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ref: 0c7ed80e8f0db0e0a908e372a1bcd11ab7c06e0b
parent: 32de1b269468f48d073a8e6d52843877baff0ba4
author: U-Fish-PC\Daniel <>
date: Mon Jun 9 09:22:35 EDT 2014

Improve music command names

--- a/audio/engine_1.asm
+++ b/audio/engine_1.asm
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 ; this routine checks flags for music effects currently applied
 ; to the channel and calls certain functions based on flags.
 ; known flags for wc02e:
+;	0: toggleperfectpitch has been used
 ;	1: call has been used
 ;	3: a toggle used only by this routine for vibrato
 ;	4: pitchbend flag
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
 ;	6: dutycycle flag
 Music2_ApplyMusicAffects: ; 0x9138
 	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wc0b6 ; delay unitl next note
+	ld hl, wc0b6 ; delay until next note
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp $1 ; if the delay is 1, play next note
@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@
 Music2_notetype: ; 0x92e4
 	and $f0
 	cp $d0 ; is this command a notetype?
-	jp nz, Music2_togglecall ; no
+	jp nz, Music2_toggleperfectpitch ; no
 	ld a, d ; yes
 	and $f
 	ld b, $0
@@ -369,9 +370,9 @@
 	jp Music2_endchannel
-Music2_togglecall: ; 0x9323
+Music2_toggleperfectpitch: ; 0x9323
 	ld a, d
-	cp $e8 ; is this command an togglecall?
+	cp $e8 ; is this command a toggleperfectpitch?
 	jr nz, Music2_vibrato ; no
 	ld b, $0 ; yes
 	ld hl, wc02e
@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	xor $1
-	ld [hl], a ; flip bit 0 of wc02e (toggle returning from call)
+	ld [hl], a ; flip bit 0 of wc02e
 	jp Music2_endchannel
 Music2_vibrato: ; 0x9335
@@ -461,7 +462,7 @@
 Music2_tempo: ; 0x93ba
 	cp $ed ; is this command a tempo?
-	jr nz, Music2_unknownmusic0xee ; no
+	jr nz, Music2_stereopanning ; no
 	ld a, c ; yes
 	cp CH4
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel
@@ -488,11 +489,11 @@
 	jp Music2_endchannel
-Music2_unknownmusic0xee: ; 0x93fa
-	cp $ee ; is this command an unknownmusic0xee?
+Music2_stereopanning: ; 0x93fa
+	cp $ee ; is this command a stereopanning?
 	jr nz, Music2_unknownmusic0xef ; no
 	call Music2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld [wc004], a ; store first param
+	ld [wc004], a ; store panning
 	jp Music2_endchannel
 ; this appears to never be used
@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@
 Music2_dutycycle: ; 0x9426
 	cp $fc ; is this command a dutycycle?
-	jr nz, Music2_stereopanning ; no
+	jr nz, Music2_volume ; no
 	call Music2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wc046
@@ -530,11 +531,11 @@
 	set 6, [hl] ; set dutycycle flag
 	jp Music2_endchannel
-Music2_stereopanning: ; 0x9444
-	cp $f0 ; is this command a stereopanning?
+Music2_volume: ; 0x9444
+	cp $f0 ; is this command a volume?
 	jr nz, Music2_executemusic ; no
 	call Music2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld [$ff24], a ; store stereopanning
+	ld [$ff24], a ; store volume
 	jp Music2_endchannel
 Music2_executemusic: ; 0x9450
@@ -794,12 +795,12 @@
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wc02e
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_95ef
-	inc e
-	jr nc, .asm_95ef
+	bit 0, [hl]   ; has toggleperfectpitch been used?
