ref: ee2f1a650e94caef7c57e3484b0c10737f59b801
dir: /src/pt2_config.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #ifndef _WIN32 #include <unistd.h> #include <limits.h> #endif #include "pt2_header.h" #include "pt2_helpers.h" #include "pt2_config.h" #include "pt2_tables.h" #include "pt2_audio.h" #include "pt2_diskop.h" #include "pt2_textout.h" #include "pt2_sampler.h" #ifndef _WIN32 static char oldCwd[PATH_MAX]; #endif config_t config; // globalized static bool loadProTrackerDotIni(FILE *f); static FILE *openPTDotConfig(void); static bool loadPTDotConfig(FILE *f); static bool loadColorsDotIni(void); void loadConfig(void) { bool proTrackerDotIniFound, ptDotConfigFound; #ifndef _WIN32 bool colorsDotIniFound; #endif FILE *f; // set default config values first config.fullScreenStretch = false; config.pattDots = false; config.waveformCenterLine = true; config.filterModel = FILTERMODEL_A1200; config.soundFrequency = 48000; config.rememberPlayMode = false; config.stereoSeparation = 20; config.videoScaleFactor = 2; config.realVuMeters = false; config.modDot = false; config.accidental = 0; // sharp config.quantizeValue = 1; config.transDel = false; config.blankZeroFlag = false; config.compoMode = false; config.soundBufferSize = 1024; config.autoCloseDiskOp = true; config.vsyncOff = false; config.hwMouse = true; config.startInFullscreen = false; config.pixelFilter = PIXELFILTER_NEAREST; config.integerScaling = true; config.audioInputFrequency = 44100; #ifndef _WIN32 getcwd(oldCwd, PATH_MAX); #endif // load protracker.ini proTrackerDotIniFound = false; #ifdef _WIN32 f = fopen("protracker.ini", "r"); if (f != NULL) proTrackerDotIniFound = true; #else // check in program directory f = fopen("protracker.ini", "r"); if (f != NULL) proTrackerDotIniFound = true; // check in ~/.protracker/ if (!proTrackerDotIniFound && changePathToHome() && chdir(".protracker") == 0) { f = fopen("protracker.ini", "r"); if (f != NULL) proTrackerDotIniFound = true; } chdir(oldCwd); #endif if (proTrackerDotIniFound) loadProTrackerDotIni(f); editor.oldTempo = editor.initialTempo; // load PT.Config (if available) ptDotConfigFound = false; #ifdef _WIN32 f = openPTDotConfig(); if (f != NULL) ptDotConfigFound = true; #else // check in program directory f = openPTDotConfig(); if (f != NULL) ptDotConfigFound = true; // check in ~/.protracker/ if (!ptDotConfigFound && changePathToHome() && chdir(".protracker") == 0) { f = openPTDotConfig(); if (f != NULL) ptDotConfigFound = true; } chdir(oldCwd); #endif if (ptDotConfigFound) loadPTDotConfig(f); if (proTrackerDotIniFound || ptDotConfigFound) editor.configFound = true; // load colors.ini (if available) #ifdef _WIN32 loadColorsDotIni(); #else // check in program directory colorsDotIniFound = loadColorsDotIni(); // check in ~/.protracker/ if (!colorsDotIniFound && changePathToHome() && chdir(".protracker") == 0) loadColorsDotIni(); #endif #ifndef _WIN32 chdir(oldCwd); #endif // use palette for generating sample data mark (invert) table createSampleMarkTable(); } static bool loadProTrackerDotIni(FILE *f) { char *configBuffer, *configLine; uint32_t configFileSize, lineLen, i; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); configFileSize = ftell(f); rewind(f); configBuffer = (char *)malloc(configFileSize + 1); if (configBuffer == NULL) { fclose(f); showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't parse protracker.ini: Out of memory!"); return false; } fread(configBuffer, 1, configFileSize, f); configBuffer[configFileSize] = '\0'; fclose(f); configLine = strtok(configBuffer, "\n"); while (configLine != NULL) { lineLen = (uint32_t)strlen(configLine); // remove CR in CRLF linefeed (if present) if (lineLen > 1) { if (configLine[lineLen-1] == '\r') { configLine[lineLen-1] = '\0'; lineLen--; } } // COMMENT OR CATEGORY if (*configLine == ';' || *configLine == '[') { configLine = strtok(NULL, "\n"); continue; } // HWMOUSE else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "HWMOUSE=", 8)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[8], "TRUE", 4)) config.hwMouse = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[8], "FALSE", 5)) config.hwMouse = false; } // VSYNCOFF else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "VSYNCOFF=", 9)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[9], "TRUE", 4)) config.vsyncOff = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[9], "FALSE", 5)) config.vsyncOff = false; } // INTEGERSCALING else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "INTEGERSCALING=", 15)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[15], "TRUE", 