ref: 518cfe8d0c1a6eb4f90cdb68861fe0cd3a2e0d74
dir: /iostream.c/
#include "flisp.h" #include "cvalues.h" #include "types.h" #include "print.h" #include "read.h" #include "iostream.h" static void print_iostream(value_t v, ios_t *f) { ios_t *s = value2c(ios_t*, v); fl_print_str(f, "#<io stream"); if(*s->loc.filename){ fl_print_chr(f, ' '); fl_print_str(f, s->loc.filename); } fl_print_chr(f, '>'); } static void free_iostream(value_t self) { ios_t *s = value2c(ios_t*, self); ios_close(s); ios_free(s); } static void relocate_iostream(value_t oldv, value_t newv) { ios_t *olds = value2c(ios_t*, oldv); ios_t *news = value2c(ios_t*, newv); if(news->buf == &olds->local[0]) news->buf = &news->local[0]; } static cvtable_t iostream_vtable = { print_iostream, relocate_iostream, free_iostream, nil }; static int isiostream(value_t v) { return iscvalue(v) && cv_class(ptr(v)) == FL(iostreamtype); } BUILTIN("iostream?", iostreamp) { argcount(nargs, 1); return isiostream(args[0]) ? FL_t : FL_f; } BUILTIN("eof-object?", eof_objectp) { argcount(nargs, 1); return args[0] == FL_eof ? FL_t : FL_f; } ios_t * toiostream(value_t v) { if(fl_unlikely(!isiostream(v))) type_error("iostream", v); return value2c(ios_t*, v); } BUILTIN("file", file) { if(nargs < 1) argcount(nargs, 1); size_t i; int r = 0, w = 0, c = 0, t = 0, a = 0; for(i = 1; i < nargs; i++){ if(args[i] == FL_rdsym) r = 1; else if(args[i] == FL_wrsym) w = 1; else if(args[i] == FL_apsym) a = w = 1; else if(args[i] == FL_crsym) c = w = 1; else if(args[i] == FL_truncsym) t = w = 1; } if((r|w|c|t|a) == 0) r = 1; // default to reading value_t f = cvalue(FL(iostreamtype), sizeof(ios_t)); char *fname = tostring(args[0]); ios_t *s = value2c(ios_t*, f); if(ios_file(s, fname, r, w, c, t) == nil) lerrorf(FL_IOError, "could not open \"%s\"", fname); if(a) ios_seek_end(s); return f; } BUILTIN("buffer", buffer) { argcount(nargs, 0); USED(args); value_t f = cvalue(FL(iostreamtype), sizeof(ios_t)); ios_t *s = value2c(ios_t*, f); if(ios_mem(s, 0) == nil) lerrorf(FL_MemoryError, "could not allocate stream"); return f; } BUILTIN("read", read) { if(nargs > 1) argcount(nargs, 1); value_t a = nargs == 0 ? symbol_value(FL_instrsym) : args[0]; USED(toiostream(a)); value_t v = fl_read_sexpr(a); a = nargs == 0 ? symbol_value(FL_instrsym) : args[0]; return ios_eof(toiostream(a)) ? FL_eof : v; } BUILTIN("io-getc", io_getc) { argcount(nargs, 1); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); Rune r; int res; if((res = ios_getutf8(s, &r)) == IOS_EOF) //lerrorf(FL_IOError, "end of file reached"); return FL_eof; if(res == 0) lerrorf(FL_IOError, "invalid UTF-8 sequence"); return mk_rune(r); } BUILTIN("io-wait", io_wait) { if(nargs > 2) argcount(nargs, 2); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); int r = ios_wait(s, nargs > 1 ? todouble(args[1]) : -1); if(r >= 0) return r ? FL_t : FL_f; if(r == IOS_EOF) return FL_eof; lerrorf(FL_IOError, "i/o error"); } BUILTIN("io-putc", io_putc) { argcount(nargs, 2); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); if(!iscprim(args[1]) || ((cprim_t*)ptr(args[1]))->type != FL(runetype)) type_error("rune", args[1]); Rune r = *(Rune*)cp_data(ptr(args[1])); return fixnum(ios_pututf8(s, r)); } BUILTIN("io-skip", io_skip) { argcount(nargs, 2); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); off_t off = tooffset(args[1]); off_t res = ios_skip(s, off); if(res < 0) return FL_f; return sizeof(res) == sizeof(int64_t) ? mk_int64(res) : mk_int32(res); } BUILTIN("io-flush", io_flush) { argcount(nargs, 1); return ios_flush(toiostream(args[0])) == 0 ? FL_t : FL_f; } BUILTIN("io-close", io_close) { argcount(nargs, 1); ios_close(toiostream(args[0])); return FL_void; } BUILTIN("io-truncate", io_truncate) { argcount(nargs, 2); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); if(ios_trunc(s, tooffset(args[1])) < 0) lerrorf(FL_IOError, "truncation failed"); return FL_void; } BUILTIN("io-discardbuffer", io_discardbuffer) { argcount(nargs, 1); ios_purge(toiostream(args[0])); return FL_void; } BUILTIN("io-eof?", io_eofp) { argcount(nargs, 1); return ios_eof(toiostream(args[0])) ? FL_t : FL_f; } BUILTIN("io-seek", io_seek) { argcount(nargs, 2); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); size_t pos = tosize(args[1]); off_t res = ios_seek(s, (off_t)pos); if(res < 0) return FL_f; return FL_t; } BUILTIN("io-pos", io_pos) { argcount(nargs, 1); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); off_t res = ios_pos(s); if(res < 0) return FL_f; return size_wrap((size_t)res); } BUILTIN("write", write) { if(nargs < 1 || nargs > 2) argcount(nargs, 1); ios_t *s; s = nargs == 2 ? toiostream(args[1]) : toiostream(symbol_value(FL_outstrsym)); fl_print(s, args[0]); return args[0]; } BUILTIN("io-read", io_read) { if(nargs != 3) argcount(nargs, 2); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); size_t n; fltype_t *ft; if(nargs == 3){ // form ( s type count) ft = get_array_type(args[1]); n = tosize(args[2]) * ft->elsz; }else{ ft = get_type(args[1]); if(ft->eltype != nil && !iscons(cdr_(cdr_(args[1])))) lerrorf(FL_ArgError, "incomplete type"); n = ft->size; } value_t cv = cvalue(ft, n); uint8_t *data = cptr(cv); size_t got = ios_read(s, data, n); if(got < n) //lerrorf(FL_IOError, "end of input reached"); return FL_eof; return cv; } // args must contain data[, offset[, count]] static void get_start_count_args(value_t *args, uint32_t nargs, size_t sz, size_t *offs, size_t *nb) { if(nargs > 1){ *offs = tosize(args[1]); *nb = nargs > 2 ? tosize(args[2]) : sz - *offs; if(*offs >= sz || *offs + *nb > sz) bounds_error(args[0], args[1]); } } BUILTIN("io-write", io_write) { if(nargs < 2 || nargs > 4) argcount(nargs, 2); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); if(iscprim(args[1]) && ((cprim_t*)ptr(args[1]))->type == FL(runetype)){ if(nargs > 2) lerrorf(FL_ArgError, "offset argument not supported for characters"); Rune r = *(Rune*)cp_data(ptr(args[1])); return fixnum(ios_pututf8(s, r)); } uint8_t *data; size_t sz, offs = 0; to_sized_ptr(args[1], &data, &sz); size_t nb = sz; if(nargs > 2){ get_start_count_args(&args[1], nargs-1, sz, &offs, &nb); data += offs; } return size_wrap(ios_write(s, data, nb)); } static uint8_t get_delim_arg(value_t arg) { size_t uldelim = tosize(arg); if(uldelim > 0x7f){ // runes > 0x7f, or anything else > 0xff, are out of range if((iscprim(arg) && cp_class(ptr(arg)) == FL(runetype)) || uldelim > 0xff) lerrorf(FL_ArgError, "delimiter out of range"); } return (uint8_t)uldelim; } BUILTIN("io-readuntil", io_readuntil) { argcount(nargs, 