+	jr z, .skip2
+	inc e         ; if yes, increment the pitch by 1
+	jr nc, .skip2
 	inc d
 	ld hl, wc066
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
@@ -1254,7 +1255,7 @@
 	add hl, hl
 	ld d, h
 	ld e, l
-	ld hl, Unknown_9b2f
+	ld hl, Music2_Pitches
 	add hl, de
 	ld e, [hl]
 	inc hl
@@ -1665,18 +1666,18 @@
 	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 0-3
 	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 4-7
-Unknown_9b2f: ; 0x9b2f
-	dw $F82C
-	dw $F89D
-	dw $F907
-	dw $F96B
-	dw $F9CA
-	dw $FA23
-	dw $FA77
-	dw $FAC7
-	dw $FB12
-	dw $FB58
-	dw $FB9B
-	dw $FBDA
+Music2_Pitches: ; 0x9b2f
+	dw $F82C ; C_
+	dw $F89D ; C#
+	dw $F907 ; D_
+	dw $F96B ; D#
+	dw $F9CA ; E_
+	dw $FA23 ; F_
+	dw $FA77 ; F#
+	dw $FAC7 ; G_
+	dw $FB12 ; G#
+	dw $FB58 ; A_
+	dw $FB9B ; A#
+	dw $FBDA ; B_
--- a/audio/engine_2.asm
+++ b/audio/engine_2.asm
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 ; this routine checks flags for music effects currently applied
 ; to the channel and calls certain functions based on flags.
 ; known flags for wc02e:
+;	0: toggleperfectpitch has been used
 ;	1: call has been used
 ;	3: a toggle used only by this routine for vibrato
 ;	4: pitchbend flag
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
 ;	6: dutycycle flag
 Music8_ApplyMusicAffects: ; 218ae (8:58ae)
 	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wc0b6 ; delay unitl next note
+	ld hl, wc0b6 ; delay until next note
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp $1 ; if the delay is 1, play next note
@@ -335,7 +336,7 @@
 Music8_notetype: ; 21a65 (8:5a65)
 	and $f0
 	cp $d0 ; is this command a notetype?
-	jp nz, Music8_togglecall ; no
+	jp nz, Music8_toggleperfectpitch ; no
 	ld a, d ; yes
 	and $f
 	ld b, $0
@@ -376,9 +377,9 @@
 	jp Music8_endchannel
-Music8_togglecall: ; 21aa4 (8:5aa4)
+Music8_toggleperfectpitch: ; 21aa4 (8:5aa4)
 	ld a, d
-	cp $e8 ; is this command an togglecall?
+	cp $e8 ; is this command a toggleperfectpitch?
 	jr nz, Music8_vibrato ; no
 	ld b, $0 ; yes
 	ld hl, wc02e
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	xor $1
-	ld [hl], a ; flip bit 0 of wc02e (toggle returning from call)
+	ld [hl], a ; flip bit 0 of wc02e
 	jp Music8_endchannel
 Music8_vibrato: ; 21ab6 (8:5ab6)
@@ -468,7 +469,7 @@
 Music8_tempo: ; 21b3b (8:5b3b)
 	cp $ed ; is this command a tempo?
-	jr nz, Music8_unknownmusic0xee ; no
+	jr nz, Music8_stereopanning ; no
 	ld a, c ; yes
 	cp CH4
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel
@@ -495,11 +496,11 @@
 	jp Music8_endchannel
-Music8_unknownmusic0xee: ; 21b7b (8:5b7b)
-	cp $ee ; is this command an unknownmusic0xee?
+Music8_stereopanning: ; 21b7b (8:5b7b)
+	cp $ee ; is this command a stereopanning?
 	jr nz, Music8_unknownmusic0xef ; no
 	call Music8_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld [wc004], a ; store first param
+	ld [wc004], a ; store panning
 	jp Music8_endchannel
 ; this appears to never be used
@@ -522,7 +523,7 @@
 Music8_dutycycle: ; 21ba7 (8:5ba7)
 	cp $fc ; is this command a dutycycle?
-	jr nz, Music8_stereopanning ; no
+	jr nz, Music8_volume ; no
 	call Music8_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wc046
@@ -537,11 +538,11 @@
 	set 6, [hl] ; set dutycycle flag
 	jp Music8_endchannel
-Music8_stereopanning: ; 21bc5 (8:5bc5)
-	cp $f0 ; is this command a stereopanning?
+Music8_volume: ; 21bc5 (8:5bc5)
+	cp $f0 ; is this command a volume?
 	jr nz, Music8_executemusic ; no
 	call Music8_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld [$ff24], a
+	ld [$ff24], a ; store volume
 	jp Music8_endchannel
 Music8_executemusic: ; 21bd1 (8:5bd1)
@@ -801,12 +802,12 @@
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wc02e
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_21d70
-	inc e
-	jr nc, .asm_21d70
+	bit 0, [hl]   ; has toggleperfectpitch been used?
