ref: 372afde46e7defc9dd2d719a1732b8ace1fa096e
dir: /win32/rw_imp.c/
/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* ** RW_IMP.C ** ** This file contains ALL Win32 specific stuff having to do with the ** software refresh. When a port is being made the following functions ** must be implemented by the port: ** ** SWimp_EndFrame ** SWimp_Init ** SWimp_SetPalette ** SWimp_Shutdown */ #include "..\ref_soft\r_local.h" #include "rw_win.h" #include "winquake.h" // Console variables that we need to access from this module swwstate_t sww_state; /* ** VID_CreateWindow */ #define WINDOW_CLASS_NAME "Quake 2" void VID_CreateWindow( int width, int height, int stylebits ) { WNDCLASS wc; RECT r; cvar_t *vid_xpos, *vid_ypos, *vid_fullscreen; int x, y, w, h; int exstyle; vid_xpos = ri.Cvar_Get ("vid_xpos", "0", 0); vid_ypos = ri.Cvar_Get ("vid_ypos", "0", 0); vid_fullscreen = ri.Cvar_Get ("vid_fullscreen", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); if ( vid_fullscreen->value ) exstyle = WS_EX_TOPMOST; else exstyle = 0; /* Register the frame class */ = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)sww_state.wndproc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = sww_state.hInstance; wc.hIcon = 0; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL,IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (void *)COLOR_GRAYTEXT; wc.lpszMenuName = 0; wc.lpszClassName = WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; if (!RegisterClass (&wc) ) ri.Sys_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't register window class"); r.left = 0; = 0; r.right = width; r.bottom = height; AdjustWindowRect (&r, stylebits, FALSE); w = r.right - r.left; h = r.bottom -; x = vid_xpos->value; y = vid_ypos->value; sww_state.hWnd = CreateWindowEx ( exstyle, WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, "Quake 2", stylebits, x, y, w, h, NULL, NULL, sww_state.hInstance, NULL); if (!sww_state.hWnd) ri.Sys_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't create window"); ShowWindow( sww_state.hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); UpdateWindow( sww_state.hWnd ); SetForegroundWindow( sww_state.hWnd ); SetFocus( sww_state.hWnd ); // let the sound and input subsystems know about the new window ri.Vid_NewWindow (width, height); } /* ** SWimp_Init ** ** This routine is responsible for initializing the implementation ** specific stuff in a software rendering subsystem. */ int SWimp_Init( void *hInstance, void *wndProc ) { sww_state.hInstance = ( HINSTANCE ) hInstance; sww_state.wndproc = wndProc; return true; } /* ** SWimp_InitGraphics ** ** This initializes the software refresh's implementation specific ** graphics subsystem. In the case of Windows it creates DIB or ** DDRAW surfaces. ** ** The necessary width and height parameters are grabbed from ** vid.width and vid.height. */ static qboolean SWimp_InitGraphics( qboolean fullscreen ) { // free resources in use SWimp_Shutdown (); // create a new window VID_CreateWindow (vid.width, vid.height, WINDOW_STYLE); // initialize the appropriate subsystem if ( !fullscreen ) { if ( !DIB_Init( &vid.buffer, &vid.rowbytes ) ) { vid.buffer = 0; vid.rowbytes = 0; return false; } } else { if ( !DDRAW_Init( &vid.buffer, &vid.rowbytes ) ) { vid.buffer = 0; vid.rowbytes = 0; return false; } } return true; } /* ** SWimp_EndFrame ** ** This does an implementation specific copy from