ref: 42ea627853d79a54ef956a831e2f8badff5bfdb8
dir: /dat.h/
typedef enum { K↑, K↺, K↻, Kfire, Khyper, Ksay, Kquit, NKEYOPS } KeyOp; typedef enum { NEEDLE, WEDGE } Kind; typedef enum { NCSDisconnected, NCSConnecting, NCSConnected } NCState; enum { SCRW = 640, SCRH = 480, SCRWB = SCRW+2*Borderwidth, SCRHB = SCRH+2*Borderwidth }; enum { NChi = 10, /* C wants to connect */ NShi, /* S accepts. sends P and G for DHX */ NCdhx = 12, /* C shares pubkey */ NSdhx, /* S shares pubkey */ NCnudge = 16, NSnudge, /* check the pulse of the line */ NCinput = 20, /* C sends player input state */ NSsimstate, /* S sends current simulation state */ NCbuhbye = 30, NSbuhbye, NSerror = 66 /* report an error */ }; enum { ProtocolID = 0x5753554d, /* MUSW */ Framehdrsize = 4+1+4+4+2+MD5dlen, MTU = 1024, ConnTimeout = 10000 /* in ms */ }; enum { THRUST = 10 }; typedef struct VModel VModel; typedef struct Sprite Sprite; typedef struct Keymap Keymap; typedef struct State State; typedef struct Particle Particle; typedef struct Bullet Bullet; typedef struct Ship Ship; typedef struct Star Star; typedef struct Universe Universe; typedef struct Derivative Derivative; typedef struct Frame Frame; typedef struct DHparams DHparams; typedef struct NetConn NetConn; typedef struct Player Player; typedef struct Playerq Playerq; typedef struct Party Party; /* * Vector model - made out of lines and curves */ struct VModel { Point2 *pts; usize npts; /* WIP * l(ine) → takes 2 points * c(urve) → takes 3 points */ char *strokefmt; }; struct Sprite { Image *sheet; Point sp; Rectangle r; int nframes; int curframe; ulong period; ulong elapsed; void (*step)(Sprite*, ulong); void (*draw)(Sprite*, Image*, Point); }; struct Keymap { Rune key; KeyOp op; }; struct State { char *name; State *(*δ)(State*, void*); /* transition fn */ }; struct Particle { Point2 p, v; double θ, ω; double mass; /* in kg */ }; struct Bullet { Particle; ulong ttl; /* in s */ int fired; /* XXX: |v| != 0 */ }; struct Ship { Particle; Kind kind; int fuel; Bullet rounds[10]; VModel *mdl; Matrix mdlxform; void (*forward)(Ship*, double); void (*rotate)(Ship*, int, double); void (*hyperjump)(Ship*); void (*fire)(Ship*); }; struct Star { Particle; Sprite *spr; }; struct Universe { Ship ships[2]; Star star; double t, timeacc; void (*step)(Universe*, double); void (*collide)(Universe*); void (*reset)(Universe*); }; struct Derivative { Point2 dx; /* v */ Point2 dv; /* a */ }; struct Frame { Udphdr udp; u32int id; /* ProtocolID */ u8int type; u32int seq; u32int ack; u16int len; uchar sig[MD5dlen]; uchar data[]; }; struct DHparams { ulong p, g, pub, sec, priv; }; struct NetConn { Udphdr udp; DHparams dh; NCState state; u32int lastseq; u32int lastack; ulong lastrecvts; /* last time a packet was received (in ms) */ ulong lastnudgets; /* last time a nudge was sent (in ms) */ Player *player; }; struct Player { char *name; NetConn *conn; ulong oldkdown, kdown; Player *next; }; struct Playerq { Player *head, *tail; usize len; void (*put)(Playerq*, Player*); Player *(*get)(Playerq*); void (*del)(Playerq*, Player*); }; struct Party { Player *players[2]; /* the needle and the wedge */ Universe *u; Party *prev, *next; }; #pragma varargck type "Φ" Frame*