+	jr z, .skip2
+	inc e         ; if yes, increment the pitch by 1
+	jr nc, .skip2
 	inc d
 	ld hl, wc066
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
@@ -1305,7 +1306,7 @@
 	add hl, hl
 	ld d, h
 	ld e, l
-	ld hl, Unknown_222ee
+	ld hl, Music8_Pitches
 	add hl, de
 	ld e, [hl]
 	inc hl
@@ -1716,18 +1717,18 @@
 	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 0-3
 	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 4-7
-Unknown_222ee: ; 222ee (8:62ee)
-	dw $F82C
-	dw $F89D
-	dw $F907
-	dw $F96B
-	dw $F9CA
-	dw $FA23
-	dw $FA77
-	dw $FAC7
-	dw $FB12
-	dw $FB58
-	dw $FB9B
-	dw $FBDA
+Music8_Pitches: ; 222ee (8:62ee)
+	dw $F82C ; C_
+	dw $F89D ; C#
+	dw $F907 ; D_
+	dw $F96B ; D#
+	dw $F9CA ; E_
+	dw $FA23 ; F_
+	dw $FA77 ; F#
+	dw $FAC7 ; G_
+	dw $FB12 ; G#
+	dw $FB58 ; A_
+	dw $FB9B ; A#
+	dw $FBDA ; B_
--- a/audio/engine_3.asm
+++ b/audio/engine_3.asm
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 	ld [$ff1a], a
 	jr .nextChannel
-	call Music1f_Music2_ApplyMusicAffects
+	call Music1f_ApplyMusicAffects
 	ld a, c
 	inc c ; inc channel number
@@ -37,17 +37,18 @@
 ; this routine checks flags for music effects currently applied
 ; to the channel and calls certain functions based on flags.
 ; known flags for wc02e:
+;	0: toggleperfectpitch has been used
 ;	1: call has been used
 ;	3: a toggle used only by this routine for vibrato
 ;	4: pitchbend flag
 ;	6: dutycycle flag
-Music1f_Music2_ApplyMusicAffects: ; 7d1ac (1f:51ac)
+Music1f_ApplyMusicAffects: ; 7d1ac (1f:51ac)
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wc0b6 ; delay until next note
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp $1 ; if delay is 1, play next note
-	jp z, Music1f_Music2_PlayNextNote
+	jp z, Music1f_PlayNextNote
 	dec a ; otherwise, decrease the delay timer
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld a, c
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@
 ; this routine executes all music commands that take up no time,
 ; like tempo changes, duty changes etc. and doesn't return
 ; until the first note is reached
-Music1f_Music2_PlayNextNote: ; 7d244 (1f:5244)
+Music1f_PlayNextNote: ; 7d244 (1f:5244)
 	ld hl, wc06e
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@
 Music1f_notetype: ; 7d358 (1f:5358)
 	and $f0
 	cp $d0 ; is this command a notetype?
-	jp nz, Music1f_togglecall ; no
+	jp nz, Music1f_toggleperfectpitch ; no
 	ld a, d ; yes
 	and $f
 	ld b, $0
@@ -369,9 +370,9 @@
 	jp Music1f_endchannel
-Music1f_togglecall: ; 7d397 (1f:5397)
+Music1f_toggleperfectpitch: ; 7d397 (1f:5397)
 	ld a, d
-	cp $e8 ; is this command an togglecall?
+	cp $e8 ; is this command a toggleperfectpitch?
 	jr nz, Music1f_vibrato ; no
 	ld b, $0 ; yes
 	ld hl, wc02e
@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	xor $1
-	ld [hl], a ; flip bit 0 of wc02e (toggle returning from call)
+	ld [hl], a ; flip bit 0 of wc02e
 	jp Music1f_endchannel
 Music1f_vibrato: ; 7d3a9 (1f:53a9)
@@ -461,7 +462,7 @@
 Music1f_tempo: ; 7d42e (1f:542e)
 	cp $ed ; is this command a tempo?
-	jr nz, Music1f_unknownmusic0xee ; no
+	jr nz, Music1f_stereopanning ; no
 	ld a, c ; yes
 	cp CH4
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel
@@ -488,11 +489,11 @@
 	jp Music1f_endchannel
-Music1f_unknownmusic0xee: ; 7d46e (1f:546e)
-	cp $ee ; is this command an unknownmusic0xee?
