ref: 79dc22c769a5a84b561884508e2643747cf9ec08
dir: /maps/TrainerHouseB1F.asm/
const_def 2 ; object constants const TRAINERHOUSEB1F_RECEPTIONIST const TRAINERHOUSEB1F_CHRIS TrainerHouseB1F_MapScripts: db 1 ; scene scripts scene_script .DummyScene ; SCENE_DEFAULT db 0 ; callbacks .DummyScene: end TrainerHouseReceptionistScript: turnobject PLAYER, UP opentext checkflag ENGINE_FOUGHT_IN_TRAINER_HALL_TODAY iftrue .FoughtTooManyTimes writetext TrainerHouseB1FIntroText buttonsound special TrainerHouse iffalse .GetCal3Name trainertotext CAL, CAL2, MEM_BUFFER_0 jump .GotName .GetCal3Name: trainertotext CAL, CAL3, MEM_BUFFER_0 .GotName: writetext TrainerHouseB1FYourOpponentIsText buttonsound writetext TrainerHouseB1FAskWantToBattleText yesorno iffalse .Declined setflag ENGINE_FOUGHT_IN_TRAINER_HALL_TODAY writetext TrainerHouseB1FGoRightInText waitbutton closetext applymovement PLAYER, Movement_EnterTrainerHouseBattleRoom opentext writetext TrainerHouseB1FCalBeforeText waitbutton closetext special TrainerHouse iffalse .NoSpecialBattle winlosstext TrainerHouseB1FCalBeatenText, 0 setlasttalked TRAINERHOUSEB1F_CHRIS loadtrainer CAL, CAL2 startbattle reloadmapafterbattle iffalse .End .NoSpecialBattle: winlosstext TrainerHouseB1FCalBeatenText, 0 setlasttalked TRAINERHOUSEB1F_CHRIS loadtrainer CAL, CAL3 startbattle reloadmapafterbattle .End: applymovement PLAYER, Movement_ExitTrainerHouseBattleRoom end .Declined: writetext TrainerHouseB1FPleaseComeAgainText waitbutton closetext applymovement PLAYER, Movement_TrainerHouseTurnBack end .FoughtTooManyTimes: writetext TrainerHouseB1FSecondChallengeDeniedText waitbutton closetext applymovement PLAYER, Movement_TrainerHouseTurnBack end Movement_EnterTrainerHouseBattleRoom: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step LEFT turn_head RIGHT step_end Movement_ExitTrainerHouseBattleRoom: step UP step UP step UP step RIGHT step UP step UP step UP step UP step UP step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step_end Movement_TrainerHouseTurnBack: step RIGHT turn_head LEFT step_end TrainerHouseB1FIntroText: text "Hi. Welcome to our" line "TRAINING HALL." para "You may battle a" line "trainer once per" cont "day." done TrainerHouseB1FYourOpponentIsText: text_ram wStringBuffer3 text " is your" line "opponent today." done TrainerHouseB1FAskWantToBattleText: text "Would you like to" line "battle?" done TrainerHouseB1FGoRightInText: text "Please go right" line "through." para "You may begin" line "right away." done TrainerHouseB1FPleaseComeAgainText: text "Sorry. Only those" line "trainers who will" para "be battling are" line "allowed to go in." done TrainerHouseB1FSecondChallengeDeniedText: text "I'm sorry." line "This would be your" para "second time today." line "You're permitted" para "to enter just once" line "a day." done TrainerHouseB1FCalBeatenText: text "I lost…" line "Darn…" done TrainerHouseB1FCalBeforeText: text "I traveled out" line "here just so I" cont "could battle you." done TrainerHouseB1F_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler db 1 ; warp events warp_event 9, 4, TRAINER_HOUSE_1F, 3 db 1 ; coord events coord_event 7, 3, SCENE_DEFAULT, TrainerHouseReceptionistScript db 0 ; bg events db 2 ; object events object_event 7, 1, SPRITE_RECEPTIONIST, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, -1 object_event 6, 11, SPRITE_CHRIS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, -1