shithub: leaf

ref: f3bfe55e7d09ae5b44221279f481575fe74b5a2a
dir: /LEAF/Inc/leaf-utilities.h/

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    Created: 20 Jan 2017 12:02:17pm
    Author:  Michael R Mulshine



#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

#include "leaf-globals.h"
#include "leaf-math.h"
#include "leaf-filter.h"
#include "leaf-delay.h"

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

// STACK implementation (fixed size)
#define STACK_SIZE 128
typedef struct _tStack
    int data[STACK_SIZE];
    uint16_t pos;
    uint16_t size;
    uint16_t capacity;
    oBool ordered;
} tStack;

void    tStack_init                 (tStack* const);
void    tStack_free                 (tStack* const);

void    tStack_setCapacity          (tStack* const, uint16_t cap);
int     tStack_addIfNotAlreadyThere (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
void    tStack_add                  (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
int     tStack_remove               (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
void    tStack_clear                (tStack* const);
int     tStack_first                (tStack* const);
int     tStack_getSize              (tStack* const);
int     tStack_contains             (tStack* const, uint16_t item);
int     tStack_next                 (tStack* const);
int     tStack_get                  (tStack* const, int which);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* Ramp */
typedef struct _tRamp {
    float inc;
    float inv_sr_ms;
    float minimum_time;
    float curr,dest;
    float time;
    int samples_per_tick;
} tRamp;

void    tRamp_init      (tRamp* const, float time, int samplesPerTick);
void    tRamp_free      (tRamp* const);

float   tRamp_tick      (tRamp* const);
float   tRamp_sample    (tRamp* const);
int     tRamp_setTime   (tRamp* const, float time);
int     tRamp_setDest   (tRamp* const, float dest);
int     tRamp_setVal    (tRamp* const, float val);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* Exponential Smoother */
typedef struct _tExpSmooth {
    float factor, oneminusfactor;
    float curr,dest;

} tExpSmooth;

void    tExpSmooth_init      (tExpSmooth* const, float val, float factor);
void    tExpSmooth_free      (tExpSmooth* const);

float   tExpSmooth_tick      (tExpSmooth* const);
float   tExpSmooth_sample    (tExpSmooth* const);
int     tExpSmooth_setFactor   (tExpSmooth* const, float factor);
int     tExpSmooth_setDest   (tExpSmooth* const, float dest);
int     tExpSmooth_setVal    (tExpSmooth* const, float val);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* PowerEnvelopeFollower */
typedef struct _tPwrFollow {
    float factor, oneminusfactor;
    float curr;

} tPwrFollow;

void    tPwrFollow_init      (tPwrFollow* const, float factor);
void    tPwrFollow_free      (tPwrFollow* const);
float   tPwrFollow_tick      (tPwrFollow* const, float input);
float   tPwrFollow_sample    (tPwrFollow* const);
int     tPwrFollow_setFactor   (tPwrFollow* const, float factor);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

//Reed Table - borrowed from STK
typedef struct _tReedTable {
    float offset, slope;
} tReedTable;

void    tReedTable_init      (tReedTable* const, float offset, float slope);
void    tReedTable_free      (tReedTable* const);
float   tReedTable_tick      (tReedTable* const, float input);
float   tReedTable_tanh_tick     (tReedTable* const p, float input); //tanh softclip version of reed table - replacing the hard clip in original stk code
void     tReedTable_setOffset   (tReedTable* const, float offset);
void     tReedTable_setSlope (tReedTable* const, float slope);

/* Feedback leveller */
// An auto VCA that you put into a feedback circuit to make it stay at the same level.
// It can enforce level bidirectionally (amplifying and attenuating as needed) or
// just attenutating. The former option allows for infinite sustain strings, for example, while
// The latter option allows for decaying strings, which can never exceed
// a specific level.

typedef struct _tFBleveller {
    float targetLevel;	// target power level
    float strength;		// how strongly level difference affects the VCA
    int	  mode;			// 0 for upwards limiting only, 1 for biderctional limiting
    float curr;
    tPwrFollow pwrFlw;	// internal power follower needed for level tracking

