ref: 9dd22e5ec99577e56bf5225a121e3d78e72ef790
dir: /src/tests.bat/
@echo off rem Test script for sox under DOS derived from This should rem run without core-dumping or printing any error messages. set file=monkey rem verbose options rem set noise=-V del out.raw del out2.raw del in.raw cls echo on .\sox %noise% %file%.voc ub.raw .\sox %noise% -t raw -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub.raw -r 8196 -s -b sb.raw .\sox %noise% -t raw -r 8196 -s -b -c 1 sb.raw -r 8196 -u -b ub2.raw .\sox %noise% -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub2.raw -r 8196 ub2.voc @echo off echo. dir ub.raw dir ub2.raw echo. echo The two filesizes above should be the same. pause echo. echo. echo Skip checksum and rate byte. DOS isn't good at this, so just use a echo rough test. echo. dir %file%.voc dir ub2.voc echo. echo The two filesizes above should be the same. pause cls del ub.raw del sb.raw del ub2.raw del ub2.voc echo on .\sox %noise% -u -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw .\sox %noise% -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw -U -b .\sox %noise% -u ub2.raw .\sox %noise% -w ub2.sf @echo off del ub.raw del del ub2.raw rem del ub.sf echo on .\sox %noise% ub2.sf ub2.aif .\sox %noise% ub2.aif ub3.sf @echo off echo Skip comment field containing different filenames. Again, DOS sucks. echo. dir ub2.sf dir ub3.sf echo. echo The two filesizes above should be the same. pause cls del ub2.sf del ub2.aif del ub3.sf set file= set noise=