4)) config.integerScaling = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[15], "FALSE", 5)) config.integerScaling = false; } // FULLSCREENSTRETCH else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "FULLSCREENSTRETCH=", 18)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[18], "TRUE", 4)) config.fullScreenStretch = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[18], "FALSE", 5)) config.fullScreenStretch = false; } // HIDEDISKOPDATES else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "HIDEDISKOPDATES=", 16)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[16], "TRUE", 4)) config.hideDiskOpDates = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[16], "FALSE", 5)) config.hideDiskOpDates = false; } // AUTOCLOSEDISKOP else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "AUTOCLOSEDISKOP=", 16)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[16], "TRUE", 4)) config.autoCloseDiskOp = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[16], "FALSE", 5)) config.autoCloseDiskOp = false; } // FULLSCREEN else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "FULLSCREEN=", 11)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[11], "TRUE", 4)) config.startInFullscreen = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[11], "FALSE", 5)) config.startInFullscreen = false; } // PIXELFILTER else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "PIXELFILTER=", 12)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[12], "NEAREST", 7)) config.pixelFilter = PIXELFILTER_NEAREST; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[12], "LINEAR", 6)) config.pixelFilter = PIXELFILTER_LINEAR; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[12], "BEST", 4)) config.pixelFilter = PIXELFILTER_BEST; } // COMPOMODE else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "COMPOMODE=", 10)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[10], "TRUE", 4)) config.compoMode = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[10], "FALSE", 5)) config.compoMode = false; } // PATTDOTS else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "PATTDOTS=", 9)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[9], "TRUE", 4)) config.pattDots = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[9], "FALSE", 5)) config.pattDots = false; } // BLANKZERO else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "BLANKZERO=", 10)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[10], "TRUE", 4)) config.blankZeroFlag = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[10], "FALSE", 5)) config.blankZeroFlag = false; } // REALVUMETERS else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "REALVUMETERS=", 13)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[13], "TRUE", 4)) config.realVuMeters = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[13], "FALSE", 5)) config.realVuMeters = false; } // ACCIDENTAL else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "ACCIDENTAL=", 11)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[11], "SHARP", 4)) config.accidental = 0; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[11], "FLAT", 5)) config.accidental = 1; } // QUANTIZE else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "QUANTIZE=", 9)) { if (configLine[9] != '\0') { const int32_t num = atoi(&configLine[9]); config.quantizeValue = (int16_t)(CLAMP(num, 0, 63)); } } // TRANSDEL else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "TRANSDEL=", 9)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[9], "TRUE", 4)) config.transDel = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[9], "FALSE", 5)) config.transDel = false; } // DOTTEDCENTER else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "DOTTEDCENTER=", 13)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[13], "TRUE", 4)) config.waveformCenterLine = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[13], "FALSE", 5)) config.waveformCenterLine = false; } // MODDOT else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "MODDOT=", 7)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[7], "TRUE", 4)) config.modDot = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[7], "FALSE", 5)) config.modDot = false; } // SCALE3X (deprecated) else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "SCALE3X=", 8)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[8], "TRUE", 4)) config.videoScaleFactor = 3; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[8], "FALSE", 5)) config.videoScaleFactor = 2; } // VIDEOSCALE else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "VIDEOSCALE=", 