+Music1f_stereopanning: ; 7d46e (1f:546e)
+	cp $ee ; is this command a stereopanning?
 	jr nz, Music1f_unknownmusic0xef ; no
 	call Music1f_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld [wc004], a ; store first param
+	ld [wc004], a ; store panning
 	jp Music1f_endchannel
 ; this appears to never be used
@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@
 Music1f_dutycycle: ; 7d49a (1f:549a)
 	cp $fc ; is this command a dutycycle?
-	jr nz, Music1f_stereopanning ; no
+	jr nz, Music1f_volume ; no
 	call Music1f_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wc046
@@ -530,11 +531,11 @@
 	set 6, [hl] ; set duty flag
 	jp Music1f_endchannel
-Music1f_stereopanning: ; 7d4b8 (1f:54b8)
-	cp $f0 ; is this command a stereopanning?
+Music1f_volume: ; 7d4b8 (1f:54b8)
+	cp $f0 ; is this command a volume?
 	jr nz, Music1f_executemusic ; no
 	call Music1f_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld [$ff24], a ; store stereopanning
+	ld [$ff24], a ; store volume
 	jp Music1f_endchannel
 Music1f_executemusic: ; 7d4c4 (1f:54c4)
@@ -794,12 +795,12 @@
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wc02e
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_7d663
-	inc e
-	jr nc, .asm_7d663
+	bit 0, [hl]   ; has toggleperfectpitch been used?
+	jr z, .skip2
+	inc e         ; if yes, increment the pitch by 1
+	jr nc, .skip2
 	inc d
 	ld hl, wc066
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
@@ -1254,7 +1255,7 @@
 	add hl, hl
 	ld d, h
 	ld e, l
-	ld hl, Unknown_7dba3
+	ld hl, Music1f_Pitches
 	add hl, de
 	ld e, [hl]
 	inc hl
@@ -1665,18 +1666,18 @@
 	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 0-3
 	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 4-7
-Unknown_7dba3: ; 7dba3 (1f:5ba3)
-	dw $F82C
-	dw $F89D
-	dw $F907
-	dw $F96B
-	dw $F9CA
-	dw $FA23
-	dw $FA77
-	dw $FAC7
-	dw $FB12
-	dw $FB58
-	dw $FB9B
-	dw $FBDA
+Music1f_Pitches: ; 7dba3 (1f:5ba3)
+	dw $F82C ; C_
+	dw $F89D ; C#
+	dw $F907 ; D_
+	dw $F96B ; D#
+	dw $F9CA ; E_
+	dw $FA23 ; F_
+	dw $FA77 ; F#
+	dw $FAC7 ; G_
+	dw $FB12 ; G#
+	dw $FB58 ; A_
+	dw $FB9B ; A#
+	dw $FBDA ; B_
--- a/audio/music/bikeriding.asm
+++ b/audio/music/bikeriding.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_BikeRiding_Ch1:: ; 7dbbb (1f:5bbb)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
 	notetype 12, 11, 5
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 	note D_, 2
 	note E_, 2
 	note F_, 6
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 3
 	note E_, 2
 	note D_, 2
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 	note F_, 2
 	note E_, 1
 	note F_, 1
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 5
 	note G_, 6
 	note G_, 6
--- a/audio/music/celadon.asm
+++ b/audio/music/celadon.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_Celadon_Ch1:: ; b6c7 (2:76c7)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 2, 15
 	rest 8
 	octave 3
--- a/audio/music/cinnabar.asm
+++ b/audio/music/cinnabar.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Cinnabar_Ch1:: ; b86d (2:786d)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 12, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 5
--- a/audio/music/cinnabarmansion.asm
+++ b/audio/music/cinnabarmansion.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_CinnabarMansion_Ch1:: ; 7ed0f (1f:6d0f)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 11, 2, 5
 	duty 2
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 Music_CinnabarMansion_Ch2:: ; 7ed40 (1f:6d40)
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	vibrato 10, 2, 4
 	notetype 12, 12, 2
--- a/audio/music/cities1.asm
+++ b/audio/music/cities1.asm
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-	tempo 0, 232
+	tempo 232
 	loopchannel 0, Music_Cities1_branch_aa79
 Music_Cities1_Ch1:: ; aa76 (2:6a76)
-	tempo 0, 144
+	tempo 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 8, 2, 4
 	duty 3
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
 Music_Cities1_Ch3:: ; ac32 (2:6c32)
 	notetype 12, 1, 1
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	vibrato 0, 0, 0
--- a/audio/music/cities2.asm
+++ b/audio/music/cities2.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Cities2_Ch1:: ; b504 (2:7504)
-	tempo 0, 148
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 148
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 8, 3, 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 6
 	rest 8
 	octave 3
--- a/audio/music/credits.asm
+++ b/audio/music/credits.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Credits_Ch1:: ; 7fc1f (1f:7c1f)
-	tempo 0, 140
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 140
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 8, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 5
 	octave 4
 	note E_, 6
--- a/audio/music/defeatedgymleader.asm
+++ b/audio/music/defeatedgymleader.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Music_DefeatedGymLeader_Ch1:: ; 23cad (8:7cad)
-	tempo 0, 112
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 112
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 18, 3, 1
-	togglecall
-	tempo 0, 112
+	toggleperfectpitch
+	tempo 112
 	notetype 12, 10, 6
 	octave 4
 	note D_, 6
--- a/audio/music/defeatedtrainer.asm
