shithub: sox

ref: 8b3ab9b0f12e8e2e3321fe49e8269c5f61ed7a9c
dir: /amr-wb/typedefs.h/

View raw version
*      File             : typedefs.h
*      Description      : Definition of platform independent data
*                         types and constants
*      The following platform independent data types and corresponding
*      preprocessor (#define) constants are defined:
*        defined type  meaning           corresponding constants
*        ----------------------------------------------------------
*        Char          character         (none)
*        Bool          boolean           true, false
*        Word8         8-bit signed      minWord8,   maxWord8
*        UWord8        8-bit unsigned    minUWord8,  maxUWord8
*        Word16        16-bit signed     minWord16,  maxWord16
*        UWord16       16-bit unsigned   minUWord16, maxUWord16
*        Word32        32-bit signed     minWord32,  maxWord32
*        UWord32       32-bit unsigned   minUWord32, maxUWord32
*        Float         floating point    minFloat,   maxFloat
#ifndef typedefs_h
#define typedefs_h "$Id $"

*                         INCLUDE FILES
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>

*                         DEFINITION OF CONSTANTS 
 ********* define char type
typedef char Char;

 ********* define 8 bit signed/unsigned types & constants
#if SCHAR_MAX == 127
typedef signed char Word8;
#define minWord8  SCHAR_MIN
#define maxWord8  SCHAR_MAX

typedef unsigned char UWord8;
#define minUWord8 0
#define maxUWord8 UCHAR_MAX
#error cannot find 8-bit type

 ********* define 16 bit signed/unsigned types & constants
#if INT_MAX == 32767
typedef int Word16;
#define minWord16     INT_MIN
#define maxWord16     INT_MAX
typedef unsigned int UWord16;
#define minUWord16    0
#define maxUWord16    UINT_MAX
#elif SHRT_MAX == 32767
typedef short Word16;
#define minWord16     SHRT_MIN
#define maxWord16     SHRT_MAX
typedef unsigned short UWord16;
#define minUWord16    0
#define maxUWord16    USHRT_MAX
#error cannot find 16-bit type

 ********* define 32 bit signed/unsigned types & constants
#if INT_MAX == 2147483647
typedef int Word32;
#define minWord32     INT_MIN
#define maxWord32     INT_MAX
typedef unsigned int UWord32;
#define minUWord32    0
#define maxUWord32    UINT_MAX
#elif LONG_MAX == 2147483647
typedef long Word32;
#define minWord32     LONG_MIN
#define maxWord32     LONG_MAX
typedef unsigned long UWord32;
#define minUWord32    0
#define maxUWord32    ULONG_MAX
#error cannot find 32-bit type

 ********* define floating point type & constants
/* use "#if 0" below if Float should be double;
   use "#if 1" below if Float should be float
#if 0
typedef float Float;
#define maxFloat      FLT_MAX
#define minFloat      FLT_MIN
typedef double Float;
#define maxFloat      DBL_MAX
#define minFloat      DBL_MIN

 ********* define complex type
typedef struct {
  Float r;  /* real      part */
  Float i;  /* imaginary part */
} CPX;

 ********* define boolean type
typedef int Bool;
#define false 0
#define true 1