11)) { if (lineLen >= 13 && configLine[12] == 'X' && isdigit(configLine[11])) config.videoScaleFactor = configLine[11] - '0'; } // REMEMBERPLAYMODE else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "REMEMBERPLAYMODE=", 17)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[17], "TRUE", 4)) config.rememberPlayMode = true; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[17], "FALSE", 5)) config.rememberPlayMode = false; } // DEFAULTDIR else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "DEFAULTDIR=", 11)) { if (lineLen > 11) { i = 11; while (configLine[i] == ' ') i++; // remove spaces before string (if present) while (configLine[lineLen-1] == ' ') lineLen--; // remove spaces after string (if present) lineLen -= i; if (lineLen > 0) strncpy(config.defModulesDir, &configLine[i], (lineLen > PATH_MAX) ? PATH_MAX : lineLen); } } // DEFAULTSMPDIR else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "DEFAULTSMPDIR=", 14)) { if (lineLen > 14) { i = 14; while (configLine[i] == ' ') i++; // remove spaces before string (if present) while (configLine[lineLen-1] == ' ') lineLen--; // remove spaces after string (if present) lineLen -= i; if (lineLen > 0) strncpy(config.defSamplesDir, &configLine[i], (lineLen > PATH_MAX) ? PATH_MAX : lineLen); } } // FILTERMODEL else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "FILTERMODEL=", 12)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[12], "A500", 4)) config.filterModel = FILTERMODEL_A500; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[12], "A1200", 5)) config.filterModel = FILTERMODEL_A1200; } // A500LOWPASSFILTER (deprecated, same as A4000LOWPASSFILTER) else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "A500LOWPASSFILTER=", 18)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[18], "TRUE", 4)) config.filterModel = FILTERMODEL_A500; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[18], "FALSE", 5)) config.filterModel = FILTERMODEL_A1200; } // A4000LOWPASSFILTER (deprecated) else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "A4000LOWPASSFILTER=", 19)) { if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[19], "TRUE", 4)) config.filterModel = FILTERMODEL_A500; else if (!_strnicmp(&configLine[19], "FALSE", 5)) config.filterModel = FILTERMODEL_A1200; } // SAMPLINGFREQ else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "SAMPLINGFREQ=", 13)) { if (configLine[10] != '\0') { const int32_t num = atoi(&configLine[13]); config.audioInputFrequency = CLAMP(num, 44100, 192000); } } // FREQUENCY else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "FREQUENCY=", 10)) { if (configLine[10] != '\0') { const int32_t num = atoi(&configLine[10]); config.soundFrequency = CLAMP(num, 44100, 192000); } } // BUFFERSIZE else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "BUFFERSIZE=", 11)) { if (configLine[11] != '\0') { const int32_t num = atoi(&configLine[11]); config.soundBufferSize = CLAMP(num, 128, 8192); } } // STEREOSEPARATION else if (!_strnicmp(configLine, "STEREOSEPARATION=", 17)) { if (configLine[17] != '\0') { const int32_t num = atoi(&configLine[17]); config.stereoSeparation = (int8_t)(CLAMP(num, 0, 100)); } } configLine = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } free(configBuffer); return true; } static FILE *openPTDotConfig(void) { char tmpFilename[16]; uint8_t i; FILE *f; f = fopen("PT.Config", "rb"); // PT didn't read PT.Config with no number, but let's support it if (f == NULL) { for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { sprintf(tmpFilename, "PT.Config-%02d", i); f = fopen(tmpFilename, "rb"); if (f != NULL) break; } if (i == 100) return NULL; } return f; } static bool loadPTDotConfig(FILE *f) { char cfgString[24]; uint8_t tmp8; uint16_t tmp16; int32_t i; uint32_t configFileSize; // get filesize fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); configFileSize = ftell(f); if (configFileSize != 1024) { // not a valid PT.Config file fclose(f); return false; } rewind(f); // check if file is a PT.Config file fread(cfgString, 1, 24, f); /* force version string to 2.3 so that we'll accept all versions. ** AFAIK we're only loading values that were present since 1.0, ** so it should be safe. */ cfgString[2] = '2'; cfgString[4] = '3'; if (strncmp(cfgString, "PT2.3 Configuration File", 24) != 0) { fclose(f); return false; } // Palette fseek(f, 154, SEEK_SET); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { fread(&tmp16, 2, 1, f); // stored as Big-Endian tmp16 = SWAP16(tmp16); video.palette[i] = RGB12_to_RGB24(tmp16); } // Transpose Delete (delete out of range notes on transposing) fseek(f, 174, SEEK_SET); fread(&tmp8, 1, 1, f); config.transDel = tmp8 ? true : false; config.transDel = config.transDel; // Note style (sharps/flats) fseek(f, 200, SEEK_SET); fread(&tmp8, 1, 1, f); config.accidental = tmp8 ? 