" #include "Boss.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Game.h" #include "MyChar.h" #include "NpChar.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "Triangle.h" // Balfrog's mouth static void ActBossChar02_01(void) { NPCHAR *boss; int minus; if (gBoss[0].direct == 0) minus = 1; else minus = -1; boss = &gBoss[1]; switch (gBoss[0].ani_no) { case 0: boss->hit_voice = 52; boss->hit.front = 0x2000; boss-> = 0x2000; boss->hit.back = 0x2000; boss->hit.bottom = 0x2000; boss->size = 3; boss->bits = NPC_INVULNERABLE; break; case 1: boss->x = gBoss[0].x + -0x3000 * minus; boss->y = gBoss[0].y - 0x3000; break; case 2: boss->x = gBoss[0].x + -0x3000 * minus; boss->y = gBoss[0].y - 0x2800; break; case 3: case 4: boss->x = gBoss[0].x + -0x3000 * minus; boss->y = gBoss[0].y - 0x2000; break; case 5: boss->x = gBoss[0].x + -0x3000 * minus; boss->y = gBoss[0].y - 0x5600; break; } } static void ActBossChar02_02(void) { NPCHAR *boss = &gBoss[2]; switch (gBoss[0].ani_no) { case 0: boss->hit_voice = 52; boss->hit.front = 0x3000; boss-> = 0x2000; boss->hit.back = 0x3000; boss->hit.bottom = 0x2000; boss->size = 3; boss->bits = NPC_INVULNERABLE; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: boss->x = gBoss[0].x; boss->y = gBoss[0].y; break; } } // Main boss AI void ActBossChar_Frog(void) { int i; unsigned char deg; int ym; int xm; // Rects 1-4 are for when Balfrog is a frog, 5-8 for when he reverts and goes into the ceiling RECT rcLeft[9] = { {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 48, 80, 112}, {0, 112, 80, 176}, {0, 176, 80, 240}, {160, 48, 240, 112}, {160, 112, 240, 200}, {200, 0, 240, 24}, {80, 0, 120, 24}, {120, 0, 160, 24}, }; RECT rcRight[9] = { {0, 0, 0, 0}, {80, 48, 160, 112}, {80, 112, 160, 176}, {80, 176, 160, 240}, {240, 48, 320, 112}, {240, 112, 320, 200}, {200, 24, 240, 48}, {80, 24, 120, 48}, {120, 24, 160, 48}, }; NPCHAR *boss = gBoss; switch (boss->act_no) { case 0: boss->x = 0xC000; boss->y = 0x19000; boss->direct = 2; boss->view.front = 0x6000; boss-> = 0x6000; boss->view.back = 0x4000; boss->view.bottom = 0x2000; boss->hit_voice = 52; boss->hit.front = 0x3000; boss-> = 0x2000; boss->hit.back = 0x3000; boss->hit.bottom = 0x2000; boss->size = 3; boss->exp = 1; boss->code_event = 1000; boss->bits |= (NPC_EVENT_WHEN_KILLED | NPC_SHOW_DAMAGE); boss->life = 300; break; case 10: boss->act_no = 11; boss->ani_no = 3; boss->cond = 0x80; boss->rect = rcRight[0]; gBoss[1].cond = 0x90; gBoss[1].code_event = 1000; gBoss[2].cond = 0x80; gBoss[1].damage = 5; gBoss[2].damage = 5; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) SetNpChar(4, boss->x + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), boss->y + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), Random(-341, 341), Random(-0x600, 0), 0, 0, 0x100); break; case 20: boss->act_no = 21; boss->act_wait = 0; // Fallthrough case 21: if (++boss->act_wait / 2 % 2) boss->ani_no = 3; else boss->ani_no = 0; break; case 100: boss->act_no = 101; boss->act_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 1; boss->xm = 0; // Fallthrough case 101: if (++boss->act_wait > 50) { boss->act_no = 102; boss->ani_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 2; } break; case 102: if (++boss->ani_wait > 10) { boss->act_no = 103; boss->ani_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 1; } break; case 103: if (++boss->ani_wait > 4) { boss->act_no = 104; boss->ani_no = 5; boss->ym = -0x400; PlaySoundObject(25, 1); if (boss->direct == 0) boss->xm = -0x200; else boss->xm = 0x200; boss-> = 0x8000; boss->view.bottom = 0x3000; } break; case 104: if (boss->direct == 0 && boss->flag & 1) { boss->direct = 2; boss->xm = 0x200; } if (boss->direct == 2 && boss->flag & 4) { boss->direct = 0; boss->xm = -0x200; } if (boss->flag & 8) { PlaySoundObject(26, 1); SetQuake(30); boss->act_no = 100; boss->ani_no = 1; boss-> = 0x6000; boss->view.bottom = 0x2000; if (boss->direct == 0 && boss->x < gMC.x) { boss->direct = 2; boss->act_no = 110; } if (boss->direct == 2 && boss->x > gMC.x) { boss->direct = 0; boss->act_no = 110; } SetNpChar(110, Random(4, 16) * 0x2000, Random(0, 4) * 0x2000, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0x80); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) SetNpChar(4, boss->x + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), boss->y + boss->hit.bottom, Random(-341, 341), Random(-0x600, 0), 0, 0, 0x100); } break; case 110: boss->ani_no = 1; boss->act_wait = 0; boss->act_no = 111; // Fallthrough case 111: ++boss->act_wait; boss->xm = 8 * boss->xm / 9; if (boss->act_wait > 50) { boss->ani_no = 2; boss->ani_wait = 0; boss->act_no = 112; } break; case 112: if (++boss->ani_wait > 4) { boss->act_no = 