ref: 85755eb4cd902f386421db340d8be2d2b449469f
dir: /tests/src/effects/test-timestretch.c/
#define AUBIO_UNSTABLE 1 #include <aubio.h> #include "utils_tests.h" int main (int argc, char **argv) { sint_t err = 0; if (argc < 4) { err = 2; PRINT_ERR("not enough arguments\n"); PRINT_MSG("usage: %s <input_path> <output_path> <stretch> [transpose] [mode] [hop_size] [samplerate]\n", argv[0]); PRINT_MSG(" with <stretch> a time stretching ratio in the range [0.025, 10.]\n"); PRINT_MSG(" [transpose] a number of semi tones in the range [-24, 24]\n"); PRINT_MSG(" and [mode] in 'default', 'crispness:0', ..., 'crispness:6'\n"); return err; } uint_t samplerate = 0; uint_t hop_size = 64; smpl_t transpose = 0.; smpl_t stretch = 1.; uint_t n_frames = 0, read = 0; char_t *source_path = argv[1]; char_t *sink_path = argv[2]; char_t *mode = "default"; stretch = atof(argv[3]); if ( argc >= 5 ) transpose = atof(argv[4]); if ( argc >= 6 ) mode = argv[5]; if ( argc >= 7 ) hop_size = atoi(argv[6]); if ( argc >= 8 ) samplerate = atoi(argv[7]); if ( argc >= 9 ) { err = 2; PRINT_ERR("too many arguments\n"); return err; } fvec_t *out = new_fvec(hop_size); if (!out) { err = 1; goto beach_fvec; } aubio_timestretch_t *ps = new_aubio_timestretch(source_path, mode, stretch, hop_size, samplerate); if (!ps) { err = 1; goto beach_timestretch; } if (samplerate == 0 ) samplerate = aubio_timestretch_get_samplerate(ps); aubio_sink_t *o = new_aubio_sink(sink_path, samplerate); if (!o) { err = 1; goto beach_sink; } if (transpose != 0) aubio_timestretch_set_transpose(ps, transpose); do { aubio_timestretch_set_stretch(ps, stretch); aubio_timestretch_set_transpose(ps, transpose); aubio_timestretch_do(ps, out, &read); aubio_sink_do(o, out, read); n_frames += read; } while ( read == hop_size ); PRINT_MSG("wrote %d frames at %dHz (%d blocks) from %s written to %s\n", n_frames, samplerate, n_frames / hop_size, source_path, sink_path); del_aubio_sink(o); beach_sink: del_aubio_timestretch(ps); beach_timestretch: del_fvec(out); beach_fvec: return err; }