shithub: leaf

ref: b40f3a777e9dacbfc30351349a1c7d3a632f1d8e
dir: /LEAF/Src/leaf-math.c/

View raw version
 Created: 22 Jan 2017 7:02:56pm
 Author:  Michael R Mulshine

#if _WIN32 || _WIN64

#include "..\Inc\leaf-math.h"
#include "..\Inc\leaf-tables.h"


#include "../Inc/leaf-math.h"
#include "../Inc/leaf-tables.h"



#define log10f_fast(x)  (log2f_approx(x)*0.3010299956639812f)

// This is a fast approximation to log2() found on credited to this post
// Y = C[0]*F*F*F + C[1]*F*F + C[2]*F + C[3] + E;
float log2f_approx(float X) {
    float Y, F;
    int E;
    F = frexpf(fabsf(X), &E);
    Y = 1.23149591368684f;
    Y *= F;
    Y += -4.11852516267426f;
    Y *= F;
    Y += 6.02197014179219f;
    Y *= F;
    Y += -3.13396450166353f;
    Y += E;

float interpolate3max(float *buf, const int peakindex)
    float a = buf[peakindex-1];
    float b = buf[peakindex];
    float c = buf[peakindex+1];
    float realpeak;
    realpeak = b + (float)0.125 * (c - a) * (c - a) / ((float)2. * b - a - c);

float interpolate3phase(float *buf, const int peakindex)
    float a = buf[peakindex-1];
    float b = buf[peakindex];
    float c = buf[peakindex+1];
    float fraction;
    fraction = ((float)0.5 * (c - a)) / ((float)2. * b - a - c);

// alternative implementation for abs()
// REQUIRES: 32 bit integers
int fastabs_int(int in){
    unsigned int r;
    int const mask = in >> 31;
    r = (in ^ mask) - mask;
    return (r);

// alternative implementation for abs()
// REQUIRES: 32 bit floats
float fastabsf(float f)
        float f;
        unsigned int ui;
    alias.f = f;
    alias.ui &= 0x7fffffff;
    return alias.f;

double fastexp(double x) {
    x = 1.0 + (x * 0.0009765625);
    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
    x *= x; x *= x;
    return x;

float fastexpf(float x) {
    x = 1.0f + (x * 0.0009765625f);
    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
    x *= x; x *= x;
    return x;

double fasterexp(double x) {
    x = 1.0 + (x * 0.00390625);
    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
    return x;

float fasterexpf(float x) {
    x = 1.0f + (x * 0.00390625f);
    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
    return x;

// fast floating-point exp2 function taken from Robert Bristow Johnson's
// post in the music-dsp list on Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:50:11 -0400
float fastexp2f(float x)
    if (x >= -127.0)
        register float accumulator, xPower;
        register union {float f; int32_t i;} xBits;
        xBits.i = (int32_t)(x + 4096.0f) - 4096L;               /* integer part */
        x -= (float)(xBits.i);                                             /* fractional part */
        accumulator = 1.0f + 0.69303212081966f*x;
        xPower = x*x;
        accumulator += 0.24137976293709f*xPower;
        xPower *= x;
        accumulator += 0.05203236900844f*xPower;
        xPower *= x;
        accumulator += 0.01355574723481f*xPower;
        xBits.i += 127;                                                    /* bias integer part */
        xBits.i<<= 23;                                                     /* move biased int part into exponent bits */
        return accumulator * xBits.f;
        return 0.0f;

 you pass in a float array to get back two indexes representing the volumes of the left (index 0) and right (index 1) channels
 when t is -1, volumes[0] = 0, volumes[1] = 1
 when t = 0, volumes[0] = 0.707, volumes[1] = 0.707 (equal-power cross fade)
 when t = 1, volumes[0] = 1, volumes[1] = 0

void LEAF_crossfade(float fade, float* volumes) {
    volumes[0] = sqrtf(0.5f * (1.0f + fade));
    volumes[1] = sqrtf(0.5f * (1.0f - fade));

// dope af
float LEAF_chebyshevT(float in, int n){
    if (n == 0) return 1;
    else if (n == 1) return in;
    else return 2.0f * in * LEAF_chebyshevT(in, n-1) - LEAF_chebyshevT(in, n-2);

#if !(_WIN32 || _WIN64)
float LEAF_CompoundChebyshevT(float in, int n, float* amps){
    float T[n+1];
    T[0] = 1.0f;
    T[1] = in;
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i)
        T[i] = 2*in*T[i-1] - T[i-2];
    float out = 0;
    float amp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
        out += amps[i]*T[i+1];
        amp += amps[i];
    return out / amp ;

float LEAF_frequencyToMidi(float f)
    return (69.0f + 12.0f * log2(f * INV_440));