113; boss->act_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 3; boss->count1 = 16; gBoss[1].bits |= NPC_SHOOTABLE; boss->tgt_x = boss->life; } break; case 113: if (boss->shock) { if (boss->count2++ / 2 % 2) boss->ani_no = 4; else boss->ani_no = 3; } else { boss->count2 = 0; boss->ani_no = 3; } boss->xm = 10 * boss->xm / 11; if (++boss->act_wait > 16) { boss->act_wait = 0; --boss->count1; if (boss->direct == 0) deg = GetArktan(boss->x - 0x4000 - gMC.x, boss->y - 0x1000 - gMC.y); else deg = GetArktan(boss->x + 0x4000 - gMC.x, boss->y - 0x1000 - gMC.y); deg += (unsigned char)Random(-16, 16); ym = GetSin(deg); xm = GetCos(deg); if (boss->direct == 0) SetNpChar(108, boss->x - 0x4000, boss->y - 0x1000, xm, ym, 0, 0, 0x100); else SetNpChar(108, boss->x + 0x4000, boss->y - 0x1000, xm, ym, 0, 0, 0x100); PlaySoundObject(39, 1); if (boss->count1 == 0 || boss->life < boss->tgt_x - 90) { boss->act_no = 114; boss->act_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 2; boss->ani_wait = 0; gBoss[1].bits &= ~NPC_SHOOTABLE; } } break; case 114: if (++boss->ani_wait > 10) { if (++gBoss[1].count1 > 2) { gBoss[1].count1 = 0; boss->act_no = 120; } else { boss->act_no = 100; } boss->ani_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 1; } break; case 120: boss->act_no = 121; boss->act_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 1; boss->xm = 0; // Fallthrough case 121: if (++boss->act_wait > 50) { boss->act_no = 122; boss->ani_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 2; } break; case 122: if (++boss->ani_wait > 20) { boss->act_no = 123; boss->ani_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 1; } break; case 123: if (++boss->ani_wait > 4) { boss->act_no = 124; boss->ani_no = 5; boss->ym = -0xA00; boss-> = 0x8000; boss->view.bottom = 0x3000; PlaySoundObject(25, 1); } break; case 124: if (boss->flag & 8) { PlaySoundObject(26, 1); SetQuake(60); boss->act_no = 100; boss->ani_no = 1; boss-> = 0x6000; boss->view.bottom = 0x2000; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) SetNpChar(104, Random(4, 16) * 0x2000, Random(0, 4) * 0x2000, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0x80); for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) SetNpChar(110, Random(4, 16) * 0x2000, Random(0, 4) * 0x2000, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0x80); for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) SetNpChar(4, boss->x + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), boss->y + boss->hit.bottom, Random(-341, 341), Random(-0x600, 0), 0, 0, 0x100); if (boss->direct == 0 && boss->x < gMC.x) { boss->direct = 2; boss->act_no = 110; } if (boss->direct == 2 && boss->x > gMC.x) { boss->direct = 0; boss->act_no = 110; } } break; case 130: boss->act_no = 131; boss->ani_no = 3; boss->act_wait = 0; boss->xm = 0; PlaySoundObject(72, 1); for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) SetNpChar(4, boss->x + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), boss->y + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), Random(-341, 341), Random(-0x600, 0), 0, 0, 0x100); gBoss[1].cond = 0; gBoss[2].cond = 0; // Fallthrough case 131: if (++boss->act_wait % 5 == 0) SetNpChar(4, boss->x + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), boss->y + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), Random(-341, 341), Random(-0x600, 0), 0, 0, 0x100); if (boss->act_wait / 2 % 2) boss->x -= 0x200; else boss->x += 0x200; if (boss->act_wait > 100) { boss->act_wait = 0; boss->act_no = 132; } break; case 132: if (++boss->act_wait / 2 % 2) { boss->view.front = 0x2800; boss-> = 0x1800; boss->view.back = 0x2800; boss->view.bottom = 0x1800; boss->ani_no = 6; } else { boss->view.front = 0x6000; boss-> = 0x6000; boss->view.back = 0x4000; boss->view.bottom = 0x2000; boss->ani_no = 3; } if (boss->act_wait % 9 == 0) SetNpChar(4, boss->x + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), boss->y + (Random(-12, 12) * 0x200), Random(-341, 341), Random(-0x600, 0), 0, 0, 0x100); if (boss->act_wait > 150) { boss->act_no = 140; boss->hit.bottom = 0x1800; } break; case 140: boss->act_no = 141; // Fallthrough case 141: if (boss->flag & 8) { boss->act_no = 142; boss->act_wait = 0; boss->ani_no = 7; } break; case 142: if (++boss->act_wait > 30) { boss->ani_no = 8; boss->ym = -0xA00; boss->bits |= NPC_IGNORE_SOLIDITY; boss->act_no = 143; } break; case 143: boss->ym = -0xA00; if (boss->y < 0) { boss->cond = 0; PlaySoundObject(26, 1); SetQuake(30); } break; } boss->ym += 0x40; if (boss->ym > 0x5FF) boss->ym = 0x5FF; boss->x += boss->xm; boss->y += boss->ym; if (boss->direct == 0) boss->rect = rcLeft[boss->ani_no]; else boss->rect = rcRight[boss->ani_no]; ActBossChar02_01(); ActBossChar02_02(); }