} tFBleveller;

void    tFBleveller_init      (tFBleveller* const, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode);
void    tFBleveller_free      (tFBleveller* const);

float   tFBleveller_tick      (tFBleveller* const, float input);
float   tFBleveller_sample    (tFBleveller* const);
int     tFBleveller_setTargetLevel   (tFBleveller* const, float TargetLevel);
int     tFBleveller_setFactor   (tFBleveller* const, float factor);
int     tFBleveller_setMode   (tFBleveller* const, int mode); // 0 for upwards limiting only, 1 for biderctional limiting
int     tFBleveller_setStrength   (tFBleveller* const, float strength);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* Simple Living String */
typedef struct _tSimpleLivingString {
	float freq, waveLengthInSamples;		// the frequency of the string, determining delay length
	float dampFreq;	// frequency for the bridge LP filter, in Hz
	float decay; // amplitude damping factor for the string (only active in mode 0)
	float levMode;
	float curr;
	tDelayL delayLine;
	tOnePole bridgeFilter;
	tHighpass DCblocker;
	tFBleveller fbLev;
	tExpSmooth wlSmooth;
} tSimpleLivingString;

void    tSimpleLivingString_init      (tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq, float dampFreq, float decay, float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode);
void    tSimpleLivingString_free      (tSimpleLivingString* const);
float   tSimpleLivingString_tick      (tSimpleLivingString* const, float input);
float   tSimpleLivingString_sample    (tSimpleLivingString* const);
int     tSimpleLivingString_setFreq   			(tSimpleLivingString* const, float freq);
int     tSimpleLivingString_setWaveLength		(tSimpleLivingString* const, float waveLength); // in samples
int     tSimpleLivingString_setDampFreq   		(tSimpleLivingString* const, float dampFreq);
int     tSimpleLivingString_setDecay     		(tSimpleLivingString* const, float decay); // should be near 1.0
int     tSimpleLivingString_setTargetLev		(tSimpleLivingString* const, float targetLev);
int     tSimpleLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor  (tSimpleLivingString* const, float levSmoothFactor);
int     tSimpleLivingString_setLevStrength		(tSimpleLivingString* const, float levStrength);
int     tSimpleLivingString_setLevMode		(tSimpleLivingString* const, int levMode);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* Living String */
typedef struct _tLivingString {
	float freq, waveLengthInSamples;		// the frequency of the whole string, determining delay length
	float pickPos;	// the pick position, dividing the string in two, in ratio
	float prepIndex;	// the amount of pressure on the pickpoint of the string (near 0=soft obj, near 1=hard obj)
	float dampFreq;	// frequency for the bridge LP filter, in Hz
	float decay; // amplitude damping factor for the string (only active in mode 0)
	float levMode;
	float curr;
	tDelayL delLF,delUF,delUB,delLB;	// delay for lower/upper/forward/backward part of the waveguide model
	tOnePole bridgeFilter, nutFilter, prepFilterU, prepFilterL;
	tHighpass DCblockerL, DCblockerU;
	tFBleveller fbLevU, fbLevL;
	tExpSmooth wlSmooth, ppSmooth;
} tLivingString;

void    tLivingString_init      (tLivingString* const, float freq, float pickPos, float prepIndex, float dampFreq, float decay,
												float targetLev, float levSmoothFactor, float levStrength, int levMode);
void    tLivingString_free      (tLivingString* const);
float   tLivingString_tick      (tLivingString* const, float input);
float   tLivingString_sample    (tLivingString* const);
int     tLivingString_setFreq   			(tLivingString* const, float freq);
int     tLivingString_setWaveLength			(tLivingString* const, float waveLength); // in samples
int     tLivingString_setPickPos   			(tLivingString* const, float pickPos);
int     tLivingString_setPrepIndex 			(tLivingString* const, float prepIndex);
int     tLivingString_setDampFreq   		(tLivingString* const, float dampFreq);
int     tLivingString_setDecay     			(tLivingString* const, float decay); // should be near 1.0
int     tLivingString_setTargetLev			(tLivingString* const, float targetLev);
int     tLivingString_setLevSmoothFactor  	(tLivingString* const, float levSmoothFactor);
int     tLivingString_setLevStrength		(tLivingString* const, float levStrength);
int     tLivingString_setLevMode			(tLivingString* const, int levMode);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* Compressor */
typedef struct _tCompressor
    float tauAttack, tauRelease;
    float T, R, W, M; // Threshold, compression Ratio, decibel Width of knee transition, decibel Make-up gain
    float x_G[2], y_G[2], x_T[2], y_T[2];
    oBool isActive;


void    tCompressor_init    (tCompressor* const);
void    tCompressor_free    (tCompressor* const);
float   tCompressor_tick    (tCompressor* const, float input);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* Attack-Decay envelope */
typedef struct _tEnvelope {
    const float *exp_buff;
    const float *inc_buff;
    uint32_t buff_size;
    float next;
    float attackInc, decayInc, rampInc;
    oBool inAttack, inDecay, inRamp;
    oBool loop;
    float gain, rampPeak;
    float attackPhase, decayPhase, rampPhase;
} tEnvelope;

