ref: c492170716830326376e3a612f685df88f753621
dir: /musw.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <ip.h> #include <mp.h> #include <libsec.h> #include <bio.h> #include <thread.h> #include <draw.h> #include <mouse.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include <geometry.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" enum { GSIntro, GSConnecting, GSMatching, GSPlaying, NGAMESTATES }; Keymap kmap[] = { {.key = Kup, .op = K↑}, {.key = Kleft, .op = K↺}, {.key = Kright, .op = K↻}, {.key = 'w', .op = K↑}, {.key = 'a', .op = K↺}, {.key = 'd', .op = K↻}, {.key = ' ', .op = Kfire}, {.key = 'h', .op = Khyper}, {.key = 'y', .op = Ksay}, {.key = 'q', .op = Kquit} }; ulong kdown; RFrame screenrf; Universe *universe; VModel *needlemdl, *wedgemdl; Image *screenb; Image *skymap; Sprite *intro; State gamestates[NGAMESTATES]; State *gamestate; Channel *ingress; Channel *egress; NetConn netconn; char deffont[] = "/lib/font/bit/pelm/unicode.9.font"; char winspec[32]; int weplaying; int doghosting; int debug; Point toscreen(Point2 p) { p = invrframexform(p, screenrf); return Pt(p.x,p.y); } Point2 fromscreen(Point p) { return rframexform(Pt2(p.x,p.y,1), screenrf); } /* * readvmodel and drawship are testing routines * that will later be implemented as VModel methods. */ VModel * readvmodel(char *file) { ulong lineno; char *s, *args[2]; Biobuf *bin; VModel *mdl; bin = Bopen(file, OREAD); if(bin == nil) sysfatal("Bopen: %r"); mdl = emalloc(sizeof(VModel)); mdl->pts = nil; mdl->npts = 0; mdl->strokefmt = nil; lineno = 0; while(s = Brdline(bin, '\n')){ s[Blinelen(bin)-1] = 0; lineno++; switch(*s++){ case '#': continue; case 'v': if(tokenize(s, args, nelem(args)) != nelem(args)){ werrstr("syntax error: %s:%ld 'v' expects %d args", file, lineno, nelem(args)); free(mdl); Bterm(bin); return nil; } mdl->pts = erealloc(mdl->pts, ++mdl->npts*sizeof(Point2)); mdl->pts[mdl->npts-1].x = strtod(args[0], nil); mdl->pts[mdl->npts-1].y = strtod(args[1], nil); mdl->pts[mdl->npts-1].w = 1; break; case 'l': case 'c': mdl->strokefmt = strdup(s-1); break; } } Bterm(bin); return mdl; } int blendimages(Image *i0, Image *i1, double f) { static uchar *buf0, *buf1; static char c0[10], c1[10]; static ulong n; uchar *s0, *s1; assert(i0->depth == i1->depth); assert(Dx(i0->r) == Dx(i1->r) && Dy(i0->r) == Dy(i1->r)); f = fclamp(f, 0, 1); if(buf0 == nil && buf1 == nil){ n = bytesperline(i0->r, i0->depth)*Dy(i0->r); buf0 = emalloc(n); buf1 = emalloc(n); /* i1 won't ever change */ if(unloadimage(i1, i1->r, buf1, n) != n) sysfatal("unloadimage: %r"); if(debug){ chantostr(c0, i0->chan); chantostr(c1, i1->chan); fprint(2, "i0 %s\ti1 %s\n", c0, c1); } } if(unloadimage(i0, i0->r, buf0, n) != n) sysfatal("unloadimage: %r"); for(s0 = buf0, s1 = buf1; s0 < buf0+n; s0++, s1++) *s0 = flerp(*s0, *s1, f); if(loadimage(i0, i0->r, buf0, n) != n) sysfatal("loadimage: %r"); return 0; } void drawbullets(Ship *ship, Image *dst) { int i; Bullet *b; Point2 v; for(i = 0; i < nelem(ship->rounds); i++){ if(!ship->rounds[i].fired) continue; b = &ship->rounds[i]; v = Vec2(-1,0); /* it's pointing backwards to paint the tail */ Matrix R = { cos(b->θ), -sin(b->θ), 0, sin(b->θ), cos(b->θ), 0, 0, 0, 1, }; v = xform(v, R); line(dst, toscreen(b->p), toscreen(addpt2(b->p, mulpt2(v, 10))), 0, 0, 0, display->white, ZP); fillellipse(dst, toscreen(b->p), 1, 1, display->white, ZP); } } void drawship(Ship *ship, Image *dst) { int i; char *s; Point pts[3]; VModel *mdl; Point2 *p; Matrix T = { 1, 0, ship->p.x, 0, 1, ship->p.y, 0, 0, 1, }, R = { cos(ship->θ), -sin(ship->θ), 0, sin(ship->θ), cos(ship->θ), 0, 0, 0, 1, }; mulm(T, R); mdl = ship->mdl; p = mdl->pts; for(s = mdl->strokefmt; s != nil && p-mdl->pts < mdl->npts; s++) switch(*s){ case 'l': line(dst, toscreen(xform(p[0], T)), toscreen(xform(p[1], T)), 0, 0, 0, display->white, ZP); p += 2; break; case 'c': for(i = 0; i < nelem(pts); i++) pts[i] = toscreen(xform(p[i], T)); bezspline(dst, pts, nelem(pts), 0, 0, 0, display->white, ZP); p += 3; break; } drawbullets(ship, dst); } void initconn(void) { Frame *frame; frame = newframe(nil, NChi, ntruerand(1000), 0, 0, nil); sendp(egress, frame); netconn.state = NCSConnecting; } void sendkeys(ulong kdown) { Frame *frame; if(netconn.state != NCSConnected) return; frame = newframe(nil, NCinput, netconn.lastseq+1, 0, sizeof(kdown), nil); pack(frame->data, frame->len, "k", kdown); signframe(frame, netconn.dh.priv); sendp(egress, frame); } void kbdproc(void *) { Rune r; Keymap *k; char buf[128], *s; int fd, n; threadsetname("kbdproc"); if((fd = open("/dev/kbd", OREAD)) < 0) sysfatal("kbdproc: %r"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof buf); for(;;){ if(buf[0] != 0){ n = strlen(buf)+1; memmove(buf, buf+n, sizeof(buf)-n); } if(buf[0] == 0){ if((n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) <= 0) break; buf[n-1] = 0; buf[n] = 0; } if(buf[0] == 'c'){ if(utfrune(buf, Kdel)){ close(fd); threadexitsall(nil); } } if(buf[0] != 'k' && buf[0] != 'K') continue; s = buf+1; kdown = 0; while(*s){ s += chartorune(&r, s); for(k = kmap; k < kmap+nelem(kmap); k++) if(r == k->key){ kdown |= 1 << k->op; break; } } if(debug) fprint(2, "kdown %.*lub\n", sizeof(kdown)*8, kdown); sendkeys(kdown); } } void threadnetrecv(void *arg) { uchar buf[MTU]; int fd, n; ushort rport, lport; Ioproc *io; Frame *frame; threadsetname("threadnetrecv"); fd = *(int*)arg; io = ioproc(); while((n = ioread(io, fd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0){ frame = newframe(nil, 0, 0, 0, n-Framehdrsize, nil); unpack(buf, n, "f", frame); sendp(ingress, frame); if(debug){ rport = frame->udp.rport[0]<<8 | frame->udp.rport[1]; lport = frame->udp.lport[0]<<8 | frame->udp.lport[1]; fprint(2, "%I!%ud ← %I!%ud | rcvd %Φ\n", frame->udp.laddr, lport, frame->udp.raddr, rport, frame); } } closeioproc(io); } void threadnetppu(void *) { int i, j; int nfired[2], bi; uchar *bufp; Frame *frame, *newf; threadsetname("threadnetppu"); while((frame = recvp(ingress)) != nil){ if(frame->id != ProtocolID) goto discard; switch(netconn.state){ case NCSConnecting: if(frame->seq != netconn.lastseq + 1 && frame->ack != netconn.lastseq) goto discard; switch(frame->type){ case NShi: unpack(frame->data, frame->len, "kk", &netconn.dh.p, &netconn.dh.g); newf = newframe(nil, NCdhx, frame->seq+1, frame->seq, sizeof(ulong), nil); netconn.dh.sec = truerand(); pack(newf->data, newf->len, "k", dhgenkey(netconn.dh.g, netconn.dh.sec, netconn.dh.p)); sendp(egress, newf); if(debug) fprint(2, "\tsent pubkey %ld\n", dhgenkey(netconn.dh.g, netconn.dh.sec, netconn.dh.p)); break; case NSdhx: unpack(frame->data, frame->len, "k", &; netconn.state = NCSConnected; if(debug) fprint(2, "\trcvd pubkey %ld\n",; netconn.dh.priv = dhgenkey(, netconn.dh.sec, netconn.dh.p); break; } break; case NCSConnected: if(!verifyframe(frame, netconn.dh.priv)){ if(debug) fprint(2, "\tbad signature\n"); goto discard; } switch(frame->type){ case NSsimstate: weplaying = 1; bufp = frame->data; bufp += unpack(bufp, frame->len, "PdPdP", &universe->ships[0].p, &universe->ships[0].