shithub: pokered

ref: 849b53623b2ace56ef40b7bbdefe29a86e10162e
dir: /engine/battle/safari_zone.asm/

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PrintSafariZoneBattleText: ; 4277 (1:4277)
	ld hl, wSafariBaitFactor
	ld a, [hl]
	and a
	jr z, .asm_4284
	dec [hl]
	ld hl, SafariZoneEatingText
	jr .asm_429f
	dec hl
	ld a, [hl]
	and a
	ret z
	dec [hl]
	ld hl, SafariZoneAngryText
	jr nz, .asm_429f
	push hl
	ld a, [wEnemyMonSpecies]
	ld [wd0b5], a
	call GetMonHeader
	ld [wEnemyMonCatchRate], a
	pop hl
	push hl
	call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1
	pop hl
	jp PrintText

SafariZoneEatingText: ; 42a7 (1:42a7)
	TX_FAR _SafariZoneEatingText
	db "@"

SafariZoneAngryText: ; 42ac (1:42ac)
	TX_FAR _SafariZoneAngryText
	db "@"