+++ b/audio/music/defeatedtrainer.asm
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 Music_DefeatedTrainer_Ch1:: ; 23a53 (8:7a53)
-	tempo 0, 224
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 224
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
-	tempo 0, 224
+	toggleperfectpitch
+	tempo 224
 	notetype 4, 10, 2
 	octave 4
 	note D_, 2
-	tempo 0, 224
+	tempo 224
 	notetype 4, 10, 2
 	note D_, 2
 	note D_, 2
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 	notetype 4, 11, 3
 	note F#, 12
 	duty 1
-	tempo 0, 224
+	tempo 224
 	notetype 4, 6, 3
--- a/audio/music/defeatedwildmon.asm
+++ b/audio/music/defeatedwildmon.asm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 Music_DefeatedWildMon_Ch1:: ; 23b74 (8:7b74)
-	tempo 0, 112
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 112
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
-	tempo 0, 112
+	toggleperfectpitch
+	tempo 112
 	notetype 12, 11, 7
 	octave 3
 	note B_, 1
--- a/audio/music/dungeon1.asm
+++ b/audio/music/dungeon1.asm
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 Music_Dungeon1_Ch1:: ; 7ded1 (1f:5ed1)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	vibrato 10, 1, 4
 	notetype 12, 4, 13
 	rest 8
-	unknownmusic0xee 237
+	stereopanning 237
 	octave 4
 	note F#, 8
-	unknownmusic0xee 255
+	stereopanning 255
 	notetype 12, 11, 2
--- a/audio/music/dungeon2.asm
+++ b/audio/music/dungeon2.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_Dungeon2_Ch1:: ; 7e887 (1f:6887)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	vibrato 10, 1, 4
--- a/audio/music/dungeon3.asm
+++ b/audio/music/dungeon3.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_Dungeon3_Ch1:: ; 7e9f1 (1f:69f1)
-	tempo 0, 160
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 160
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
-	tempo 0, 168
+	tempo 168
 	octave 1
 	note A#, 1
 	note B_, 1
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 	note D#, 1
 	note E_, 1
 	note F_, 1
-	tempo 0, 176
+	tempo 176
 	octave 1
 	note A#, 1
 	note B_, 1
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
 	note D#, 1
 	note E_, 1
 	note F_, 1
-	tempo 0, 184
+	tempo 184
 	octave 1
 	note A#, 1
 	note B_, 1
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
 	note D#, 1
 	note E_, 1
 	note F_, 1
-	tempo 0, 192
+	tempo 192
 	octave 1
 	note A_, 1
 	note A#, 1
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
 	note D_, 1
 	note D#, 1
 	note E_, 1
-	tempo 0, 200
+	tempo 200
 	octave 1
 	note G#, 1
 	note A_, 1
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
 	note C#, 1
 	note D_, 1
 	note D#, 1
-	tempo 0, 208
+	tempo 208
 	octave 1
 	note G_, 1
 	note G#, 1
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
 	note C_, 1
 	note C#, 1
 	note D_, 1
-	tempo 0, 216
+	tempo 216
 	octave 1
 	note F#, 1
 	note G_, 1
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
 	octave 2
 	note C_, 1
 	note C#, 1
-	tempo 0, 224
+	tempo 224
 	octave 1
 	note F_, 1
 	note F#, 1
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
 	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
 	note C_, 1
-	tempo 0, 160
+	tempo 160
--- a/audio/music/finalbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/finalbattle.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_FinalBattle_Ch1:: ; 233a6 (8:73a6)
-	tempo 0, 112
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 112
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
 	note F#, 1
--- a/audio/music/gamecorner.asm
+++ b/audio/music/gamecorner.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_GameCorner_Ch1:: ; 7e20b (1f:620b)
-	tempo 0, 120
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 120
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 12, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
 	note A_, 6
--- a/audio/music/gym.asm
+++ b/audio/music/gym.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Gym_Ch1:: ; bcbb (2:7cbb)
-	tempo 0, 138
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 138
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
 	note G_, 6
--- a/audio/music/gymleaderbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/gymleaderbattle.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_GymLeaderBattle_Ch1:: ; 22370 (8:6370)
-	tempo 0, 104
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 104
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 8, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 3
 	rest 6
 	octave 3
--- a/audio/music/halloffame.asm
+++ b/audio/music/halloffame.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_HallOfFame_Ch1:: ; 7fbaf (1f:7baf)
-	tempo 0, 112
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 112
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 12, 2, 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 3
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
--- a/audio/music/indigoplateau.asm
+++ b/audio/music/indigoplateau.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch1:: ; a5f0 (2:65f0)
-	tempo 0, 132
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 132
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 2
 	octave 2
 	note A_, 8