θ, &universe->ships[1].p, &universe->ships[1].θ, &universe->star.p); bufp += unpack(bufp, frame->len - (bufp-frame->data), "bb", &nfired[0], &nfired[1]); if(debug) fprint(2, "nfired0 %d nfired1 %d\n", nfired[0], nfired[1]); for(i = 0; i < nelem(universe->ships); i++) for(j = 0; j < nelem(universe->ships[i].rounds); j++) universe->ships[i].rounds[j].fired = 0; for(i = 0; i < nelem(universe->ships); i++) for(j = 0; j < nfired[i]; j++){ bufp += unpack(bufp, frame->len - (bufp-frame->data), "b", &bi); if(debug) fprint(2, "si %d bi %d\n", i, bi); bufp += unpack(bufp, frame->len - (bufp-frame->data), "Pd", &universe->ships[i].rounds[bi].p, &universe->ships[i].rounds[bi].θ); universe->ships[i].rounds[bi].fired++; } break; case NSnudge: newf = newframe(nil, NCnudge, frame->seq+1, frame->seq, 0, nil); signframe(newf, netconn.dh.priv); sendp(egress, newf); break; case NSbuhbye: weplaying = 0; netconn.state = NCSDisconnected; break; } break; } netconn.lastseq = frame->seq; netconn.lastack = frame->ack; discard: delframe(frame); } } void threadnetsend(void *arg) { uchar buf[MTU]; int fd, n; ushort rport, lport; Frame *frame; threadsetname("threadnetsend"); fd = *(int*)arg; while((frame = recvp(egress)) != nil){ n = pack(buf, sizeof buf, "f", frame); if(write(fd, buf, n) != n) sysfatal("write: %r"); if(debug){ rport = frame->udp.rport[0]<<8 | frame->udp.rport[1]; lport = frame->udp.lport[0]<<8 | frame->udp.lport[1]; fprint(2, "%I!%ud → %I!%ud | sent %Φ\n", frame->udp.laddr, lport, frame->udp.raddr, rport, frame); } netconn.lastseq = frame->seq; netconn.lastack = frame->ack; delframe(frame); } } void resize(void); void threadresize(void *arg) { Mousectl *mc; Alt a[3]; mc = arg; a[0].op = CHANRCV; a[0].c = mc->c; a[0].v = &mc->Mouse; a[1].op = CHANRCV; a[1].c = mc->resizec; a[1].v = nil; a[2].op = CHANEND; for(;;) if(alt(a) == 1) resize(); } void initskymap(void) { int fd; fd = open("assets/bg/defskymap.pic", OREAD); if(fd < 0) goto darkness; skymap = readimage(display, fd, 1); if(skymap == nil){ darkness: fprint(2, "couldn't read the sky map. falling back to darkness...\n"); skymap = display->black; } close(fd); } void drawprogressing(char *s) { static double t0; static Point p = {100,300}; Point np; int i; if(t0 == 0) t0 = nanosec(); if(nanosec()-t0 >= 5e9){ /* every five seconds */ p = Pt(ntruerand(SCRW-stringwidth(font, s)-3*font->width),ntruerand(SCRH-font->height)); t0 = nanosec(); } np = string(screenb, addpt(screenb->r.min, p), display->white, ZP, font, s); for(i = 1; i < 3+1; i++){ if(nanosec()-t0 > i*1e9) np = string(screenb, np, display->white, ZP, font, "."); } } void redraw(void) { lockdisplay(display); if(doghosting) blendimages(screenb, skymap, 0.05); else draw(screenb, screenb->r, skymap, nil, ZP); switch(gamestate-gamestates){ case GSIntro: intro->draw(intro, screenb, subpt(divpt(screenb->r.max, 2), divpt(intro->r.max, 2))); break; case GSConnecting: drawprogressing("connecting"); break; case GSMatching: drawprogressing("waiting for players"); break; case GSPlaying: drawship(&universe->ships[0], screenb); drawship(&universe->ships[1], screenb); universe->star.spr->draw(universe->star.spr, screenb, subpt(toscreen(universe->star.p), divpt(universe->star.spr->r.max, 2))); break; } draw(screen, screen->r, screenb, nil, ZP); flushimage(display, 