2); value_t str = cvalue_string(80); cvalue_t *cv = ptr(str); uint8_t *data = cv_data(cv); ios_t dest; ios_mem(&dest, 0); ios_setbuf(&dest, data, 80, 0); uint8_t delim = get_delim_arg(args[1]); ios_t *src = toiostream(args[0]); size_t n = ios_copyuntil(&dest, src, delim); cv->len = n; if(dest.buf != data){ // outgrew initial space size_t sz; cv->data = ios_takebuf(&dest, &sz); cv_autorelease(cv); }else{ ((uint8_t*)cv->data)[n] = 0; } if(n == 0 && ios_eof(src)) return FL_eof; return str; } BUILTIN("io-copyuntil", io_copyuntil) { argcount(nargs, 3); ios_t *dest = toiostream(args[0]); ios_t *src = toiostream(args[1]); uint8_t delim = get_delim_arg(args[2]); return size_wrap(ios_copyuntil(dest, src, delim)); } BUILTIN("io-copy", io_copy) { if(nargs < 2 || nargs > 3) argcount(nargs, 2); ios_t *dest = toiostream(args[0]); ios_t *src = toiostream(args[1]); if(nargs == 3) return size_wrap(ios_copy(dest, src, tosize(args[2]))); return size_wrap(ios_copyall(dest, src)); } BUILTIN("io-filename", io_filename) { argcount(nargs, 1); return string_from_cstr(toiostream(args[0])->loc.filename); } BUILTIN("io-set-filename!", io_set_filename) { argcount(nargs, 2); ios_t *s = toiostream(args[0]); char *f = tostring(args[1]); MEM_FREE(s->loc.filename); s->loc.filename = MEM_STRDUP(f); return args[1]; } BUILTIN("io-line", io_line) { argcount(nargs, 1); return size_wrap(toiostream(args[0])->loc.lineno); } BUILTIN("io-set-line!", io_set_line) { argcount(nargs, 2); toiostream(args[0])->loc.lineno = tosize(args[1]); return args[1]; } BUILTIN("io-column", io_column) { argcount(nargs, 1); return size_wrap(toiostream(args[0])->loc.colno); } BUILTIN("io-set-column!", io_set_column) { argcount(nargs, 2); toiostream(args[0])->loc.colno = tosize(args[1]); return args[1]; } value_t stream_to_string(value_t *ps) { value_t str; size_t n; ios_t *st = value2c(ios_t*, *ps); if(st->buf == &st->local[0]){ n = st->size; str = cvalue_string(n); memcpy(cvalue_data(str), st->buf, n); ios_trunc(st, 0); }else{ uint8_t *b = ios_takebuf(st, &n); n--; if(n == 0) return FL(the_empty_string); b[n] = '\0'; str = cvalue_from_ref(FL(stringtype), b, n, FL_nil); cv_autorelease(ptr(str)); } return str; } BUILTIN("iostream->string", io_tostring) { argcount(nargs, 1); ios_t *src = toiostream(args[0]); if(src->bm != bm_mem) lerrorf(FL_ArgError, "requires memory stream"); bool eof = ios_eof(src); value_t v = stream_to_string(&args[0]); if(eof && v == FL(the_empty_string)) v = FL_eof; return v; } void iostream_init(void) { FL_iostreamsym = symbol("iostream", false); FL_rdsym = symbol(":read", false); FL_wrsym = symbol(":write", false); FL_apsym = symbol(":append", false); FL_crsym = symbol(":create", false); FL_truncsym = symbol(":truncate", false); FL_instrsym = symbol("*input-stream*", false); FL_outstrsym = symbol("*output-stream*", false); FL(iostreamtype) = define_opaque_type(FL_iostreamsym, sizeof(ios_t), &iostream_vtable, nil); set(symbol("*stdout*", false), cvalue_from_ref(FL(iostreamtype), ios_stdout, sizeof(ios_t), FL_nil)); set(symbol("*stderr*", false), cvalue_from_ref(FL(iostreamtype), ios_stderr, sizeof(ios_t), FL_nil)); set(symbol("*stdin*", false), cvalue_from_ref(FL(iostreamtype), ios_stdin, sizeof(ios_t), FL_nil)); }