ref: ddec0ee305f25bc9941e19e16c79f499c5e95c23
dir: /maps/VermilionGym.asm/
const_value set 2 const VERMILIONGYM_SURGE const VERMILIONGYM_GENTLEMAN const VERMILIONGYM_ROCKER const VERMILIONGYM_SUPER_NERD const VERMILIONGYM_GYM_GUY VermilionGym_MapScripts: .SceneScripts: db 0 .MapCallbacks: db 0 SurgeScript_0x1920a5: faceplayer opentext checkflag ENGINE_THUNDERBADGE iftrue .FightDone writetext UnknownText_0x192142 waitbutton closetext winlosstext UnknownText_0x192238, 0 loadtrainer LT_SURGE, LT_SURGE1 startbattle reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_LTSURGE setevent EVENT_BEAT_GENTLEMAN_GREGORY setevent EVENT_BEAT_GUITARIST_VINCENT setevent EVENT_BEAT_JUGGLER_HORTON opentext writetext UnknownText_0x192277 playsound SFX_GET_BADGE waitsfx setflag ENGINE_THUNDERBADGE writetext UnknownText_0x192291 waitbutton closetext end .FightDone: writetext UnknownText_0x192303 waitbutton closetext end TrainerGentlemanGregory: trainer EVENT_BEAT_GENTLEMAN_GREGORY, GENTLEMAN, GREGORY, GentlemanGregorySeenText, GentlemanGregoryBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext GentlemanGregoryAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerGuitaristVincent: trainer EVENT_BEAT_GUITARIST_VINCENT, GUITARIST, VINCENT, GuitaristVincentSeenText, GuitaristVincentBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext GuitaristVincentAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerJugglerHorton: trainer EVENT_BEAT_JUGGLER_HORTON, JUGGLER, HORTON, JugglerHortonSeenText, JugglerHortonBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext JugglerHortonAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end VermilionGymGuyScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_BEAT_LTSURGE iftrue .VermilionGymGuyWinScript writetext VermilionGymGuyText waitbutton closetext end .VermilionGymGuyWinScript: writetext VermilionGymGuyWinText waitbutton closetext end MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script: jumptext UnknownText_0x19261e VermilionGymStatue: checkflag ENGINE_THUNDERBADGE iftrue .Beaten jumpstd gymstatue1 .Beaten: trainertotext LT_SURGE, LT_SURGE1, MEM_BUFFER_1 jumpstd gymstatue2 UnknownText_0x192142: text "SURGE: Hey, you" line "little tyke!" para "I have to hand it" line "to you. It may not" para "be very smart to" line "challenge me, but" cont "it takes guts!" para "When it comes to" line "electric #MON," cont "I'm number one!" para "I've never lost on" line "the battlefield." para "I'll zap you just" line "like I did my" cont "enemies in war!" done UnknownText_0x192238: text "SURGE: Arrrgh!" line "You are strong!" para "OK, kid. You get" line "THUNDERBADGE!" done UnknownText_0x192277: text "<PLAYER> received" line "THUNDERBADGE." done UnknownText_0x192291: text "SURGE: THUNDER-" line "BADGE increases" cont "#MON's speed. " para "Consider it proof" line "that you defeated" para "me. You wear it" line "proudly, hear?" done UnknownText_0x192303: text "SURGE: Hey, kid!" line "Still slugging and" cont "chugging away?" para "My #MON and I" line "are still at it!" done GentlemanGregorySeenText: text "You're here to" line "defeat LT.SURGE?" para "Not if I can help" line "it!" done GentlemanGregoryBeatenText: text "Sorry I failed" line "you, LT.SURGE," cont "sir!" done GentlemanGregoryAfterBattleText: text "When I was still" line "in the army, LT." para "SURGE saved my" line "life." done GuitaristVincentSeenText: text "LT.SURGE recog-" line "nized my potential" para "with electric" line "#MON." para "Think you can beat" line "me?" done GuitaristVincentBeatenText: text "Ooh, how shocking!" done GuitaristVincentAfterBattleText: text "If the GYM's traps" line "were working, you" para "would have been" line "toast…" done JugglerHortonSeenText: text "I'm going to take" line "you down! Prepare" cont "to be shocked!" done JugglerHortonBeatenText: text "Gwaaah!" line "I was overpowered…" done JugglerHortonAfterBattleText: text "Don't get too com-" line "fortable about" para "beating me…" line "LT.SURGE is tough." done VermilionGymGuyText: text "Yo! CHAMP in" line "making!" para "You lucked out" line "this time." para "LT.SURGE is very" line "cautious. He has" para "traps set all over" line "the GYM." para "But--he-heh--the" line "traps aren't" cont "active right now." para "You'll have no" line "problem getting to" cont "LT.SURGE." done VermilionGymGuyWinText: text "Whew! That was an" line "electrifying bout!" para "It sure made me" line "nervous." done UnknownText_0x19261e: text "Nope! Nothing here" line "but trash." done VermilionGym_MapEvents: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def 4, 17, 7, VERMILION_CITY warp_def 5, 17, 7, VERMILION_CITY .CoordEvents: db 0 .BGEvents: db 17 bg_event 1, 7, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 3, 7, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 5, 7, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 7, 7, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 9, 7, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 1, 9, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 3, 9, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 5, 9, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 7, 9, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 9, 9, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 1, 11, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 3, 11, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 5, 11, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 7, 11, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 9, 11, BGEVENT_READ, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script bg_event 3, 15, BGEVENT_READ, VermilionGymStatue bg_event 6, 15, BGEVENT_READ, VermilionGymStatue .ObjectEvents: db 5 object_event 5, 2, SPRITE_SURGE, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BROWN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, SurgeScript_0x1920a5, -1 object_event 8, 8, SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 4, TrainerGentlemanGregory, -1 object_event 4, 7, SPRITE_ROCKER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 3, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerGuitaristVincent, -1 object_event 0, 10, SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 4, TrainerJugglerHorton, -1 object_event 7, 15, SPRITE_GYM_GUY, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 1, VermilionGymGuyScript, -1