// Jones shaper
float LEAF_shaper(float input, float m_drive)
    float fx = input * 2.0f;    // prescale
    float w, c, xc, xc2, xc4;
    xc = LEAF_clip(-SQRT8, fx, SQRT8);
    xc2 = xc*xc;
    c = 0.5f*fx*(3.0f - (xc2));
    xc4 = xc2 * xc2;
    w = (1.0f - xc2*0.25f + xc4*0.015625f) * WSCALE;
    float shaperOut = w*(c+ 0.05f*xc2)*(m_drive + 0.75f);
    shaperOut *= 0.5f;    // post_scale
    return shaperOut;

// round input to nearest rnd
float LEAF_round (float input, float rnd)
    rnd = fabsf(rnd);
    if (rnd <= 0.0000001f) return input;
    float scale = 1.f / rnd;
    return roundf(input * scale) / scale;

float LEAF_bitwise_xor(float input, uint32_t op)
    union unholy_t unholy;
    unholy.f = input;
    unholy.i = (unholy.i ^ op);
    return unholy.f;

float LEAF_reedTable(float input, float offset, float slope)
    float output = offset + (slope * input);
    if ( output > 1.0f) output = 1.0f;
    if ( output < -1.0f) output = -1.0f;
    return output;

float   LEAF_softClip(float val, float thresh)
    float x;
    if(val > thresh)
        x = thresh / val;
        return (1.0f - x) * (1.0f - thresh) + thresh;
    else if(val < -thresh)
        x = -thresh / val;
        return -((1.0f - x) * (1.0f - thresh) + thresh);
        return val;

float   LEAF_clip(float min, float val, float max)
    float tempmin = min;
    float tempmax = max;
    if (min > max)
        tempmin = max;
        tempmax = min;
    if (val < tempmin) {
        return tempmin;
    } else if (val > tempmax) {
        return tempmax;
    } else {
        return val;

int   LEAF_clipInt(int min, int val, int max)
    int tempmin = min;
    int tempmax = max;
    if (min > max)
        tempmin = max;
        tempmax = min;
    if (val < tempmin) {
        return tempmin;
    } else if (val > tempmax) {
        return tempmax;
    } else {
        return val;

oBool     LEAF_isPrime(uint64_t number )
    if ( number == 2 ) return OTRUE;
    if ( number & 1 ) {
        for ( int i=3; i<(int)sqrt((double)number)+1; i+=2 )
            if ( (number % i) == 0 ) return OFALSE;
        return OTRUE; // prime
    else return OFALSE; // even

// Adapted from MusicDSP:
float LEAF_tanh(float x)
    if( x < -3.0f )
        return -1.0f;
    else if( x > 3.0f )
        return 1.0f;
        return x * ( 27.0f + x * x ) / ( 27.0f + 9.0f * x * x );

void LEAF_generate_sine(float* buffer, int size)
    float phase;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        phase = (float) i / (float) size;
        buffer[i] = sinf(phase * TWO_PI);

void LEAF_generate_sawtooth(float* buffer, float basefreq, int size)
    int harmonic = 1;
    float phase = 0.0f;
    float freq = harmonic * basefreq;
    float amp;
    while (freq < (leaf.sampleRate * 0.5))
        amp = 1.0f / harmonic;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            phase = (float) i / (float) size;
            buffer[i] += (amp * sinf(harmonic * phase * TWO_PI));
        freq = harmonic * basefreq;

void LEAF_generate_triangle(float* buffer, float basefreq, int size)
    int harmonic = 1;
    float phase = 0.0f;
    float freq = harmonic * basefreq;
    float amp = 1.0f;
    int count = 0;
    float mult = 1.0f;
    while (freq < (leaf.sampleRate * 0.5))
        amp = 1.0f / (float)(harmonic * harmonic);
        if (count % 2)  mult = -1.0f;
        else            mult =  1.0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            phase = (float) i / (float) size;
            buffer[i] += (mult * amp * sinf(harmonic * phase * TWO_PI));
        harmonic += 2;
        freq = harmonic * basefreq;

void LEAF_generate_square(float* buffer, float basefreq, int size)
    int harmonic = 1;
    float phase = 0.0f;
    float freq = harmonic * basefreq;
    float amp = 1.0f;
    while (freq < (leaf.sampleRate * 0.5))
        amp = 1.0f / (float)(harmonic);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            phase = (float) i / (float) size;
            buffer[i] += (amp * sinf(harmonic * phase * TWO_PI));
        harmonic += 2;
        freq = harmonic * basefreq;