--- a/audio/music/introbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/introbattle.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_IntroBattle_Ch1:: ; 7f844 (1f:7844)
-	tempo 0, 98
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 98
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 1
 	rest 8
 	octave 2
--- a/audio/music/jigglypuffsong.asm
+++ b/audio/music/jigglypuffsong.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Music_JigglypuffSong_Ch1:: ; 7fb7d (1f:7b7d)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 8, 2, 4
 	duty 2
 	dutycycle 165
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 13, 6, 7
 	octave 4
 	note E_, 8
--- a/audio/music/lavender.asm
+++ b/audio/music/lavender.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_Lavender_Ch1:: ; bb58 (2:7b58)
-	tempo 0, 152
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 152
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 1
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	vibrato 0, 8, 8
 	notetype 12, 8, 7
 	rest 16
--- a/audio/music/meeteviltrainer.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meeteviltrainer.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_MeetEvilTrainer_Ch1:: ; 7f69d (1f:769d)
-	tempo 0, 124
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 124
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 1
 	rest 4
 	octave 3
--- a/audio/music/meetfemaletrainer.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meetfemaletrainer.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_Ch1:: ; 7f6f9 (1f:76f9)
-	tempo 0, 124
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 124
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 1
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
 	note G#, 6
--- a/audio/music/meetmaletrainer.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meetmaletrainer.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_MeetMaleTrainer_Ch1:: ; 7f77b (1f:777b)
-	tempo 0, 112
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 112
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 20, 3, 3
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
 	note C#, 1
--- a/audio/music/meetprofoak.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meetprofoak.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_MeetProfOak_Ch1:: ; af59 (2:6f59)
-	tempo 0, 112
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 112
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
 	note F#, 1
--- a/audio/music/meetrival.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meetrival.asm
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-	tempo 0, 100
+	tempo 100
 	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b123
 Music_MeetRival_Ch1:: ; b120 (2:7120)
-	tempo 0, 112
+	tempo 112
-	stereopanning 119
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 3
 	octave 4
 	note D_, 1
@@ -120,17 +120,17 @@
 	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b140
-	tempo 0, 100
+	tempo 100
 	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b1a5
-	tempo 0, 112
+	tempo 112
-	stereopanning 119
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 3
 	octave 3
 	note D_, 1
--- a/audio/music/museumguy.asm
+++ b/audio/music/museumguy.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_MuseumGuy_Ch1:: ; adae (2:6dae)
-	tempo 0, 128
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 128
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 1
 	octave 3
 	note B_, 2
--- a/audio/music/oakslab.asm
+++ b/audio/music/oakslab.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_OaksLab_Ch1:: ; 7eeb9 (1f:6eb9)
-	tempo 0, 140
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 140
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 16, 1, 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 3
 	octave 2
 	note B_, 1
--- a/audio/music/pallettown.asm
+++ b/audio/music/pallettown.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_PalletTown_Ch1:: ; a7c5 (2:67c5)
-	tempo 0, 160
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 160
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
 	notetype 12, 12, 3
--- a/audio/music/pkmnhealed.asm
+++ b/audio/music/pkmnhealed.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_PkmnHealed_Ch1:: ; 9ba3 (2:5ba3)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 8, 1
 	rest 2
 	pitchbend 0, 75
--- a/audio/music/pokecenter.asm
+++ b/audio/music/pokecenter.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Pokecenter_Ch1:: ; be56 (2:7e56)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 10, 3
--- a/audio/music/pokemontower.asm
+++ b/audio/music/pokemontower.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_PokemonTower_Ch1:: ; 7f04a (1f:704a)
-	tempo 0, 152
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 152
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	vibrato 12, 2, 3
 	notetype 12, 8, 0
 	rest 4
--- a/audio/music/routes1.asm
+++ b/audio/music/routes1.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Routes1_Ch1:: ; 9bde (2:5bde)
-	tempo 0, 152
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 152
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 4, 2, 3
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 10, 1
--- a/audio/music/routes2.asm
+++ b/audio/music/routes2.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_Routes2_Ch1:: ; 9db9 (2:5db9)