void    tEnvelope_init      (tEnvelope* const, float attack, float decay, oBool loop);
void    tEnvelope_free      (tEnvelope* const);

float   tEnvelope_tick      (tEnvelope* const);
int     tEnvelope_setAttack (tEnvelope*  const, float attack);
int     tEnvelope_setDecay  (tEnvelope*  const, float decay);
int     tEnvelope_loop      (tEnvelope*  const, oBool loop);
int     tEnvelope_on        (tEnvelope*  const, float velocity);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* ADSR */
typedef struct _tADSR
    const float *exp_buff;
    const float *inc_buff;
    uint32_t buff_size;
    float next;
    float attackInc, decayInc, releaseInc, rampInc;
    oBool inAttack, inDecay, inSustain, inRelease, inRamp;
    float sustain, gain, rampPeak, releasePeak;
    float attackPhase, decayPhase, releasePhase, rampPhase;

} tADSR;

void    tADSR_init      (tADSR*  const, float attack, float decay, float sustain, float release);
void    tADSR_free      (tADSR*  const);

float   tADSR_tick      (tADSR*  const);
int     tADSR_setAttack (tADSR*  const, float attack);
int     tADSR_setDecay  (tADSR*  const, float decay);
int     tADSR_setSustain(tADSR*  const, float sustain);
int     tADSR_setRelease(tADSR*  const, float release);
int     tADSR_on        (tADSR*  const, float velocity);
int     tADSR_off       (tADSR*  const);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* Envelope Follower */
typedef struct _tEnvelopeFollower
    float y;
    float a_thresh;
    float d_coeff;
} tEnvelopeFollower;

void    tEnvelopeFollower_init           (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float attackThreshold, float decayCoeff);
void    tEnvelopeFollower_free           (tEnvelopeFollower*  const);

float   tEnvelopeFollower_tick           (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float x);
int     tEnvelopeFollower_decayCoeff     (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float decayCoeff);
int     tEnvelopeFollower_attackThresh   (tEnvelopeFollower*  const, float attackThresh);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

/* tAtkDtk */
#define DEFBLOCKSIZE 1024
#define DEFATTACK    10
#define DEFRELEASE    10

typedef struct _tAtkDtk
    float env;
    //Attack & Release times in msec
    int atk;
    int rel;
    //Attack & Release coefficients based on times
    float atk_coeff;
    float rel_coeff;
    int blocksize;
    int samplerate;
    //RMS amplitude of previous block - used to decide if attack is present
    float prevAmp;
    float threshold;
} tAtkDtk;

void    tAtkDtk_init            (tAtkDtk* const, int blocksize);
void    tAtkDtk_init_expanded   (tAtkDtk* const, int blocksize, int atk, int rel);
void    tAtkDtk_free            (tAtkDtk* const);

// set expected input blocksize
void    tAtkDtk_setBlocksize    (tAtkDtk* const, int size);

// change atkDetector sample rate
void    tAtkDtk_setSamplerate   (tAtkDtk* const, int inRate);

// set attack time and coeff
void    tAtkDtk_setAtk          (tAtkDtk* const, int inAtk);

// set release time and coeff
void    tAtkDtk_setRel          (tAtkDtk* const, int inRel);

// set level above which values are identified as attacks
void    tAtkDtk_setThreshold    (tAtkDtk* const, float thres);

// find largest transient in input block, return index of attack
int     tAtkDtk_detect          (tAtkDtk* const, float *in);

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

// ENV~ from PD, modified for LEAF
#define MAXOVERLAP 32
#define INITVSTAKEN 64

typedef struct _tEnv
    uint16_t x_phase;                    /* number of points since last output */
    uint16_t x_period;                   /* requested period of output */
    uint16_t x_realperiod;               /* period rounded up to vecsize multiple */
    uint16_t x_npoints;                  /* analysis window size in samples */
    float x_result;                 /* result to output */
    float x_sumbuf[MAXOVERLAP];     /* summing buffer */
    float x_f;
    uint16_t windowSize, hopSize, blockSize;
    uint16_t x_allocforvs;               /* extra buffer for DSP vector size */
} tEnv;

void    tEnv_init           (tEnv* const, int windowSize, int hopSize, int blockSize);
void    tEnv_free           (tEnv* const);
float   tEnv_tick           (tEnv* const);
void    tEnv_processBlock   (tEnv* const, float* in);

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#ifdef __cplusplus