shithub: misc

branches: master


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Last commit

06ded18c – Philip Silva <> authored on 2023/01/07 09:50
add script to configure loopback


Various unsorted stuff

- hidpi-1.patch: wip from p9p to add dpi field to Display
              (p9p commit d0e0701913f3aede1fcb256f3d1e9c60c9a)
- hidpi-2.patch: be able to configure dpi via plan9.cfg
- hidpi-3.patch: scale borders of rio and acme
              (p9p commit c96d832)
- hidpi-drawterm-metal-cocoa.patch: hardcodes displaydpi to 200 (
(- hidpi-2fs.patch: optional patch with /dev/draw/geom - at this point not super useful and very wip)

- acme-at.patch: can be applied to open paths containing @s (e.g. the internal Go module paths)
- wikidiff: diff 2 words using