-	tempo 0, 152
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 152
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 9, 2, 5
 	duty 1
--- a/audio/music/routes3.asm
+++ b/audio/music/routes3.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Routes3_Ch1:: ; 9fad (2:5fad)
-	tempo 0, 148
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 148
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
 	note E_, 1
--- a/audio/music/routes4.asm
+++ b/audio/music/routes4.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Routes4_Ch1:: ; a26a (2:626a)
-	tempo 0, 148
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 148
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 10, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 10, 2
 	octave 2
 	note G#, 4
--- a/audio/music/safarizone.asm
+++ b/audio/music/safarizone.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_SafariZone_Ch1:: ; bc2e (2:7c2e)
-	tempo 0, 132
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 132
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	duty 2
 	notetype 12, 9, 2
 	octave 3
--- a/audio/music/silphco.asm
+++ b/audio/music/silphco.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Music_SilphCo_Ch1:: ; 7f243 (1f:7243)
-	tempo 0, 160
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 160
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	vibrato 8, 2, 2
 	notetype 6, 11, 3
 	octave 2
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 	notetype 6, 11, 0
 	octave 3
 	note E_, 8
-	tempo 0, 124
+	tempo 124
 	notetype 6, 11, 3
 	octave 2
 	note B_, 2
@@ -320,29 +320,29 @@
 	note D_, 11
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	tempo 0, 128
+	tempo 128
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	tempo 0, 136
+	tempo 136
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	tempo 0, 144
+	tempo 144
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	tempo 0, 160
+	tempo 160
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	tempo 0, 192
+	tempo 192
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	tempo 1, 32
+	tempo 288
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	tempo 1, 160
+	tempo 416
 	rest 4
-	tempo 4, 0
+	tempo 1024
 	rest 4
-	tempo 0, 160
+	tempo 160
 	rest 4
 	notetype 6, 4, 3
 	octave 2
--- a/audio/music/ssanne.asm
+++ b/audio/music/ssanne.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_SSAnne_Ch1:: ; b3a7 (2:73a7)
-	tempo 0, 128
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 128
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 1
 	vibrato 8, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 10, 4
--- a/audio/music/surfing.asm
+++ b/audio/music/surfing.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Surfing_Ch1:: ; 7fa19 (1f:7a19)
-	tempo 0, 160
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 160
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 12, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 5
 	rest 6
 	octave 2
--- a/audio/music/titlescreen.asm
+++ b/audio/music/titlescreen.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_TitleScreen_Ch1:: ; 7e4c0 (1f:64c0)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 9, 3, 4
 	duty 3
 	notetype 12, 12, 1
--- a/audio/music/trainerbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/trainerbattle.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_TrainerBattle_Ch1:: ; 22919 (8:6919)
-	tempo 0, 112
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 112
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 2
 	rest 8
 	octave 3
--- a/audio/music/unusedsong.asm
+++ b/audio/music/unusedsong.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_UnusedSong_Ch1:: ; a913 (2:6913)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 5, 1, 6
@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@
 Music_UnusedSong_Ch2:: ; a9cf (2:69cf)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
-	togglecall
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	vibrato 6, 1, 5
--- a/audio/music/vermilion.asm
+++ b/audio/music/vermilion.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_Vermilion_Ch1:: ; b9eb (2:79eb)
-	tempo 0, 156
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 156
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 12, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 5
--- a/audio/music/wildbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/wildbattle.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 Music_WildBattle_Ch1:: ; 23099 (8:7099)
-	tempo 0, 104
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 104
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 12, 11, 3
 	octave 4
 	note C_, 1
--- a/audio/music/yellow/meetjessiejames.asm
+++ b/audio/music/yellow/meetjessiejames.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_MeetJessieJames_Ch1: ; 8316d (20:716d)
-	tempo 0, 144
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 144
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
 	notetype 12, 11, 2
--- a/audio/music/yellow/surfingpikachu.asm
+++ b/audio/music/yellow/surfingpikachu.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_SurfingPikachu_Ch1: ; 82ce8 (20:6ce8)
-	tempo 0, 117