the backbuffer to the ** front buffer. In the Win32 case it uses BitBlt or BltFast depending ** on whether we're using DIB sections/GDI or DDRAW. */ void SWimp_EndFrame (void) { if ( !sw_state.fullscreen ) { if ( sww_state.palettized ) { // holdpal = SelectPalette(hdcScreen, hpalDIB, FALSE); // RealizePalette(hdcScreen); } BitBlt( sww_state.hDC, 0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, sww_state.hdcDIBSection, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); if ( sww_state.palettized ) { // SelectPalette(hdcScreen, holdpal, FALSE); } } else { RECT r; HRESULT rval; DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; r.left = 0; = 0; r.right = vid.width; r.bottom = vid.height; sww_state.lpddsOffScreenBuffer->lpVtbl->Unlock( sww_state.lpddsOffScreenBuffer, vid.buffer ); if ( sww_state.modex ) { if ( ( rval = sww_state.lpddsBackBuffer->lpVtbl->BltFast( sww_state.lpddsBackBuffer, 0, 0, sww_state.lpddsOffScreenBuffer, &r, DDBLTFAST_WAIT ) ) == DDERR_SURFACELOST ) { sww_state.lpddsBackBuffer->lpVtbl->Restore( sww_state.lpddsBackBuffer ); sww_state.lpddsBackBuffer->lpVtbl->BltFast( sww_state.lpddsBackBuffer, 0, 0, sww_state.lpddsOffScreenBuffer, &r, DDBLTFAST_WAIT ); } if ( ( rval = sww_state.lpddsFrontBuffer->lpVtbl->Flip( sww_state.lpddsFrontBuffer, NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT ) ) == DDERR_SURFACELOST ) { sww_state.lpddsFrontBuffer->lpVtbl->Restore( sww_state.lpddsFrontBuffer ); sww_state.lpddsFrontBuffer->lpVtbl->Flip( sww_state.lpddsFrontBuffer, NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT ); } } else { if ( ( rval = sww_state.lpddsBackBuffer->lpVtbl->BltFast( sww_state.lpddsFrontBuffer, 0, 0, sww_state.lpddsOffScreenBuffer, &r, DDBLTFAST_WAIT ) ) == DDERR_SURFACELOST ) { sww_state.lpddsBackBuffer->lpVtbl->Restore( sww_state.lpddsFrontBuffer ); sww_state.lpddsBackBuffer->lpVtbl->BltFast( sww_state.lpddsFrontBuffer, 0, 0, sww_state.lpddsOffScreenBuffer, &r, DDBLTFAST_WAIT ); } } memset( &ddsd, 0, sizeof( ddsd ) ); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof( ddsd ); sww_state.lpddsOffScreenBuffer->lpVtbl->Lock( sww_state.lpddsOffScreenBuffer, NULL, &ddsd, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL ); vid.buffer = ddsd.lpSurface; vid.rowbytes = ddsd.lPitch; } } /* ** SWimp_SetMode */ rserr_t SWimp_SetMode( int *pwidth, int *pheight, int mode, qboolean fullscreen ) { const char *win_fs[] = { "W", "FS" }; rserr_t retval = rserr_ok; ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL, "setting mode %d:", mode ); if ( !ri.Vid_GetModeInfo( pwidth, pheight, mode ) ) { ri.Con_Printf( PRINT_ALL, " invalid mode\n" ); return rserr_invalid_mode; } ri.Con_Printf( PRINT_ALL, " %d %d %s\n", *pwidth, *pheight, win_fs[fullscreen] ); sww_state.initializing = true; if ( fullscreen ) { if ( !SWimp_InitGraphics( 1 ) ) { if ( SWimp_InitGraphics( 0 ) ) { // mode is legal but not as fullscreen fullscreen = 0; retval = rserr_invalid_fullscreen; } else { // failed to set a valid mode in windowed mode retval = rserr_unknown; } } } else { // failure to set a valid mode in windowed mode if ( !SWimp_InitGraphics( fullscreen ) ) { sww_state.initializing = true; return rserr_unknown; } } sw_state.fullscreen = fullscreen; #if 0 if ( retval != rserr_unknown ) { if ( retval == rserr_invalid_fullscreen || ( retval == rserr_ok && !fullscreen ) ) { SetWindowLong( sww_state.hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WINDOW_STYLE ); } } #endif R_GammaCorrectAndSetPalette( ( const unsigned char * ) d_8to24table ); sww_state.initializing = true; return retval; } /* ** SWimp_SetPalette ** ** System specific palette setting routine. A NULL palette means ** to use the existing palette. The palette is expected to be in ** a padded 4-byte xRGB format. */ void SWimp_SetPalette( const unsigned char *palette ) { // MGL - what the fuck was kendall doing here?! // clear screen to black and change palette // for (i=0 ; i<vid.height ; i++) // memset (vid.buffer + i*vid.rowbytes, 0, vid.width); if ( !palette ) palette = ( const unsigned char * ) sw_state.currentpalette; if ( !sw_state.fullscreen ) { DIB_SetPalette( ( const unsigned char * ) palette ); } else { DDRAW_SetPalette( ( const unsigned char * ) palette ); } } /* ** SWimp_Shutdown ** ** System specific graphics subsystem shutdown routine. Destroys ** DIBs or DDRAW surfaces as appropriate. */ void SWimp_Shutdown( void ) { ri.Con_Printf( PRINT_ALL, "Shutting down SW imp\n" ); DIB_Shutdown(); DDRAW_Shutdown(); if ( sww_state.hWnd ) { ri.Con_Printf( PRINT_ALL, "...destroying window\n" ); ShowWindow( sww_state.hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); // prevents leaving empty slots in the taskbar DestroyWindow (sww_state.hWnd); sww_state.hWnd = NULL; UnregisterClass (WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, sww_state.hInstance); } } /* ** SWimp_AppActivate */ void SWimp_AppActivate( qboolean active ) { if ( active ) { if ( sww_state.hWnd ) { SetForegroundWindow( sww_state.hWnd ); ShowWindow( sww_state.hWnd, SW_RESTORE ); } } else { if ( sww_state.hWnd ) { if ( sww_state.initializing ) return; if ( vid_fullscreen->value ) ShowWindow( sww_state.hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE ); } } } //=============================================================================== /* ================ Sys_MakeCodeWriteable ================ */ void Sys_MakeCodeWriteable (unsigned long startaddr, unsigned long length) { DWORD flOldProtect; if (!VirtualProtect((LPVOID)startaddr, length, PAGE_READWRITE, &flOldProtect)) ri.Sys_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Protection change failed\n"); } /* ** Sys_SetFPCW ** ** For reference: ** ** 1 ** 5 0 ** xxxxRRPP.xxxxxxxx ** ** PP = 00 = 24-bit single precision ** PP = 01 = reserved ** PP = 10 = 53-bit double precision ** PP = 11 = 64-bit extended precision ** ** RR = 00 = round to nearest ** RR = 01 = round down (towards -inf, floor) ** RR = 10 = round up (towards +inf, ceil) ** RR = 11 = round to zero (truncate/towards 0) ** */ #if !id386 void Sys_SetFPCW (void) { } #else unsigned fpu_ceil_cw, fpu_chop_cw, fpu_full_cw, fpu_cw, fpu_pushed_cw; unsigned fpu_sp24_cw, fpu_sp24_ceil_cw; void Sys_SetFPCW( void ) { __asm xor eax, eax __asm fnstcw word ptr fpu_cw __asm mov ax, word ptr fpu_cw __asm and ah, 0f0h __asm or ah, 003h ; round to nearest mode, extended precision __asm mov fpu_full_cw, eax __asm and ah, 0f0h __asm or ah, 00fh ; RTZ/truncate/chop mode, extended precision __asm mov fpu_chop_cw, eax __asm and ah, 0f0h __asm or ah, 00bh ; ceil mode, extended precision __asm mov fpu_ceil_cw, eax __asm and ah, 0f0h ; round to nearest, 24-bit single precision __asm mov fpu_sp24_cw, eax __asm and ah, 0f0h ; ceil mode, 24-bit single precision __asm or ah, 008h ; __asm mov fpu_sp24_ceil_cw, eax } #endif