ref: f88a55e79b5bf656e7f9578d1318a955b9a4963a
dir: /sys/lib/acid/kernel/
include("/sys/lib/acid/syscall"); // print various /proc files defn fd() { rc("cat /proc/"+itoa(pid)+"/fd"); } defn segment() { rc("cat /proc/"+itoa(pid)+"/segment"); } defn ns() { rc("cat /proc/"+itoa(pid)+"/ns"); } defn qid(qid) { complex Qid qid; return itoa(qid.path\X)+"."+itoa(qid.vers\X); } defn path(p) { complex Path p; if p != 0 then { return *(p.s\s); } else return "<null>"; } // print Image cache contents IHASHSIZE = 64; defn imagecacheline(h) { local d, p, q; while h != 0 do { complex Image h; d=(Dev)devtab[h.type]; p = "*closed*"; if h.c != 0 then p = path(h.c.path); q = h.qid; print (h\A, " ref=", h.ref, " pgref=", h.pgref, "\t#", d.dc\r,\D, " (", q.path, " ", q.vers\D, " ", q.type\X, ") ", p, "\n"); h = h.hash; } } defn imagecache() { local i; i=0; loop 1,IHASHSIZE do { imagecacheline(imagealloc.hash[i]); i = i+1; } } // dump channels defn chan(c) { local d, q; c = (Chan)c; d= (Dev)devtab[c.type]; q=c.qid; print("chan(", c\A, "): ref=", c.ref\D, " #", d.dc\r,\D, " (", q.path, " ", q.vers\D, " ", q.type\X, ")"); print(" fid=", c.fid\D, " iounit=", c.iounit\D); if c.ref != 0 then { print(" ", path(c.path), " mchan=", c.mchan\A); if c.mchan != 0 then { print(" ", path(c.mchan.path)); } } print("\n"); } defn chans() { local c; c = (Chan)chanalloc.list; while c != 0 do { if c.ref != 0 then chan(c); c=(Chan); } } defn findchan(dev,type,path) { local c; c = (Chan)chanalloc.list; while c != 0 do { if c.ref != 0 then { if == dev && c.type == type && c.qid.path == path then return c; } c=(Chan); } return 0; } defn nchans() { local c, n; n = 0; c = (Chan)chanalloc.list; while c != 0 do { if c.ref != 0 then n++; c = (Chan); } return n; } defn activechanlist() { local l, n; l = {}; c = (Chan)chanalloc.list; while c != 0 do { if c.ref != 0 then l = append l,c; c = (Chan); } return l; } defn difflist(a, b) { local l, x; l = {}; while a != {} do { x = head a; if match(x, b) == -1 then l = append l, x; a = tail a; } return l; } _active_chan_list = {}; defn newchans() { local l, new; l = activechanlist(); if _active_chan_list != {} then newerchans(_active_chan_list); _active_chan_list = l; } defn newerchans(oldlist){ local new; new = difflist(activechanlist(), oldlist); while new != {} do { chan(head new); new = tail new; } } // look for channels that refer to themselves defn badchans() { local bad, c, i, len, mtpt, p; c = (Chan)chanalloc.list; while c != 0 do { if c.ref != 0 then { bad = ""; p = (Path)c.path; if p != 0 then { path(p); mtpt = p.mtpt; len = p.mlen; i=0; loop 1,len do { if mtpt[i] == c then bad = bad+" mtpt self-ref"; i = i+1; } } if bad != "" then print("chan(", c\A, "):", bad, "\n"); } c = (Chan); } } NHASH=128; defn mntcache() { local i, m, c; i=0; loop 1,NHASH do { m = cache.hash[i]; while m != 0 do { complex Mntcache m; print(m\A, " dev ",\D, " type ", m.type, " qid (", m.qid.path, " ", m.qid.vers\D, ")\n"); c = findchan(, m.type, m.qid.path); if c != 0 then { print(" "); chan(c); } m = m.hash; } i = i+1; } } // manipulate processes defn proctab(x) { return[x]; } defn proc(p) { complex Proc p; local s, i; if p.state != 0 && != 0 && p.text != 0 then { // 0 is Dead s = p.psstate; if s == 0 then { s = "kproc"; } else { s = *(s\s); } print(p\A, " ",, ": ", *(p.text\s), " ", *(p.user\s), " pc ", p.pc, " ", s, " (", *(statename[p.state]\s), ") ut ", p.time[0]\D, " st ", p.time[1]\D, " qpc ", p.qpc, "\n"); } } defn procenv(p) { complex Proc p; local i, e, v; e = p.egrp; complex Egrp e; i=0; loop 