shithub: vdir

ref: 8ffa802e29ca42eb54cc4b10f8c756ba6275e801
dir: vdir/

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A minimalistic visual directory browser for Plan9.


Actions are performed using the right mouse button:
- Home: go to current user's home directory
- Open: present an entry to jump to a given directory
- Up  : go to the parent directory
- New dir : present an entry to create a new directory
- New file: present an entry to create a new empty file

Middle-clicking on a file or folder will present a file operations menu.  
Right-clicking on the path (in the toolbar), plumbs the path name  
Right-clicking on folders, opens them.  
Right-clicking on files send them to the plumber.  

Keyboard shortcuts are:
- Page up / Page down to scroll
- Home to go to $home
- Up arrow to go to parent directory
- Space to plumb current directory path
- q / Del to quit

Install with the usual ``mk install``  
Run ``vdir [-r] [directory]``
If the `-r` flag is passed, delete will recursively delete directories.

Path plumbing:
When right-clicking the path in the toolbar, the path name is sent to plumber.
This can be used to open a window in the directory for instance:
src is vdir
type is text
arg isdir $data
plumb start window -cd $data rc

This was a quick and dirty hack that sure contains some bugs.  
Enjoy anyway :)