shithub: leaf

ref: 4f70bc64d136ec816e6a8476429fb1c69be1ffa7
dir: /LEAF/Inc/leaf-delay.h/

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    Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:01:24pm
    Author:  Michael R Mulshine



#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "leaf-math.h"

/* Non-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
typedef struct _tDelay
    float gain;
    float* buff;
    float lastOut, lastIn;
    uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
    uint32_t delay, maxDelay;
} tDelay;

void        tDelay_init         (tDelay*  const, uint32_t delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
void        tDelay_free         (tDelay* const);

int         tDelay_setDelay     (tDelay*  const, uint32_t delay);
uint32_t    tDelay_getDelay     (tDelay*  const);
void        tDelay_tapIn        (tDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tDelay_tapOut       (tDelay*  const, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tDelay_addTo        (tDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tDelay_tick         (tDelay*  const, float sample);
float       tDelay_getLastOut   (tDelay*  const);
float       tDelay_getLastIn    (tDelay*  const);

/* Linearly-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
typedef struct _tLinearDelay
    float gain;
    float* buff;
    float lastOut, lastIn;
    uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
    uint32_t maxDelay;
    float delay;
    float alpha, omAlpha;
} tLinearDelay;

void        tLinearDelay_init        (tLinearDelay*  const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
void        tLinearDelay_free        (tLinearDelay* const);

int         tLinearDelay_setDelay    (tLinearDelay*  const, float delay);
float       tLinearDelay_getDelay    (tLinearDelay*  const);
void        tLinearDelay_tapIn       (tLinearDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tLinearDelay_tapOut      (tLinearDelay*  const, float tapDelay);
float       tLinearDelay_addTo       (tLinearDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tLinearDelay_tick        (tLinearDelay*  const, float sample);
void   		tLinearDelay_tickIn 		(tLinearDelay* const d, float input);
float   	tLinearDelay_tickOut 	(tLinearDelay* const d);
float       tLinearDelay_getLastOut  (tLinearDelay*  const);
float       tLinearDelay_getLastIn   (tLinearDelay*  const);

/* Allpass-interpolating delay, reimplemented from STK (Cook and Scavone). */
typedef struct _tAllpassDelay
    float gain;
    float* buff;
    float lastOut, lastIn;
    uint32_t inPoint, outPoint;
    uint32_t maxDelay;
    float delay;
    float alpha, omAlpha, coeff;
    float apInput;
} tAllpassDelay;

void        tAllpassDelay_init        (tAllpassDelay*  const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
void        tAllpassDelay_free        (tAllpassDelay* const);

int         tAllpassDelay_setDelay    (tAllpassDelay*  const, float delay);
float       tAllpassDelay_getDelay    (tAllpassDelay*  const);
void        tAllpassDelay_tapIn       (tAllpassDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tAllpassDelay_tapOut      (tAllpassDelay*  const, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tAllpassDelay_addTo       (tAllpassDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tAllpassDelay_tick        (tAllpassDelay*  const, float sample);
float       tAllpassDelay_getLastOut  (tAllpassDelay*  const);
float       tAllpassDelay_getLastIn   (tAllpassDelay*  const);

/* Linear interpolating delay with fixed read and write pointers, variable rate. */
typedef struct _tTapeDelay
    float gain;
    float* buff;
    float lastOut, lastIn;
    uint32_t inPoint;
    uint32_t maxDelay;
    float delay, inc, idx;
    float apInput;
} tTapeDelay;

void        tTapeDelay_init        (tTapeDelay*  const, float delay, uint32_t maxDelay);
void        tTapeDelay_free        (tTapeDelay* const);

int         tTapeDelay_setDelay    (tTapeDelay*  const, float delay);
float       tTapeDelay_getDelay    (tTapeDelay*  const);
void        tTapeDelay_tapIn       (tTapeDelay*  const, float in, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tTapeDelay_tapOut      (tTapeDelay* const d, float tapDelay);
float       tTapeDelay_addTo       (tTapeDelay*  const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
float       tTapeDelay_tick        (tTapeDelay*  const, float sample);
float       tTapeDelay_getLastOut  (tTapeDelay*  const);
float       tTapeDelay_getLastIn   (tTapeDelay*  const);
#ifdef __cplusplus

