ref: 083121b7a0857569d6562aa563055c19c9e2cece
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(* Martian Scheme Copyright 2020, McKay Marston This is a project for me to 1) Get more familiar with OCaml. 2) Try to provide a natively supported r7rs-small scheme for Plan9. It is heavily inspired by s9fes (, and the make a lisp project ( - thanks for the fantastic implementation!) *) module T = Types.Types let repl_env = Env.make (Some Core.base) let synext_literals = T.String "syntax literals" let synext_transformers = T.String "syntax transformers" let rec quasiquote ast = match ast with | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "unquote" }; ast ] } -> ast | T.Vector { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "unquote" }; ast ] } -> ast | T.List { T.value = T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "unquote-splicing" }; head ] } :: tail } | T.Vector { T.value = T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "unquote-splicing" }; head ] } :: tail } -> Types.list [ Types.symbol "concat"; head; quasiquote (Types.list tail) ] | T.List { T.value = head :: tail } | T.Vector { T.value = head :: tail } -> Types.list [ Types.symbol "cons"; quasiquote head; quasiquote (Types.list tail) ] | ast -> Types.list [ Types.symbol "quote"; ast ] ;; let is_macro_call ast env = match ast with | T.List { T.value = s :: args } -> (match try Env.get env s with | _ -> T.Nil with | T.Proc { T.meta = T.Map { T.value = meta } } -> Types.M9map.mem Core.kw_macro meta && Types.to_bool (Types.M9map.find Core.kw_macro meta) | T.List { T.value = macro } -> (match macro with | kw :: _ -> kw = Types.symbol "syntax-rules" | _ -> false) | _ -> false) | _ -> false ;; let eval_macro sym args macro env = (match macro with | _ :: literals :: groups -> let sgroups = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "(_") ("(" ^ Printer.print sym true) (Printer.dump groups) in print_endline ("BLARGH: " ^ sgroups); print_endline ("TOKENIZED: " ^ String.concat " " (Reader.tokenize ("(" ^ sgroups ^ ")"))); let list_reader = Reader.read_list ")" {list_form = []; tokens = (Reader.tokenize (sgroups ^ ")")) } in let slist = Types.list list_reader.list_form in print_endline ("BLAAAARGH: " ^ Printer.print slist true) | _ -> ()); let smacro = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "(_") ("(" ^ Printer.print sym true) (Printer.dump macro) in print_endline ("eval_macro: sym:" ^ Printer.print sym true ^ " args:" ^ Printer.dump args ^ " straight macro: " ^ Printer.dump macro ^ " subbed macro:" ^ smacro); (* let sub_env = Env.make (Some env) in *) match smacro with | T.List { T.value = transformer } -> print_endline (" TRANSFORMER: " ^ Printer.dump transformer) | _ -> () ;; let rec macroexpand ast env = if is_macro_call ast env then ( print_endline (" YES!: " ^ Printer.print ast true); match ast with | T.List { T.value = s :: args } -> print_endline ("macroexpand macro symbol: " ^ Printer.print s true ^ " args: " ^ Printer.dump args); (match try Env.get env s with | _ -> T.Nil with | T.Proc { T.value = f } -> macroexpand (f args) env | T.List { T.value = macro } -> eval_macro s args macro env; ast | _ -> ast) | _ -> ast) else ast ;; let rec eval_ast ast env = match ast with | T.Symbol s -> Env.get env ast | T.List { T.value = xs; T.meta } -> T.List { T.value = (fun x -> eval x env) xs; T.meta } | T.Vector { T.value = xs; T.meta } -> T.Vector { T.value = (fun x -> eval x env) xs; T.meta } | _ -> ast and eval ast env = match macroexpand ast env with | T.List { T.value = [] } -> ast (* Can this be replaced with a define-syntax thing? *) | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "define" }; T.List { T.value = arg_list }; body ] } -> let sym = List.hd arg_list in let rest = arg_list in let func = eval ( ("(lambda (" ^ String.concat " " ( (fun x -> Printer.print x false) rest) ^ ") " ^ Printer.print body true ^ ")")) env in Env.set env sym func; func | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "define" }; key; expr ] } -> let value = eval expr env in Env.set env key value; value | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "define-syntax" } ; keyword ; T.List { T.value = transformer } ] } -> print_endline ("define-syntax: " ^ Printer.print keyword true); print_endline (" transformer: " ^ Printer.dump transformer); let macro = Types.list transformer in Env.set env keyword macro; macro | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "lambda" }; T.Vector { T.value = arg_names }; expr ] } | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "lambda" }; T.List { T.value = arg_names }; expr ] } -> Types.proc (function args -> let sub_env = Env.make (Some env) in let rec bind_args a b = match a, b with | [ T.Symbol { T.value = "." }; name ], args -> Env.set sub_env name (Types.list args) | name :: names, arg :: args -> Env.set sub_env name arg; bind_args names args | [], [] -> () | _ -> raise (Reader.Syntax_error "wrong parameter count for lambda") in bind_args arg_names args; eval expr sub_env) (* Can these be replace with define-syntax stuff? *) | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "let" }; T.Vector { T.value = bindings }; body ] } | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "let" }; T.List { T.value = bindings }; body ] } -> let sub_env = Env.make (Some env) in let rec bind_pairs = function | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = sym }; expr ] } :: more -> let value = eval expr env in Env.set env (Types.symbol sym) value; bind_pairs more | _ -> () in bind_pairs bindings; eval body sub_env | T.List { T.value = T.Symbol { T.value = "begin" } :: body } -> List.fold_left (fun x expr -> eval expr env) T.Nil body | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "if" }; cond; then_expr; else_expr ] } -> if Types.to_bool (eval cond env) then eval then_expr env else eval else_expr env | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "if" }; cond; then_expr ] } -> if Types.to_bool (eval cond env) then eval then_expr env else T.Nil | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "quote" }; ast ] } -> ast | T.List { T.value = [ T.Symbol { T.value = "quasiquote" }; ast ] } -> eval (quasiquote ast) env | T.List _ -> (match eval_ast ast env with | T.List { T.value = T.Proc { T.value = f } :: args } -> f args | _ as x -> raise (Reader.Syntax_error ("'" ^ Printer.print x true ^ "' not a function"))) | _ -> eval_ast ast env ;; let nameplate = "Martian9 Scheme v0.1" let read str = str let print exp = Printer.print exp true let rep str env = print (eval (read str) env) let rec main = try Core.init Core.base; Env.set repl_env (Types.symbol "eval") (Types.proc (function | [ ast ] -> eval ast repl_env | _ -> T.Nil)); ignore (rep "(define load-file (lambda (f) (eval (read-string (string \"(begin \" (slurp f) \ \")\")))))" repl_env); if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then print_endline (rep ("(load-file \"" ^ Sys.argv.(1) ^ "\")") repl_env) else ( print_endline nameplate; while true do print_string "m9> "; let line = read_line () in try print_endline (rep line repl_env) with | End_of_file -> () | Invalid_argument x -> output_string stderr ("Invalid argument: " ^ x ^ "\n"); flush stderr done) with | End_of_file -> () ;;