shithub: pokered

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#author: Bryan Bishop <>
#date: 2012-01-06
#analyze texts, how many commands are unknown?
import extract_maps
from pretty_map_headers import map_name_cleaner
from operator import itemgetter
debug = False #set to True to increase logging output

#how many times is each command byte called?
totals = {}
total_text_commands = 0
should_be_total = 0

def get_text_pointer(texts_pointer, text_id):
    if type(texts_pointer) == str: texts_pointer = int(texts_pointer, 16)
    if type(text_id) == str: text_id = int(text_id)

    byte1 = ord(extract_maps.rom[texts_pointer + (2*text_id)])
    byte2 = ord(extract_maps.rom[texts_pointer + (2*text_id) + 1])
    pointer = (byte1 + (byte2 << 8))

    return pointer

def how_many_until(byte, starting):
    index = extract_maps.rom.find(byte, starting)
    return index-starting

def print_command_debug_info(command_byte, text_id, text_pointer, map_id):
    if debug:
        print "byte is " + str(command_byte) + " on text #" + str(text_id) + " at " + hex(text_pointer) + " on map " + str(map_id) + " (" + extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]["name"] + ")"

def parse_text_script(text_pointer, text_id, map_id):
    global total_text_commands
    offset = text_pointer
    commands = {}
    command_counter = 0
    end = False
    while not end:
        command = {}
        command_byte = ord(extract_maps.rom[offset])
        if  command_byte == 0:
            print_command_debug_info(command_byte, text_id, text_pointer, map_id)

            #read until $57
            jump = how_many_until(str(57), offset)
            end_address = offset + jump

            command = {"type": command_byte,
                       "start_address": offset,
                       "end_address": end_address,
                       "size": jump,

            offset += end_address + 1
            if not 0x0 in totals.keys(): totals[0x0] = 1
            else: totals[0x0] += 1
            end = True
        elif command_byte == 0x17:
            print_command_debug_info(command_byte, text_id, text_pointer, map_id)
            #TX_FAR [pointer][bank]
            pointer_byte1 = ord(extract_maps.rom[offset+1])
            pointer_byte2 = ord(extract_maps.rom[offset+2])
            pointer_bank = ord(extract_maps.rom[offset+3])

            pointer = (pointer_byte1 + (pointer_byte2 << 8))
            pointer = extract_maps.calculate_pointer(pointer, pointer_bank)

            command = {"type": command_byte,
                       "start_address": offset,
                       "end_address": offset + 3,
                       "pointer": pointer,

            offset += 3
            if not 0x17 in totals.keys(): totals[0x17] = 1
            else: totals[0x17] += 1
            end = True
            if not command_byte in totals.keys(): totals[command_byte] = 1
            else: totals[command_byte] += 1
            end = True

        commands[command_counter] = command
        command_counter += 1
    total_text_commands += len(commands)
    return commands

def analyze_texts():
    global should_be_total

    texts = {}
    for map_id in extract_maps.map_headers:
        if map_id in extract_maps.bad_maps: continue #skip
        map2 = extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]
        map2["texts"] = {}
        referenced_texts = map2["referenced_texts"]
        should_be_total += len(referenced_texts)
        texts_pointer = int(map2["texts_pointer"], 16)
        #print "Checking texts on... map_id=" + str(map_id) + " and len(referenced_texts)=" + str(len(referenced_texts))
        for text_id in referenced_texts:
            #print "Working on map id=" + str(map2["id"]) + " and text id=" + str(text_id)
            text_pointer = get_text_pointer(texts_pointer, text_id)
            text_pointer = extract_maps.calculate_pointer(text_pointer, int(map2["bank"], 16))
            commands = parse_text_script(text_pointer, text_id, map_id)
            map2["texts"][text_id] = commands

        texts[map_id] = map2["texts"]
        extract_maps.map_headers[map_id]["texts"] = map2["texts"]
    return texts

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print analyze_texts()

    print "\n\n---- stats ----\n\n"
    popular_text_commands = sorted(totals.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    #convert the first values (command byte) to hex
    for popular_item in popular_text_commands:
        print hex(popular_item[0]) + " was used " + str(popular_item[1]) + " times."
    #print "popular text commands: " + str(popular_text_commands)
    print "total text commands: " + str(total_text_commands)
    print "total text scripts: " + str(should_be_total)