1 : 0; config.accidental = config.accidental; // Multi Mode Next fseek(f, 462, SEEK_SET); fread(&editor.multiModeNext[0], 1, 1, f); fread(&editor.multiModeNext[1], 1, 1, f); fread(&editor.multiModeNext[2], 1, 1, f); fread(&editor.multiModeNext[3], 1, 1, f); // Effect Macros fseek(f, 466, SEEK_SET); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { fread(&tmp16, 2, 1, f); // stored as Big-Endian tmp16 = SWAP16(tmp16); editor.effectMacros[i] = tmp16; } // Timing Mode (CIA/VBLANK) fseek(f, 487, SEEK_SET); fread(&tmp8, 1, 1, f); editor.timingMode = tmp8 ? TEMPO_MODE_CIA : TEMPO_MODE_VBLANK; // Blank Zeroes fseek(f, 490, SEEK_SET); fread(&tmp8, 1, 1, f); config.blankZeroFlag = tmp8 ? true : false; config.blankZeroFlag = config.blankZeroFlag; // Initial Tempo (don't load if timing is set to VBLANK) if (editor.timingMode == TEMPO_MODE_CIA) { fseek(f, 497, SEEK_SET); fread(&tmp8, 1, 1, f); if (tmp8 < 32) tmp8 = 32; editor.initialTempo = tmp8; editor.oldTempo = tmp8; } // Tuning Tone Note fseek(f, 501, SEEK_SET); fread(&tmp8, 1, 1, f); if (tmp8 > 35) tmp8 = 35; editor.tuningNote = tmp8; // Tuning Tone Volume fseek(f, 503, SEEK_SET); fread(&tmp8, 1, 1, f); if (tmp8 > 64) tmp8 = 64; editor.tuningVol = tmp8; // Initial Speed fseek(f, 545, SEEK_SET); fread(&tmp8, 1, 1, f); if (editor.timingMode == TEMPO_MODE_VBLANK) { editor.initialSpeed = tmp8; } else { if (tmp8 > 0x20) tmp8 = 0x20; editor.initialSpeed = tmp8; } // VU-Meter Colors fseek(f, 546, SEEK_SET); for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) { fread(&vuMeterColors[i], 2, 1, f); // stored as Big-Endian vuMeterColors[i] = SWAP16(vuMeterColors[i]); } // Spectrum Analyzer Colors fseek(f, 642, SEEK_SET); for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) { fread(&analyzerColors[i], 2, 1, f); // stored as Big-Endian analyzerColors[i] = SWAP16(analyzerColors[i]); } fclose(f); return true; } static uint8_t hex2int(char ch) { ch = (char)toupper(ch); if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return 10 + (ch - 'A'); else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch - '0'; return 0; // not a hex } static bool loadColorsDotIni(void) { char *configBuffer, *configLine; uint16_t color; uint32_t line, fileSize, lineLen; FILE *f; f = fopen("colors.ini", "r"); if (f == NULL) return false; // get filesize fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fileSize = ftell(f); rewind(f); configBuffer = (char *)malloc(fileSize + 1); if (configBuffer == NULL) { fclose(f); showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't parse colors.ini: Out of memory!"); return false; } fread(configBuffer, 1, fileSize, f); configBuffer[fileSize] = '\0'; fclose(f); // do parsing configLine = strtok(configBuffer, "\n"); while (configLine != NULL) { lineLen = (uint32_t)strlen(configLine); // read palette if (lineLen >= (sizeof ("[Palette]")-1)) { if (!_strnicmp("[Palette]", configLine, sizeof ("[Palette]")-1)) { configLine = strtok(NULL, "\n"); line = 0; while (configLine != NULL && line < 8) { color = (hex2int(configLine[0]) << 8) | (hex2int(configLine[1]) << 4) | hex2int(configLine[2]); color &= 0xFFF; video.palette[line] = RGB12_to_RGB24(color); configLine = strtok(NULL, "\n"); line++; } } if (configLine == NULL) break; lineLen = (uint32_t)strlen(configLine); } // read VU-meter colors if (lineLen >= sizeof ("[VU-meter]")-1) { if (!_strnicmp("[VU-meter]", configLine, sizeof ("[VU-meter]")-1)) { configLine = strtok(NULL, "\n"); line = 0; while (configLine != NULL && line < 48) { color = (hex2int(configLine[0]) << 8) | (hex2int(configLine[1]) << 4) | hex2int(configLine[2]); vuMeterColors[line] = color & 0xFFF; configLine = strtok(NULL, "\n"); line++; } } if (configLine == NULL) break; lineLen = (uint32_t)strlen(configLine); } // read spectrum analyzer colors if (lineLen >= sizeof ("[SpectrumAnalyzer]")-1) { if (!_strnicmp("[SpectrumAnalyzer]", configLine, sizeof ("[SpectrumAnalyzer]")-1)) { configLine = strtok(NULL, "\n"); line = 0; while (configLine != NULL && line < 36) { color = (hex2int(configLine[0]) << 8) | (hex2int(configLine[1]) << 4) | hex2int(configLine[2]); analyzerColors[line] = color & 0xFFF; configLine = strtok(NULL, "\n"); line++; } } if (configLine == NULL) break; } configLine = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } free(configBuffer); return true; }