1,e.nent do { v = e.ent + i; i = i+sizeofEvalue; complex Evalue v; print(*(\s), "="); printstringn(v.value, v.len); print("\n"); } } BY2PG=4096; KSTACK=4096; if objtype=="amd64" then { KSTACK=16*1024; } if objtype=="arm64" then { BY2PG=65536; KSTACK=8*1024; } defn procstksize(p) { complex Proc p; local top, sp; if p.state != 0 then { // 0 is Dead top = p.kstack+KSTACK; sp = *p.sched; print(top-sp\D, "\n"); } } defn procstk(p) { complex Proc p; local l, n; if p.state != 0 then { // 0 is Dead if p.mach == 0 then { l = p.sched; } else { n = p.nerrlab; if n == 0 then { return 0; } l = p.errlab + (n-1)*sizeofLabel; } complex Label l; if objtype=="386" || objtype=="amd64" then _stk(gotolabel, l.sp, linkreg(0), 0); else _stk(l.pc, l.sp, linkreg(0), 0); } } defn procs() { local i; i=0; loop 1,conf.nproc do { proc(proctab(i)); i = i+1; } } defn stacks() { local i, p; i=0; loop 1,conf.nproc do { p = (Proc)proctab(i); if p.state != 0 then { print("=========================================================\n"); proc(p); procstk(p); } i = i+1; } } defn stacksizes() { local i; i=0; loop 1,conf.nproc do { procstksize(proctab(i)); i = i+1; } } // segment-related defn procsegs(p) { complex Proc p; local i; i=0; loop 1,NSEG do { psegment(p.seg[i]); i = i+1; } } segtypes = { "text", "data", "bss", "stack", "shared", "physical", "shdata", "map" }; defn psegment(s) { complex Segment s; if s != 0 then { print(s\A, " ", segtypes[s.type&SG_TYPE], " ", s.base, "-",, " image ", s.image, "\n"); } } // find physical address for an address in a given process defn procaddr(p, a) { complex Proc p; local i, s, r; r = 0; i=0; loop 1,NSEG do { s = p.seg[i]; if s != 0 then { complex Segment s; if s.base <= a && a < then { r = segaddr(s, a); } } i = i+1; } return r; } // find an address in a given segment defn segaddr(s, a) { complex Segment s; local pte, pg; a = a - s.base; if == 0 || s.mapsize < a/PTEMAPMEM then { return 0; } pte =[a/PTEMAPMEM]; if pte == 0 then { return 0; } complex Pte pte; pg = pte.pages[(a%PTEMAPMEM)/BY2PG]; if pg == 0 then { return 0; } if pg & 1 then { // swapped out, return disk address return pg&~1; } complex Page pg; return (KZERO|(\A; } defn kzero() { return main - (main & 0x0FFFFFFF); } PTEMAPMEM = (1024*1024); PTEPERTAB = (PTEMAPMEM/BY2PG); defn up() { if objtype == "386" then { local mach; MACHADDR = KZERO+0x15000; mach = MACHADDR; complex Mach mach; return mach.externup; } if objtype == "amd64" then { local proc; proc = *R14; complex Proc proc; return proc; } if objtype == "arm64" then { local proc; proc = *R26; complex Proc proc; return proc; } print("up() not implemented for", objtype, "\n"); return -1; } defn intrcount() { local p, t, i, j; p = intrtimes\X; i=0; loop 1,256 do { t=0; j=0; loop 1,20 do { t = t+*p++; j=j+1; } if t != 0 then { print(itoa(i, "%5d"), " ", itoa(t, "%11d"), "\n"); } i=i+1; } } defn needacid(s){ print("\trc(\"cd /sys/src/9/", kdir, "; mk ", s, ".acid\")\n"); print("\tinclude(\"/sys/src/9/", kdir, "/", s, ".acid\")\n"); } defn kinit() { if (map()[2]) != {} then { // map has more than two elements -> active proc kdir = "unknown"; KZERO = kzero(); if objtype == "386" then { map({"*data", KZERO, 0xffffffff, KZERO}); kdir="pc"; } if objtype == "amd64" then { map({"*data", KZERO, 0xffffffffffffffff, KZERO}); kdir="pc64"; } if (objtype == "mips" || objtype == "mips2") then { kdir = "ch"; } if objtype == "arm" then { kdir = "bcm"; } if objtype == "arm64" then { kdir = "bcm64"; } needacid("proc"); needacid("chan"); needacid("segment"); needacid("cache"); } }