ref: d80ef38af55097761200020acca5c11281876704
dir: /src/Backends/Rendering/SDLTexture.cpp/
#include "../Rendering.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include "SDL.h" #include "../../WindowsWrapper.h" #include "../Misc.h" #include "../Shared/SDL2.h" typedef struct RenderBackend_Surface { SDL_Texture *texture; unsigned char *pixels; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; bool lost; struct RenderBackend_Surface *next; struct RenderBackend_Surface *prev; } RenderBackend_Surface; typedef struct RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas { SDL_Texture *texture; } RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas; SDL_Window *window; static SDL_Renderer *renderer; static RenderBackend_Surface framebuffer; static RenderBackend_Surface *surface_list_head; static void RectToSDLRect(const RenderBackend_Rect *rect, SDL_Rect *sdl_rect) { sdl_rect->x = (int)rect->left; sdl_rect->y = (int)rect->top; sdl_rect->w = (int)(rect->right - rect->left); sdl_rect->h = (int)(rect->bottom - rect->top); if (sdl_rect->w < 0) sdl_rect->w = 0; if (sdl_rect->h < 0) sdl_rect->h = 0; } RenderBackend_Surface* RenderBackend_Init(const char *window_title, int screen_width, int screen_height, bool fullscreen) { Backend_PrintInfo("Available SDL render drivers:"); for (int i = 0; i < SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers(); ++i) { SDL_RendererInfo info; if (SDL_GetRenderDriverInfo(i, &info) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't get render driver information: %s", SDL_GetError()); else Backend_PrintInfo("%s",; } window = SDL_CreateWindow(window_title, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, screen_width, screen_height, 0); if (window != NULL) { if (fullscreen) if (SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't set window to fullscreen: %s", SDL_GetError()); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,10) SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_BATCHING, "1"); // We never interfere with the renderer, so don't let SDL implicitly disable batching #endif renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE); if (renderer != NULL) { SDL_RendererInfo info; if (SDL_GetRendererInfo(renderer, &info) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't get selected render driver information: %s", SDL_GetError()); else Backend_PrintInfo("Selected SDL render driver: %s",; framebuffer.texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, screen_width, screen_height); if (framebuffer.texture != NULL) { framebuffer.width = screen_width; framebuffer.height = screen_height; Backend_PostWindowCreation(); return &framebuffer; } else { std::string error_message = std::string("Could not create framebuffer: ") + SDL_GetError(); Backend_ShowMessageBox("Fatal error (SDLTexture rendering backend)", error_message.c_str()); } SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); } else { std::string error_message = std::string("Could not create renderer: ") + SDL_GetError(); Backend_ShowMessageBox("Fatal error (SDLTexture rendering backend)", error_message.c_str()); } SDL_DestroyWindow(window); } else { std::string error_message = std::string("Could not create window: ") + SDL_GetError(); Backend_ShowMessageBox("Fatal error (SDLTexture rendering backend)", error_message.c_str()); } return NULL; } void RenderBackend_Deinit(void) { SDL_DestroyTexture(framebuffer.texture); SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); SDL_DestroyWindow(window); } void RenderBackend_DrawScreen(void) { if (SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, NULL) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't set default render target as the current rendering target: %s", SDL_GetError()); if (SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, framebuffer.texture, NULL, NULL) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Failed to copy framebuffer texture to default render target: %s", SDL_GetError()); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } RenderBackend_Surface* RenderBackend_CreateSurface(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool render_target) { RenderBackend_Surface *surface = (RenderBackend_Surface*)malloc(sizeof(RenderBackend_Surface)); if (surface == NULL) return NULL; surface->texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32, render_target ? SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET : 0, width, height); if (surface->texture == NULL) { free(surface); return NULL; } surface->width = width; surface->height = height; surface->lost = false; // Add to linked-list surface->prev = NULL; surface->next = surface_list_head; surface_list_head = surface; if (surface->next != NULL) surface->next->prev = surface; return surface; } void RenderBackend_FreeSurface(RenderBackend_Surface *surface) { if (surface == NULL) return; // Remove from linked list if (surface->next != NULL) surface->next->prev = surface->prev; if (surface->prev != NULL) surface->prev->next = surface->next; SDL_DestroyTexture(surface->texture); free(surface); } bool RenderBackend_IsSurfaceLost(RenderBackend_Surface *surface) { return surface->lost; } void RenderBackend_RestoreSurface(RenderBackend_Surface *surface) { surface->lost = false; } unsigned char* RenderBackend_LockSurface(RenderBackend_Surface *surface, unsigned int *pitch, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { if (surface == NULL) return NULL; *pitch = width * 3; surface->pixels = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * height * 3); return surface->pixels; } void RenderBackend_UnlockSurface(RenderBackend_Surface *surface, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { if (surface == NULL) return; unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * height * 4); if (buffer == NULL) { Backend_PrintError("Couldn't allocate memory for surface buffer: %s", SDL_GetError()); return; } const unsigned char *src_pixel = surface->pixels; // Convert the SDL_Surface's colour-keyed pixels to RGBA32 for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { unsigned char *buffer_pointer = &buffer[y * width * 4]; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { *buffer_pointer++ = src_pixel[0]; *buffer_pointer++ = src_pixel[1]; *buffer_pointer++ = src_pixel[2]; if (src_pixel[0] == 0 && src_pixel[1] == 0 && src_pixel[2] == 0) // Assumes the colour key will always be #000000 (black) *buffer_pointer++ = 0; else *buffer_pointer++ = 0xFF; src_pixel += 3; } } free(surface->pixels); SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, (int)width, (int)height}; if (SDL_UpdateTexture(surface->texture, &rect, buffer, width * 4) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't update part of texture: %s", SDL_GetError()); free(buffer); } void RenderBackend_Blit(RenderBackend_Surface *source_surface, const RenderBackend_Rect *rect, RenderBackend_Surface *destination_surface, long x, long y, bool colour_key) { if (source_surface == NULL || destination_surface == NULL) return; SDL_Rect source_rect; RectToSDLRect(rect, &source_rect); SDL_Rect destination_rect = {(int)x, (int)y, source_rect.w, source_rect.h}; // Blit the texture if (SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(source_surface->texture, colour_key ? SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND : SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't set texture blend mode: %s", SDL_GetError()); if (SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, destination_surface->texture) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't set current rendering target: %s", SDL_GetError()); if (SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, source_surface->texture, &source_rect, &destination_rect) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't copy part of texture to rendering target: %s", SDL_GetError()); } void RenderBackend_ColourFill(RenderBackend_Surface *surface, const RenderBackend_Rect *rect, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) { if (surface == NULL) return; SDL_Rect sdl_rect; RectToSDLRect(rect, &sdl_rect); Uint8 alpha = SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE; // Check colour-key if (red == 0 && green == 0 && blue == 0) alpha = 0; if (SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, red, green, blue, alpha) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't set color for drawing operations: %s", SDL_GetError()); // Draw colour if (SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, surface->texture) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't set texture current rendering target: %s", SDL_GetError()); if (SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't disable blending for drawing operations: %s", SDL_GetError()); if (SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &sdl_rect) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't fill rectangle on current rendering target: %s", SDL_GetError()); if (SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't enable alpha blending for drawing operations: %s", SDL_GetError()); } RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas* RenderBackend_CreateGlyphAtlas(size_t size) { RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *atlas = (RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas*)malloc(sizeof(RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas)); if (atlas != NULL) { atlas->texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC, size, size); if (atlas->texture != NULL) { return atlas; } else { Backend_PrintError("Couldn't create texture for renderer: %s", SDL_GetError()); } free(atlas); } return NULL; } void RenderBackend_DestroyGlyphAtlas(RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *atlas) { SDL_DestroyTexture(atlas->texture); free(atlas); } void RenderBackend_UploadGlyph(RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *atlas, size_t x, size_t y, const unsigned char *pixels, size_t width, size_t height) { unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * height * 4); if (buffer != NULL) { unsigned char *destination_pointer = buffer; const unsigned char *source_pointer = pixels; for (size_t i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) { *destination_pointer++ = 0xFF; *destination_pointer++ = 0xFF; *destination_pointer++ = 0xFF; *destination_pointer++ = *source_pointer++; } SDL_Rect rect; rect.x = x; rect.y = y; rect.w = width; rect.h = height; if (SDL_UpdateTexture(atlas->texture, &rect, buffer, width * 4) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't update texture: %s", SDL_GetError()); free(buffer); } } void RenderBackend_PrepareToDrawGlyphs(RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *atlas, RenderBackend_Surface *destination_surface, const unsigned char *colour_channels) { (void)atlas; if (destination_surface == NULL) return; if (SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, destination_surface->texture) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't set texture as current rendering target: %s", SDL_GetError()); // The SDL_Texture side of things uses alpha, not a colour-key, so the bug where the font is blended // with the colour key doesn't occur. if (SDL_SetTextureColorMod(atlas->texture, colour_channels[0], colour_channels[1], colour_channels[2]) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't set additional color value: %s", SDL_GetError()); if (SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(atlas->texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't set texture blend mode: %s", SDL_GetError()); } void RenderBackend_DrawGlyph(RenderBackend_GlyphAtlas *atlas, long x, long y, size_t glyph_x, size_t glyph_y, size_t glyph_width, size_t glyph_height) { SDL_Rect source_rect; source_rect.x = glyph_x; source_rect.y = glyph_y; source_rect.w = glyph_width; source_rect.h = glyph_height; SDL_Rect destination_rect; destination_rect.x = x; destination_rect.y = y; destination_rect.w = glyph_width; destination_rect.h = glyph_height; if (SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, atlas->texture, &source_rect, &destination_rect) < 0) Backend_PrintError("Couldn't copy glyph texture portion to renderer: %s", SDL_GetError()); } void RenderBackend_FlushGlyphs(void) { } void RenderBackend_HandleRenderTargetLoss(void) { for (RenderBackend_Surface *surface = surface_list_head; surface != NULL; surface = surface->next) surface->lost = true; } void RenderBackend_HandleWindowResize(unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { (void)width; (void)height; // No problem for us }