ref: dd690920c9f8502b649f1022fadbb99fab67a44a
dir: /engine/pokemon/status_screen.asm/
DrawHP: ; Draws the HP bar in the stats screen call GetPredefRegisters ld a, $1 jr DrawHP_ DrawHP2: ; Draws the HP bar in the party screen call GetPredefRegisters ld a, $2 DrawHP_: ld [wHPBarType], a push hl ld a, [wLoadedMonHP] ld b, a ld a, [wLoadedMonHP + 1] ld c, a or b jr nz, .nonzeroHP xor a ld c, a ld e, a ld a, $6 ld d, a jp .drawHPBarAndPrintFraction .nonzeroHP ld a, [wLoadedMonMaxHP] ld d, a ld a, [wLoadedMonMaxHP + 1] ld e, a predef HPBarLength ld a, $6 ld d, a ld c, a .drawHPBarAndPrintFraction pop hl push de push hl push hl call DrawHPBar pop hl ldh a, [hUILayoutFlags] bit 0, a jr z, .printFractionBelowBar ld bc, $9 ; right of bar jr .printFraction .printFractionBelowBar ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH + 1 ; below bar .printFraction add hl, bc ld de, wLoadedMonHP lb bc, 2, 3 call PrintNumber ld a, "/" ld [hli], a ld de, wLoadedMonMaxHP lb bc, 2, 3 call PrintNumber pop hl pop de ret ; Predef 0x37 StatusScreen: call LoadMonData ld a, [wMonDataLocation] cp BOX_DATA jr c, .DontRecalculate ; mon is in a box or daycare ld a, [wLoadedMonBoxLevel] ld [wLoadedMonLevel], a ld [wCurEnemyLVL], a ld hl, wLoadedMonHPExp - 1 ld de, wLoadedMonStats ld b, $1 call CalcStats ; Recalculate stats .DontRecalculate ld hl, wd72c set 1, [hl] ld a, $33 ldh [rNR50], a ; Reduce the volume call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3 call ClearScreen call UpdateSprites call LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns ld de, BattleHudTiles1 ; source ld hl, vChars2 tile $6d ; dest lb bc, BANK(BattleHudTiles1), 3 call CopyVideoDataDouble ; ·│ :L and halfarrow line end ld de, BattleHudTiles2 ld hl, vChars2 tile $78 lb bc, BANK(BattleHudTiles2), 1 call CopyVideoDataDouble ; │ ld de, BattleHudTiles3 ld hl, vChars2 tile $76 lb bc, BANK(BattleHudTiles3), 2 call CopyVideoDataDouble ; ─ ┘ ld de, PTile ld hl, vChars2 tile $72 lb bc, BANK(PTile), 1 call CopyVideoDataDouble ; bold P (for PP) ldh a, [hTileAnimations] push af xor a ldh [hTileAnimations], a hlcoord 19, 1 lb bc, 6, 10 call DrawLineBox ; Draws the box around name, HP and status ld de, -6 add hl, de ld [hl], "<DOT>" dec hl ld [hl], "№" hlcoord 19, 9 lb bc, 8, 6 call DrawLineBox ; Draws the box around types, ID No. and OT hlcoord 10, 9 ld de, Type1Text call PlaceString ; "TYPE1/" hlcoord 11, 3 predef DrawHP ld hl, wStatusScreenHPBarColor call GetHealthBarColor ld b, SET_PAL_STATUS_SCREEN call RunPaletteCommand hlcoord 16, 6 ld de, wLoadedMonStatus call PrintStatusCondition jr nz, .StatusWritten hlcoord 16, 6 ld de, OKText call PlaceString ; "OK" .StatusWritten hlcoord 9, 6 ld de, StatusText call PlaceString ; "STATUS/" hlcoord 14, 2 call PrintLevel ; Pokémon level ld a, [wMonHIndex] ld [wd11e], a ld [wd0b5], a predef IndexToPokedex hlcoord 3, 7 ld de, wd11e lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 1, 3 call PrintNumber ; Pokémon no. hlcoord 11, 10 predef PrintMonType ld hl, NamePointers2 call .GetStringPointer ld d, h ld e, l hlcoord 9, 1 call PlaceString ; Pokémon name ld hl, OTPointers call .GetStringPointer ld d, h ld e, l hlcoord 12, 16 call PlaceString ; OT hlcoord 12, 14 ld de, wLoadedMonOTID lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 2, 5 call PrintNumber ; ID Number ld d, $0 call PrintStatsBox call Delay3 call GBPalNormal hlcoord 1, 0 call LoadFlippedFrontSpriteByMonIndex ; draw Pokémon picture ld a, [wcf91] call PlayCry ; play Pokémon cry call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress ; wait for button pop af ldh [hTileAnimations], a ret .GetStringPointer ld a, [wMonDataLocation] add a ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wMonDataLocation] cp DAYCARE_DATA ret z ld a, [wWhichPokemon] jp SkipFixedLengthTextEntries OTPointers: dw wPartyMonOT dw wEnemyMonOT dw wBoxMonOT dw wDayCareMonOT NamePointers2: dw wPartyMonNicks dw wEnemyMonNicks dw wBoxMonNicks dw wDayCareMonName Type1Text: db "TYPE1/" next "" ; fallthrough Type2Text: db "TYPE2/" next "" ; fallthrough IDNoText: db "<ID>№/" next "" ; fallthrough OTText: db "OT/" next "@" StatusText: db "STATUS/@" OKText: db "OK@" ; Draws a line starting from hl high b and wide c DrawLineBox: ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH ; New line .PrintVerticalLine ld [hl], $78 ; │ add hl, de dec b jr nz, .PrintVerticalLine ld [hl], $77 ; ┘ dec hl .PrintHorizLine ld [hl], $76 ; ─ dec hl dec c jr nz, .PrintHorizLine ld [hl], $6f ; ← (halfarrow ending) ret PTile: INCBIN "gfx/font/P.1bpp" PrintStatsBox: ld a, d and a ; a is 0 from the status screen jr nz, .DifferentBox hlcoord 0, 8 ld b, 8 ld c, 8 call TextBoxBorder ; Draws the box hlcoord 1, 9 ; Start printing stats from here ld bc, $19 ; Number offset jr .PrintStats .DifferentBox hlcoord 9, 2 ld b, 8 ld c, 9 call TextBoxBorder hlcoord 11, 3 ld bc, $18 .PrintStats push bc push hl ld de, StatsText call PlaceString pop hl pop bc add hl, bc ld de, wLoadedMonAttack lb bc, 2, 3 call PrintStat ld de, wLoadedMonDefense call PrintStat ld de, wLoadedMonSpeed call PrintStat ld de, wLoadedMonSpecial jp PrintNumber PrintStat: push hl call PrintNumber pop hl ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 add hl, de ret StatsText: db "ATTACK" next "DEFENSE" next "SPEED" next "SPECIAL@" StatusScreen2: ldh a, [hTileAnimations] push af xor a ldh [hTileAnimations], a ldh [hAutoBGTransferEnabled], a ld bc, NUM_MOVES + 1 ld hl, wMoves call FillMemory ld hl, wLoadedMonMoves ld de, wMoves ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyData callfar FormatMovesString hlcoord 9, 2 lb bc, 5, 10 call ClearScreenArea ; Clear under name hlcoord 19, 3 ld [hl], $78 hlcoord 0, 8 ld b, 8 ld c, 18 call TextBoxBorder ; Draw move container hlcoord 2, 9 ld de, wMovesString call PlaceString ; Print moves ld a, [wNumMovesMinusOne] inc a ld c, a ld a, $4 sub c ld b, a ; Number of moves ? hlcoord 11, 10 ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 ld a, "<BOLD_P>" call StatusScreen_PrintPP ; Print "PP" ld a, b and a jr z, .InitPP ld c, a ld a, "-" call StatusScreen_PrintPP ; Fill the rest with -- .InitPP ld hl, wLoadedMonMoves decoord 14, 10 ld b, 0 .PrintPP ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .PPDone push bc push hl push de ld hl, wCurrentMenuItem ld a, [hl] push af ld a, b ld [hl], a push hl callfar GetMaxPP pop hl pop af ld [hl], a pop de pop hl push hl ld bc, wPartyMon1PP - wPartyMon1Moves - 1 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and $3f ld [wStatusScreenCurrentPP], a ld h, d ld l, e push hl ld de, wStatusScreenCurrentPP lb bc, 1, 2 call PrintNumber ld a, "/" ld [hli], a ld de, wMaxPP lb bc, 1, 2 call PrintNumber pop hl ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l pop hl pop bc inc b ld a, b cp $4 jr nz, .PrintPP .PPDone hlcoord 9, 3 ld de, StatusScreenExpText call PlaceString ld a, [wLoadedMonLevel] push af cp MAX_LEVEL jr z, .Level100 inc a ld [wLoadedMonLevel], a ; Increase temporarily if not 100 .Level100 hlcoord 14, 6 ld [hl], "<to>" inc hl inc hl call PrintLevel pop af ld [wLoadedMonLevel], a ld de, wLoadedMonExp hlcoord 12, 4 lb bc, 3, 7 call PrintNumber ; exp call CalcExpToLevelUp ld de, wLoadedMonExp hlcoord 7, 6 lb bc, 3, 7 call PrintNumber ; exp needed to level up hlcoord 9, 0 call StatusScreen_ClearName hlcoord 9, 1 call StatusScreen_ClearName ld a, [wMonHIndex] ld [wd11e], a call GetMonName hlcoord 9, 1 call PlaceString ld a, $1 ldh [hAutoBGTransferEnabled], a call Delay3 call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress ; wait for button pop af ldh [hTileAnimations], a ld hl, wd72c res 1, [hl] ld a, $77 ldh [rNR50], a call GBPalWhiteOut jp ClearScreen CalcExpToLevelUp: ld a, [wLoadedMonLevel] cp MAX_LEVEL jr z, .atMaxLevel inc a ld d, a callfar CalcExperience ld hl, wLoadedMonExp + 2 ldh a, [hExperience + 2] sub [hl] ld [hld], a ldh a, [hExperience + 1] sbc [hl] ld [hld], a ldh a, [hExperience] sbc [hl] ld [hld], a ret .atMaxLevel ld hl, wLoadedMonExp xor a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ret StatusScreenExpText: db "EXP POINTS" next "LEVEL UP@" StatusScreen_ClearName: ld bc, 10 ld a, " " jp FillMemory StatusScreen_PrintPP: ; print PP or -- c times, going down two rows each time ld [hli], a ld [hld], a add hl, de dec c jr nz, StatusScreen_PrintPP ret