// t = phase, dt = inc, assuming 0-1 phase
// assumes discontinuity at 0, so offset inputs as needed
float LEAF_poly_blep(float t, float dt)
    // 0 <= t < 1
    if (t < dt) {
        t /= dt;
        return t+t - t*t - 1.0f;
    // -1 < t < 0
    else if (t > 1.0f - dt) {
        t = (t - 1.0f) / dt;
        return t*t + t+t + 1.0f;
    // 0 otherwise
    else return 0.0f;
//    float y = 0.0f;
//    if (t < 2.0f * dt)
//    {
//        float x = t / dt;
//        float u = 2.0f - x;
//        u *= u;
//        u *= u;
//        y += u;
//        if (t < dt) {
//            float v = 1.0f - x;
//            v *= v;
//            v *= v;
//            y -= 4.0f * v;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (t > 1.0f - (2.0f * dt))
//    {
//        float x = (t - 1.0f) / dt;
//        float u = 2.0f - x;
//        u *= u;
//        u *= u;
//        y += u;
//        if (t > 1.0f - dt) {
//            float v = 1.0f - x;
//            v *= v;
//            v *= v;
//            y += 4.0f * v;
//        }
//    }
//    return y / 12.0f;

// name: mtof()
// desc: midi to freq, from PD source
float LEAF_midiToFrequency(float f)
    if( f <= -1500.0f ) return (0);
    else if( f > 1499.0f ) return (LEAF_midiToFrequency(1499.0f));
    else return ( powf(2.0f, (f - 69.0f) * 0.083333333333333f) * 440.0f );

// alpha, [0.0, 1.0]
float LEAF_interpolate_hermite (float A, float B, float C, float D, float alpha)
    alpha = LEAF_clip(0.0f, alpha, 1.0f);
    float a = -A*0.5f + (3.0f*B)*0.5f - (3.0f*C)*0.5f + D*0.5f;
    float b = A - (5.0f*B)*0.5f + 2.0f*C - D * 0.5f;
    float c = -A*0.5f + C*0.5f;
    float d = B;
    return a*alpha*alpha*alpha + b*alpha*alpha + c*alpha + d;

// from
//xx is alpha (fractional part of sample value)
//grabbed this from Tom Erbe's Delay pd code
float LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x(float yy0, float yy1, float yy2, float yy3, float xx)
    // 4-point, 3rd-order Hermite (x-form)
    float c0 = yy1;
    float c1 = 0.5f * (yy2 - yy0);
    float y0my1 = yy0 - yy1;
    float c3 = (yy1 - yy2) + 0.5f * (yy3 - y0my1 - yy2);
    float c2 = y0my1 + c1 - c3;
    return ((c3 * xx + c2) * xx + c1) * xx + c0;

// alpha, [0.0, 1.0]
float LEAF_interpolation_linear (float A, float B, float alpha)
    alpha = LEAF_clip(0.0f, alpha, 1.0f);
    float omAlpha = 1.0f - alpha;
    // First 1/2 of interpolation
    float out = A * omAlpha;
    out += B * alpha;
    return out;

#define LOGTEN 2.302585092994

float mtof(float f)
    if (f <= -1500.0f) return(0);
    else if (f > 1499.0f) return(mtof(1499.0f));
    else return (8.17579891564f * expf(0.0577622650f * f));

float fast_mtof(float f)
    return (8.17579891564f * fastexpf(0.0577622650f * f));

float faster_mtof(float f)
    return (8.17579891564f * fastexpf(0.0577622650f * f));

float ftom(float f)
    return (f > 0 ? 17.3123405046f * logf(.12231220585f * f) : -1500.0f);

float powtodb(float f)
    if (f <= 0) return (0);
        float val = 100.0f + 10.0f/LOGTEN * logf(f);
        return (val < 0.0f ? 0.0f : val);

float rmstodb(float f)
    if (f <= 0) return (0);
        float val = 100 + 20.f/LOGTEN * log(f);
        return (val < 0 ? 0 : val);

float dbtopow(float f)
    if (f <= 0)
        if (f > 870.0f)
            f = 870.0f;
        return (expf((LOGTEN * 0.1f) * (f-100.0f)));

float dbtorms(float f)
    if (f <= 0)
        if (f > 485.0f)
            f = 485.0f;
    return (expf((LOGTEN * 0.05f) * (f-100.0f)));

float atodb(float a)
    return 20.0f*log10f(a);

float dbtoa(float db)
    return powf(10.0f, db * 0.05f);
    //return expf(0.115129254649702f * db); //faster version from

float fastdbtoa(float db)
    //return powf(10.0f, db * 0.05f);
    return expf(0.115129254649702f * db); //faster version from

float maximum (float num1, float num2)
    return (num1 > num2 ) ? num1 : num2;

float minimum (float num1, float num2)
    return (num1 < num2 ) ? num1 : num2;