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 117
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
 	notetype 12, 11, 3
--- a/audio/music/yellow/yellowintro.asm
+++ b/audio/music/yellow/yellowintro.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_YellowIntro_Ch1: ; 7f65c (1f:765c)
-	tempo 0, 116
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 116
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
 	notetype 12, 11, 2
--- a/audio/music/yellow/yellowunusedsong.asm
+++ b/audio/music/yellow/yellowunusedsong.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Music_YellowUnusedSong_Ch1: ; 82fbe (20:6fbe)
-	tempo 0, 140
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 140
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
 	notetype 8, 11, 2
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_02_3a.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_02_3a.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 SFX_02_3a_Ch1: ; ad77 (2:6d77)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 6, 2, 6
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 4, 11, 1
 	octave 3
 	note G#, 2
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_02_3b.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_02_3b.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 SFX_02_3b_Ch1: ; b316 (2:7316)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 5, 11, 4
 	octave 4
 	note D_, 4
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_02_41.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_02_41.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 SFX_02_41_Ch1: ; b2c8 (2:72c8)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
 	notetype 5, 11, 1
 	octave 3
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_02_42.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_02_42.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 SFX_02_42_Ch1: ; b362 (2:7362)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 5, 10, 4
 	octave 3
 	note A#, 4
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_08_3a.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_08_3a.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 SFX_08_3a_Ch1: ; 2397d (8:797d)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 6, 11, 4
 	octave 4
 	note F_, 4
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_08_3b.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_08_3b.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 SFX_08_3b_Ch1: ; 239c7 (8:79c7)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 5, 11, 4
 	octave 4
 	note D_, 4
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_08_46.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_08_46.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 SFX_08_46_Ch1: ; 23a13 (8:7a13)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 3
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 6, 11, 2
 	octave 3
 	note E_, 2
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_08_pokeflute.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_08_pokeflute.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 SFX_08_PokeFlute_Ch1: ; 22322 (8:6322)
-	tempo 1, 0
+	tempo 256
 SFX_08_PokeFlute_Ch2: ; 22325 (8:6325)
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_08_unused2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_08_unused2.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 SFX_08_unused2_Ch1: ; 2232f (8:632f)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 6, 2, 6
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 6, 11, 1
 	octave 3
 	note G#, 2
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_1f_3a.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_1f_3a.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 SFX_1f_3a_Ch1: ; 7e850 (1f:6850)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 6, 2, 6
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 4, 11, 1
 	octave 3
 	note G#, 2
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_1f_3b.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_1f_3b.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 SFX_1f_3b_Ch1: ; 7ee28 (1f:6e28)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 5, 11, 4
 	octave 4
 	note D_, 4
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_1f_41.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_1f_41.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 SFX_1f_41_Ch1: ; 7edda (1f:6dda)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
 	notetype 5, 11, 1
 	octave 3
--- a/audio/sfx/sfx_1f_42.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/sfx_1f_42.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 SFX_1f_42_Ch1: ; 7ee74 (1f:6e74)
-	tempo 1, 0
-	stereopanning 119
+	tempo 256
+	volume 7, 7
 	duty 2
-	togglecall
+	toggleperfectpitch
 	notetype 5, 10, 4
 	octave 3
 	note A#, 4
--- a/macros.asm
+++ b/macros.asm
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
 	db $E8 - \1
-togglecall: MACRO
+toggleperfectpitch: MACRO
 	db $E8
@@ -271,18 +271,18 @@
 tempo: MACRO
 	db $ED
-	db \1
-	db \2
+	db \1 / $100
+	db \1 % $100
-unknownmusic0xee: MACRO
+stereopanning: MACRO
 	db $EE
 	db \1
-stereopanning: MACRO
+volume: MACRO
 	db $F0
-	db \1
+	db (\1 << 4) | \2
 executemusic: MACRO