shithub: pokered

ref: bba84059925c25e04fdcef5e4f3e2192176faf2d
dir: /engine/evolve_trade.asm/

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EvolveTradeMon: ; 17d7d (5:7d7d)
; Verify the TradeMon's species name before
; attempting to initiate a trade evolution.

; The names of the trade evolutions in Blue (JP)
; are checked. In that version, TradeMons that
; can evolve are Graveler and Haunter.

; In localization, this check was translated
; before monster names were finalized.
; Then, Haunter's name was "Spectre".
; Since its name no longer starts with
; "SP", it is prevented from evolving.

; This may have been why Red/Green's trades
; were used instead, where none can evolve.

; This was fixed in Yellow.

	ld a, [wTradeMonNick]

	cp "G"
	jr z, .ok

	cp "S"
	ret nz
	ld a, [wTradeMonNick + 1]
	cp "P"
	ret nz

	ld a, [W_NUMINPARTY] ; $d163
	dec a
	ld [wWhichPokemon], a ; $cf92
	ld a, $1
	ld [$ccd4], a
	ld a, $32
	ld [W_ISLINKBATTLE], a ; $d12b
	callab Func_3ad0e
	xor a
	ld [W_ISLINKBATTLE], a ; $d12b
	jp Func_2307