ref: 4d45ea5bf2294d92612170c79ad75399cf7bf377
dir: /icons/icons.cmake/
if(NOT build_icons) # This entire subdirectory does nothing on platforms where we can't # build the icons in any case. return() endif() include(FindPerl) if(NOT PERL_EXECUTABLE) message(WARNING "Puzzle icons cannot be rebuilt (did not find Perl)") set(build_icons FALSE) return() endif() find_program(CONVERT convert) find_program(IDENTIFY identify) if(NOT CONVERT OR NOT IDENTIFY) message(WARNING "Puzzle icons cannot be rebuilt (did not find ImageMagick)") set(build_icons FALSE) return() endif() # For puzzles which have animated moves, it's nice to show the sample # image part way through the animation of a move. This setting will # cause a 'redo' action immediately after loading the save file, # causing the first undone move in the undo chain to be redone, and # then it will stop this far through the move animation to take the # screenshot. set(cube_redo 0.15) set(fifteen_redo 0.3) set(flip_redo 0.3) set(netslide_redo 0.3) set(sixteen_redo 0.3) set(twiddle_redo 0.3) # For many puzzles, we'd prefer that the icon zooms in on a couple of # squares of the playing area rather than trying to show the whole of # a game. These settings configure that. Each one indicates the # expected full size of the screenshot image, followed by the area we # want to crop to. # # (The expected full size is a safety precaution: if a puzzle changes # its default display size, then that won't match, and we'll get a # build error here rather than silently continuing to take the wrong # subrectangle of the resized puzzle display.) set(blackbox_crop 352x352 144x144+0+208) set(bridges_crop 264x264 107x107+157+157) set(dominosa_crop 304x272 152x152+152+0) set(fifteen_crop 240x240 120x120+0+120) set(filling_crop 256x256 133x133+14+78) set(flip_crop 288x288 145x145+120+72) set(galaxies_crop 288x288 165x165+0+0) set(guess_crop 263x420 178x178+75+17) set(inertia_crop 321x321 128x128+193+0) set(keen_crop 288x288 96x96+24+120) set(lightup_crop 256x256 112x112+144+0) set(loopy_crop 257x257 113x113+0+0) set(magnets_crop 264x232 96x96+36+100) set(mines_crop 240x240 110x110+130+130) set(mosaic_crop 288x288 97x97+142+78) set(net_crop 193x193 113x113+0+80) set(netslide_crop 289x289 144x144+0+0) set(palisade_crop 288x288 192x192+0+0) set(pattern_crop 384x384 223x223+0+0) set(pearl_crop 216x216 94x94+108+15) set(pegs_crop 263x263 147x147+116+0) set(range_crop 256x256 98x98+111+15) set(rect_crop 205x205 115x115+90+0) set(signpost_crop 240x240 98x98+23+23) set(singles_crop 224x224 98x98+15+15) set(sixteen_crop 288x288 144x144+144+144) set(slant_crop 321x321 160x160+160+160) set(solo_crop 481x481 145x145+24+24) set(tents_crop 320x320 165x165+142+0) set(towers_crop 300x300 102x102+151+6) set(tracks_crop 246x246 118x118+6+6) set(twiddle_crop 192x192 102x102+69+21) set(undead_crop 416x480 192x192+16+80) set(unequal_crop 208x208 104x104+104+104) set(untangle_crop 320x320 164x164+3+116) add_custom_target(icons) # All sizes of icon we make for any purpose. set(all_icon_sizes 128 96 88 64 48 44 32 24 16) # Sizes of icon we put into the Windows .ico files. set(win_icon_sizes 48 32 16) # Border thickness for each icon size. set(border_128 8) set(border_96 4) set(border_88 4) set(border_64 4) set(border_48 4) set(border_44 4) set(border_32 2) set(border_24 1) set(border_16 1) set(icon_srcdir ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/icons) set(icon_bindir ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/icons) # We'll need to point $SGT_PUZZLES_DIR at an empty directory, to avoid # the icons reflecting the building user's display preferences. set(empty_config_dir ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/icons/config) function(build_icon name) set(output_icon_files) # Compile the GTK puzzle binary without an icon, so that we can run # it to generate a screenshot to make the icon out of. add_executable(${NAME}-icon-maker ${NAME}.c ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/no-icon.c) target_link_libraries(${NAME}-icon-maker common ${platform_gui_libs} ${platform_libs}) set_target_properties(${NAME}-icon-maker PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${icon_bindir}) # Now run that binary to generate a screenshot of the puzzle in # play, which will be the base image we make everything else out # out. if(DEFINED ${name}_redo) set(redo_arg --redo ${${name}_redo}) else() set(redo_arg) endif() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-base.png COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${empty_config_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 SGT_PUZZLES_DIR=${empty_config_dir} ${icon_bindir}/${name}-icon-maker ${redo_arg} --screenshot ${icon_bindir}/${name}-base.png --load ${icon_srcdir}/${name}.sav DEPENDS ${name}-icon-maker ${icon_srcdir}/${name}.sav) # Shrink it to a fixed-size square image for the web page, # trimming boring border parts of the original image in the # process. Done by add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-web.png COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${icon_srcdir}/ ${CONVERT} 150 5 ${icon_bindir}/${name}-base.png ${icon_bindir}/${name}-web.png DEPENDS ${icon_srcdir}/ ${icon_bindir}/${name}-base.png) list(APPEND output_icon_files ${icon_bindir}/${name}-web.png) # Shrink differently to an oblong for the KaiStore marketing # banner. This is dimmed behind the name of the application, so put # it at a jaunty angle to avoid unfortunate interactions with the # text. add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-banner.jpg COMMAND ${CONVERT} ${icon_bindir}/${name}-base.png -crop 1:1+0+0 -rotate -10 +repage -shave 13% -resize 240 -crop x130+0+0 ${icon_bindir}/${name}-banner.jpg DEPENDS ${icon_bindir}/${name}-base.png) list(APPEND output_icon_files ${icon_bindir}/${name}-banner.jpg) # Make the base image for all the icons, by cropping out the most # interesting part of the whole screenshot. add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase.png COMMAND ${icon_srcdir}/ ${IDENTIFY} ${CONVERT} ${icon_bindir}/${name}-base.png ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase.png ${${name}_crop} DEPENDS ${icon_srcdir}/ ${icon_bindir}/${name}-base.png) # Coerce that base image down to colour depth of 4 bits, using the # fixed 16-colour Windows palette. We do this before shrinking the # image, because I've found that gives better results than just # doing it after. add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase4.png COMMAND ${CONVERT} -colors 16 +dither -set colorspace RGB -map ${icon_srcdir}/win16pal.xpm ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase.png ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase4.png DEPENDS ${icon_srcdir}/win16pal.xpm ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase.png) foreach(size ${all_icon_sizes}) # Make a 24-bit icon image at each size, by shrinking the base # icon image. add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d24.png COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${icon_srcdir}/ ${CONVERT} ${size} ${border_${size}} ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase.png ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d24.png DEPENDS ${icon_srcdir}/ ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase.png) list(APPEND output_icon_files ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d24.png) # And reduce the colour depth of that one to make an 8-bit # version. add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d8.png COMMAND ${CONVERT} -colors 256 ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d24.png ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d8.png DEPENDS ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d24.png) list(APPEND output_icon_files ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d8.png) endforeach() foreach(size ${win_icon_sizes}) # 4-bit icons are only needed for Windows. We make each one by # first shrinking the large 4-bit image we made above ... add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d4pre.png COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${icon_srcdir}/ ${CONVERT} ${size} ${border_${size}} ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase4.png ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d4pre.png DEPENDS ${icon_srcdir}/ ${icon_bindir}/${name}-ibase4.png) # ... and then re-coercing the output back to 16 colours, since # that shrink operation will have introduced intermediate colour # values again. add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d4.png COMMAND ${CONVERT} -colors 16 +dither -set colorspace RGB -map ${icon_srcdir}/win16pal.xpm ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d4pre.png ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d4.png DEPENDS ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d4pre.png) list(APPEND output_icon_files ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d4.png) endforeach() # Make the Windows icon. set(icon_pl_args) set(icon_pl_deps) foreach(depth 24 8 4) list(APPEND icon_pl_args -${depth}) foreach(size ${win_icon_sizes}) list(APPEND icon_pl_args ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d${depth}.png) list(APPEND icon_pl_deps ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d${depth}.png) endforeach() endforeach() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}.ico COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${icon_srcdir}/ --convert=${CONVERT} ${icon_pl_args} > ${icon_bindir}/${name}.ico DEPENDS ${icon_srcdir}/ ${icon_pl_deps}) list(APPEND output_icon_files ${icon_bindir}/${name}.ico) # Make a C source file containing XPMs of all the 24-bit images. set(cicon_pl_infiles) foreach(size ${all_icon_sizes}) list(APPEND cicon_pl_infiles ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}d24.png) endforeach() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-icon.c COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${icon_srcdir}/ ${CONVERT} ${cicon_pl_infiles} > ${icon_bindir}/${name}-icon.c DEPENDS ${icon_srcdir}/ ${cicon_pl_infiles}) list(APPEND output_icon_files ${icon_bindir}/${name}-icon.c) # Make the KaiOS icons, which have rounded corners and shadows # foreach(size 56 112) math(EXPR srciconsize "${size} * 44 / 56") math(EXPR borderwidth "(${size} - ${srciconsize}) / 2") math(EXPR cornerradius "${size} * 5 / 56") math(EXPR sizeminusone "${srciconsize} - 1") math(EXPR shadowspread "${size} * 4 / 56") math(EXPR shadowoffset "${size} * 2 / 56") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}kai.png COMMAND ${CONVERT} ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${srciconsize}d24.png -alpha Opaque "\\(" -size ${srciconsize}x${srciconsize} -depth 8 canvas:none -draw "roundRectangle 0,0,${sizeminusone},${sizeminusone},${cornerradius},${cornerradius}" "\\)" -compose dst-in -composite -compose over -bordercolor transparent -border ${borderwidth} "\\(" +clone -background black -shadow 30x${shadowspread}+0+${shadowoffset} "\\)" +swap -background none -flatten -crop '${size}x${size}+0+0!' -depth 8 ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}kai.png DEPENDS ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${srciconsize}d24.png) list(APPEND output_icon_files ${icon_bindir}/${name}-${size}kai.png) endforeach() add_custom_target(${name}-icons DEPENDS ${output_icon_files}) add_dependencies(icons ${name}-icons) endfunction()