1); unlockdisplay(display); } void resize(void) { int fd; if(debug) fprint(2, "resizing\n"); lockdisplay(display); if(getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) sysfatal("resize failed"); unlockdisplay(display); /* ignore move events */ if(Dx(screen->r) != SCRW || Dy(screen->r) != SCRH){ fd = open("/dev/wctl", OWRITE); if(fd >= 0){ fprint(fd, "resize %s", winspec); close(fd); } } redraw(); } State *intro_δ(State *s, void *arg) { double ∆t; static ulong elapsed; ∆t = *(double*)arg; elapsed += ∆t/1e6; if(elapsed > 5000) return &gamestates[GSConnecting]; return s; } State *connecting_δ(State *s, void*) { if(netconn.state != NCSConnecting) return &gamestates[GSMatching]; return s; } State *matching_δ(State *s, void*) { if(netconn.state == NCSConnected && weplaying) return &gamestates[GSPlaying]; return s; } State *playing_δ(State *s, void*) { return s; } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-dg] server\n", argv0); threadexitsall("usage"); } void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { uvlong then, now, lastpktsent; double frametime; char *server; int fd; Mousectl *mc; Ioproc *io; GEOMfmtinstall(); fmtinstall('I', eipfmt); fmtinstall(L'Φ', Φfmt); ARGBEGIN{ case 'd': debug++; break; case 'g': doghosting++; break; default: usage(); }ARGEND; if(argc != 1) usage(); server = argv[0]; snprint(winspec, sizeof winspec, "-dx %d -dy %d", SCRWB, SCRHB); if(newwindow(winspec) < 0) sysfatal("newwindow: %r"); if(initdraw(nil, deffont, "musw") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw: %r"); if((mc = initmouse(nil, screen)) == nil) sysfatal("initmouse: %r"); display->locking = 1; unlockdisplay(display); initskymap(); screenb = eallocimage(display, rectsubpt(screen->r, screen->r.min), RGBA32, 0, DNofill); draw(screenb, screenb->r, skymap, nil, ZP); screenrf.p = Pt2(Dx(screenb->r)/2,Dy(screenb->r)/2,1); screenrf.bx = Vec2(1, 0); = Vec2(0,-1); proccreate(kbdproc, nil, mainstacksize); fd = dial(server, nil, nil, nil); if(fd < 0) sysfatal("dial: %r"); universe = newuniverse(); needlemdl = readvmodel("assets/mdl/needle.vmdl"); if(needlemdl == nil) sysfatal("readvmodel: %r"); wedgemdl = readvmodel("assets/mdl/wedge.vmdl"); if(wedgemdl == nil) sysfatal("readvmodel: %r"); universe->ships[0].mdl = needlemdl; universe->ships[1].mdl = wedgemdl; universe->star.spr = readpngsprite("assets/spr/pulsar.png", ZP, Rect(0,0,64,64), 9, 50); intro = readpngsprite("assets/spr/intro.png", ZP, Rect(0,0,640,480), 28, 100); gamestates[GSIntro].δ = intro_δ; gamestates[GSConnecting].δ = connecting_δ; gamestates[GSMatching].δ = matching_δ; gamestates[GSPlaying].δ = playing_δ; gamestate = &gamestates[GSIntro]; ingress = chancreate(sizeof(Frame*), 8); egress = chancreate(sizeof(Frame*), 8); threadcreate(threadnetrecv, &fd, mainstacksize); threadcreate(threadnetppu, nil, mainstacksize); threadcreate(threadnetsend, &fd, mainstacksize); threadcreate(threadresize, mc, mainstacksize); then = nanosec(); lastpktsent = 0; io = ioproc(); for(;;){ now = nanosec(); frametime = now - then; then = now; if(gamestate != &gamestates[GSIntro]){ if(netconn.state == NCSConnecting) lastpktsent += frametime/1e6; if(netconn.state == NCSDisconnected || (netconn.state == NCSConnecting && lastpktsent >= 1000)){ initconn(); lastpktsent = 0; } } gamestate = gamestate->δ(gamestate, &frametime); universe->star.spr->step(universe->star.spr, frametime/1e6); intro->step(intro, frametime/1e6); redraw(); iosleep(io, HZ2MS(30)); } }